How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

I saw a story on a toronto woman on the news tonight and it was talking about her Ebay career blah blah blah and then something caught my attention. The news reported stated that she was on of just a few Canadian Ebay sellers at the Silver powerseller level.

Zaaa? Only a few? Am I that priveledged??

If you're silver, drop a note on here, I want to see how many there really are out there! I thought there would be a bunch!!

Hope :O)
Message 1 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
I was silver last Christmas but downgraded last Spring when I was too busy to keep up with selling on eBay as I had other contractual obligations.

In fact I received a warning that I was about to loose my bronze status this fall as I had really put very little time into eBay due to other committments which was t have had me out of town for a couple of months.

It took me less than 2 weeks to kick start my business back up again.

I will probably get an eBay notice in January that I am being upgraded again to silver as my sales for the last 2 months have averaged over $7,000 per month (about $5,700 over the last 3 months).

Sales mean alot to eBay as that is where their fees come from.

Profit is what I am after and being a Silver Power Seller didnt do anything for me business wise, spiritually, emotionally or in terms of getting much better eBay support.

Customers arent aware of your status as a Silver unless you tell them and ultimately it means little to them.

I dont mean to demean the level as I would prefer to be a silver than a bronze and would sooner be a gold than a silver only because it reflects a sales level that would be nice to produce every month on a consistent basis.

It doesnt say that we are better at selling, nor that we satisfy our customers more. It simply says we sell over a certain dollar figure and we are suppposed to get a few more service perks because we put a few more dollars into eBay's pockets, enough to justify talking to a real person instead of receiving a computer generated email response to our email.

There are Power Sellers that sell two cars per month. So with a monthly customer base of 2 and lets say $2,500 per car, with both customers giving positive FB, these PSers could easily be Silver.

What does that say about them compared to someone else selling to 1,000 customers per month items for $4 each and receiving 100% positive FB who doesnt get the Silver recognition?

Who would likely need more eBay support for what they do?
Who puts more money into eBay's pockets each month?

Message 2 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
just got silver last month. Not sure it means a whole lot though.

Message 3 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Was silver during 2002 when I was selling for someone else.

Main advantage is you have a private number with ebay that gives you phone support during business hours. When needed, it sure does make being a silver ps worth something.
Message 4 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
Hey there - it's me - "The Toronto woman".

Just pointing out it was their big mouth not mine.

Have a wonderful Christmas!
Message 5 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
I am sure theere are tons of silvers!
Message 6 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

I was "promoted" to silver status a couple of weeks ago and will probably lose it after Christmas when my sales decrease a bit. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted! Merry Christmas!
Message 7 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
I used to be silver, have been bronze for a while, but am sure to be booted out any time now as I've not been selling or doing any ebaying for a while now. Between the Canadian dollar, new rules coming and a general lack of interest on my part, I'm soon going to be out on my butt. ;o)
Message 8 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Silver under this one and Gold under discountretailsupplies
Message 9 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
Hey Biddie -- you didn't warn anyone that you were going to be on the telly! Was it broadcase nationwide or was it on a local show? Anyhow, I missed it out here on the left coast.

As far as PS level, I'm lucky to hold at bronze -- I'm one of those who sells low-ticket items so I have to list a lot every week to maintain my status. And frankly, the only reason I care about it is that I would miss this board and, I admit it, I'd miss the US PS board as well.



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Message 10 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
Sheeesh -- broadcast (not broadcase!)

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Message 11 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member

Isnt that what you ladies call a purse?

Message 12 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
No -- that's what husbands call a purse when they're asking you to carry 10 things that won't fit in their stupid pocket!


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Message 13 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
I've been working on silver for about a year. I hover around $2500-$3200 a month... but I guess it never averages to $3000 and up, so I never get that special 1800 number. *cries*
Message 14 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Hey thebidwatcher Congrats by the way on getting such awesome news coverage! Im way over here in Alberta and I saw it. I hope you didn't think I was implying that you were stating that you were special or anything :O) I think it is awesome what you are doing. I am a fellow artist who went to ACAD and eventually found that it wasn't doing it for me, I hopped into graphic design and when I got bored of that I decided to give Ebay a shot as a full time deal.

What I was curious of though was where they got that information from that you were one of the few Silver level powersellers....I havent been able to track down a list or anything and more power to us if we actually are a select few!!

Congrats again and Merry Christmas to Everyone, I hope everyones sales are booming :O)
Message 15 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
I am silver as well and looking forward to reach the next level.
Marry Christmas to every one!
Message 16 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
where they got that information from that you were one of the few Silver level powersellers...

They made it up!

What I said to them was I have worked hard to reach silver level power seller status.

I went to OCAD. What a great time that was too. Graduated in 83, graphic design. Worked at that for 15 years then went on to painting. Here I am on eBay. Next - who knows? Maybe I'll get a job at KFC.
Message 17 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member

congrats thebidwatcher!


My mommy says i'm cool

Message 18 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

We have two user id's (this one, plus german-cards) that have each been at the Silver level for about five years now,

Like most of you, I feel it is really too bad that there are not more incentives for Canadians who reach Powerseller status. Compared to eBay U.S.A., our Canadian site really does offer us nothing in return for our business.

I hope that everyone had a great holiday, and Congrats to thebidwatcher !!!
Message 19 of 52
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Re: How many of you fellow Canadians are SILVER level powersellers?

Community Member
I am a silver powerseller as well, but that will be changing. I think that I spent more than I made to maintain my status, lol.
It was great when the dollar was low, but now I barely break even. Jewelry sales are just awful. I may not even bother to list again in the new year.
My interest has waned...along with my profits, lol.
Message 20 of 52
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