Chris, I leave feedback at the end of a transaction when the customer expresses satisfaction. I started out leaving feedback immediately after payment... switched to leaving feedback after the buyer left feedback.... switched back for a three month period... now I've switched back again.
Too many buyers use feedback the wrong way. If USPS is slow this week - neg the seller. Package tied up in Customs - neg the seller. Didn't read the whole auction description so the product is not what they imagined - neg the seller. Received a reminder for payment from the seller - neg the seller.
I'm not sure the use of the word "blackmail" is even remotely accurate. eBay suggests feedback be left by both parties at the conclusion of the transaction. Where does blackmail enter into it? Payment by the buyer doesn't even come close to the end for most sellers. There is still that period of time before the buyer receives his or her widget that so much can, and sometimes does, go wrong.
For example, I shipped an item two weeks ago by small packet to Hawaii. My emails are clear as to the time frame involved for delivery to the islands. Last night I receive an email from the buyer demanding to know where their item is and that I had better respond within 24 hours or face negative feedback. How do you respond to a buyer with that attitude? My response was that I had previously emailed the shipping time frame and that a review of our previous emails would reveal that he still needed to be patient. I also pointed out the I am always happy to respond to emailed questions but that I have an allergic reaction to feedback threats so his were not appreciated. I pointed out that after 3 years on eBay I was not going to toss a part of my livelihood away by attempting to steal his $16. I also asked that we keep our emails business like as it would be unfortunate for us to both get a neg over miscommunication. Today I received a one word apology from him. Moral of the story... maybe my words had an impact or maybe it was the idea that our transaction could be reduced to a couple of negs that caused him to rethink - and you know what? Who cares?
Feedback is a personal thing. If you feel comfortable leaving feedback the moment a buyer closes your auction - go for it. If you prefer to leave glowing feedback the moment the coins hit your Paypal account - more power to you. Some of us prefer to leave feedback until the end of a transaction and that should be no less a valid opinion.
There are probably as many valid negs left by sellers for poor buyers as there are negs left by buyers for poor sellers but tainting a valid opinion with a word like "blackmail" seems a little harsh, doesn't it?