December 08, 2005 | 03:11PM PST/PT
Senior Marketplace Policy Manger Brian Burke
Hi... I'm Brian Burke, Senior Marketplace Policy Manager for Feedback.
Last month we launched a change to the feedback system that requires members who have 10 or less feedback to complete a brief tutorial before leaving their first neutral or negative feedback At that time, I also announced that this month we will begin removing feedback ratings left by buyers who don't respond to the Unpaid Item claim process on eBay. This change is now live.
Beginning today, we will automatically remove feedback ratings left by buyers who do not respond to the Unpaid Item process on eBay. This means the rating (whether positive, neutral or negative) will no longer affect the recipient's feedback score, although the feedback comment itself will remain. An administrative note from eBay will be added to the comment, indicating that the feedback rating was removed because the member did not participate in the Unpaid Item process on eBay. This is a global change and will affect all eBay sites.
The new policy only applies to unpaid item claims filed on or after Monday, December 5th (except for those that were filed on or after December 5th and were closed before the change was fully implemented on December 8th). Eligibility is based on the Unpaid Item filing date, not when the feedback was left.
This change, as well as the other recent enhancements we've made, ensures that the feedback system continues to be a credible measure of trust. To comment on any of the recent changes, please visit the Feedback discussion board and always remember to read the Announcement Board for any future changes we may make to the feedback system.
Brian Burke
Senior Manager, Marketplace Policy