How are sales????

I was just wondering how the rest of you are doing at this "supposed" busy time of year. I posted 108 items on tuesday and have not sold 1. Last year this time my sales were great. Anyone else noticing a difference this year?
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How are sales????

Its a little bit slower but I guess it will start to pick up soon.
Message 2 of 32
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How are sales????

Over the past 5 years I've been selling on eBay my records always show January, February and March to be the best selling months.

I don't know whether its people getting their tax returns and spending it or whether its the cold weather outside keeping them inside and bored making them go to eBay for entertainment.

Over the last 2 Christmases I have reduced auction sales mainly because of a large increase in competition. Generally auction sales for me go from a 60% success rate to less than 20% at Christmas time. Barely enough to pay for re-stocking the merchandise and the eBay fees.

I am quite sure that sales will increase as we get closer to December but sellers should be mindful of possible winter shipping delays and plan their auctions with room for shipping errors.
Message 3 of 32
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How are sales????

very slow in the last two weeks, but seemed picked up a little bit this long weekend. Hoping christmas would be good
Message 4 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
I too have my best sales from January thru May. I think it depends on your product line. Things have been pretty steady but I haven't seen and Christmas increase yet.


Message 5 of 32
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How are sales????

It's been slow for the last several months, number of bids are way down. Last year was a lot better, the year before was the best. No idea why.
Richmond, BC
Message 6 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
Sales are sad on ebay - this year is really seeing a turn for the worst.

WAY down from last year - many sellers are selling at a loss or 5% - waste of time. Won't continue much longer.
Message 7 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
Cause everyone is a seller now - they have flooded all categories and markets and now nothing is moving or you can't make a profit- it is doomsday for ebay if this continues.
Words out.
Message 8 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
I agree 1dealsavers. I am sure there are still "buyers only" out there but since there are so many listings, you have less of a chance of that buyer choosing your item.
Just out of curiosity: How many purchases do we, as sellers make a month? I buy about 2 items a month, so I am not exactly a high volume purchaser myself.
Those who are sellers (which is pretty much everyone these days) are spending their e-bay time listing their own products and tending to their business. Basically they just don't have the time to shop.

Message 9 of 32
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How are sales????

Hate to rain on everyone's parade....

Sales have been very good over the last 4 - 6 months, lots of buyers and prices are higher than ever (well not higher than in 1999/2000).

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 10 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
Ok - so ONE guy has higher sales - I have spoken to 12 in the last 4 days in multiple categories on the US and Canadian boards that say sales are NON EXISTENT - can't all be wrong - so the parade is real and in full swing.
Message 11 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
Truth is - everyoen is doing IT now - which means the end is nigh. Once everyone catches opn to something its days are numbered.
Ebay is nothing but copycat sellers now with few making the money of the last few years - all selling the same item - but for a LOSS.
Message 12 of 32
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How are sales????

I do usually have great after Christmas sales also and have always been surprised by it. I normally deal in vintage toys and dolls but at Christmas focus on new toys and last year did amazing. Yes, it is definite that everyone is a dealer these days and for those who garage sale, I'm sure it is very noticeable. It was just a matter of time and it was fun while it lasted. I also do toy and doll shows and my sales at the shows are less than half of what they were a couple of years ago. One reason is because alot of people just bring their Ebay "rejects" to sell and save the good stuff for Ebay. Looking at My Ebay, I have 197 sold items and 197 unsold items in the last 60 days.
Message 13 of 32
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How are sales????

Ebay is nothing but copycat sellers now with few making the money of the last few years - all selling the same item - but for a LOSS.

Sorry but you are wrong, it's NOT "nothing but" it's overloaded with such sellers who don't/can't make any money, they will go away eventually to be replaced with more of the same. At the same time, a large number of sellers (tens of thousands) who have unique products offering good value will continue to work hard and earn a decent living on eBay.

It's not eBay's fault that some people think that selling on eBay is the quick path to easy money. It's no different than out there in the bricks & mortar world of retail. If you can't distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack AND maintain your profit margins you will lose out in the end.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 14 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
Sales are way up, highest they have been since we have been on Ebay (2 years). Actually Oct was our best month yet, over $15,000CA in sales. Not bad for something we do a couple of hours each evening. When all fees are paid we are looking at a 20%+ margin, so were happier then Pigs in , well you know.

catalyst copy
Message 15 of 32
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How are sales????

my sales are down no doubt about it. I'd say 40-50% a week from earlier this year. And looking at the dozens of sellers I've got bookmarked in my favourites who are selling the same kind of stuff (vinyl) it seems the same across the board. it's a funny thing about those few who keep crowing how great they're doing right now is that if you look at their closed items over a week, two week or 1 month period (which is very easy to do in search) their purported GREAT sales don't seem to add up - but maybe their definition of 'great' is just a wee bit different from mine. 😉 Gail
Message 16 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
I have been selling on eBay for about 6 years, and my sales have always been in the 60-70% range of items listed (usually about 100 items a week). The last year or so this has dropped to about 50-60%, but what is more disconcerting to me is the fact that I can no longer sell items anywhere near their actual value. I sell new and used clothing, and a few years ago, if I listed a jacket by THE NORTH FACE, as an example, I could expect to get $50.00+ for it. Now such an item will likely receive bids up to about $20-25 and the bids stop. I sell authentic Armani, Zegna, Coach leather products, Prada, etc. for under $25.00. I think it is time to call it a day with eBay!
Message 17 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
Hi, A little off the subject but I'm wondering how many of you have tried to get by without gallery pics due to high cost, and how it has worked out. We find sales slow but for some reason pick up at the last minute - but very few things getting a lot of bidders. Do you think ebay just saturated with items and so many choices? Sorry, two questions, Evelynn
Message 18 of 32
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How are sales????

Gallery.....I've never used except in very unusual listings but it's effectiveness is very much tied to the type of item, personally I want them to click through to the listing page to get a look but that probably wouldn't work well in clothing.

eBay "saturated"? it certainly is, the last thing I looked for (NOT an everyday item) brought up 4 pages of matches, maybe half were close enough to actually look at, I checked a few and then said to myself..."way too much here, I'll check this out some other time" I was also sort of thinking that considering the number of matches there was a good chance if I sat back and waited I could probably snag a bargain.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 19 of 32
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How are sales????

Community Member
I sell my original art on ebay and have been fortunate to have had a good last few months but I had to comment on the "copycat" sellers you were talking about. The art category is SWAMPED with bad art, it seems everyone and their brother has decided they are artists and want to make a quick buck. There is work listed for absolutely ridiculous prices-$1, $2, $3 etc. and it is really hard to find the good art without searching for hour upon hour. It does get frustrating and I think gives good ebay artists a bad name but hopefully these folk won't be around forever! Cheers! Tracy
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