duujogl- THANK YOU!
I know I can look this up- and find the correct citation-
HOWEVER- to be expeditious- George Santayana I think said...
"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it."
(or as close as I can remember)
So many people here believe that everyone posting here is so aware of the past history on this on this board, that nothing need ever be repeated.
Then there those who think it's OK- but only in moderation.
Many POWER SELLERS are NEW, or RETURNING- and don't have the time to go back and look at all those past postings.
Yes- sometimes it may seem we hear the same story over, and over again- but to the person who is the OP, or contributor- it may be a totally NEW, and an eye opening experience. So many people, present company excepted, are far too eager to put others down.
And- you're right, why should I or anyone else care what some of these people think. Being human, seeking acceptance is a fact of life.
I think after 5000+ transactions under my belt, I know a little something about how eBay works.
In looking back- I have found an item I posted in APRIL of 2005, here on the POWER SELLER boards.
So- I have been around for a while- just not spending much time playing here in the Discussion Forum.
There are bullies in every sandbox. And this place is no exception. Reality is, bullies also have their problems, and being sympathetic at times is the way to go. So ignoring some of them is the way to go!
Everyone has a bad day now and then. It's just that some people do not understand how fragile some other people really are- and the internet gives some of these same people a very inflated view of themselves- and this is, at times mistakingly, transfered to the recipient.
If I have tried to get one point across- in multiple threads- STOP trying to seek eBay's, or your buyer's acceptance. Just because eBay invents/creates some silly things, some people will continually jump up and down trying to conform- and some will possibly excell. HOWEVER, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, regardless of ALL the things you do right- you can still get dissed by a buyer.
GET OVER IT PEOPLE !!!!! Stop chasing a HIGHER DSR by losing money on shipping- no matter how many times eBay tells you this is a good idea. OFFER FREE SHIPPING- GET A HIGHER DSR- WHERE IS THE EMPIRICAL PROOF? WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE ?? I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY !!!
REMEMBER- it all started with those cute little coloured STARS next to our names!
We are not in kindergarten. Unfortunately, eBay/PayPal, et al, continually treat us as if we were.