I honestly think eBay believes they can run their site without us.
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03-24-2016 09:15 AM
EBay seems to be driving away sellers allot lately,
1) Forcing Canadians to list items at Canadian $$ prices.
2) Expanding Buyer protections at the expense of Seller's protections. (basically to sell on here now, you have to be willing to accept that you could be giving your item away for free)
3) Overly tight guidelines such for new sellers, such as having to ship domestically.
What is the advantage of using this site over others that actually care about their sellers?
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03-24-2016 09:33 AM
So you are new selling on eBay. Hopefully your listings will be successful.
Your post reflects some misunderstanding about eBay.
Sellers are NOT forced to sell in any currency.
eBay.ca (the Canadian site) will change from being a site offering two listing currencies to a single currency (Cdn$) like all other international eBay sites. We will not be "special" anymore.
That does not change the ability of Canadians wishing to list in US$ from listing in US$ on the American site eBay.com. Based on an analysis made last year eBay,ca determined that selling in Cdn$ is generally beneficial to Canadian sellers (except for auto parts). However, if you think you know better than eBay, by all means go ahead and list in US$ on eBay.com. If you think you can do better listing in Sterling, go ahead and list on eBay.uk. Your selling ID can be used on ALL eBay sites, in ALL local currencies available.
So listing in the USA, the local currency is US$
Listing in the United Kingdom, the local currency is Sterling (£)
Listing in France or Germany, the local currency is the euro (€)
Listing in Australia, the local currency is the Australian dollar (A$)
Listing in Canada, the local currency is the Canadian dollar (Cdn$)
"Overly tight guidelines such for new sellers, such as having to ship domestically."
All eBay sites require shipping domestically. If you list on eBay.com, the "domestic" market is the USA and you are required to ship to the USA. You may add as many other countries as you wish. When listing on eBay-Canada you are required - by default - to ship to Canada.
"What is the advantage of using this site..."
That is for you to decide. eBay has hundreds of millions of buyers worldwide. If you can find another marketplace offering that many buyers, by all means, go for it.
"basically to sell on here now, you have to be willing to accept that you could be giving your item away for free"
That is your interpretation of the rules of the protection offered buyers shopping online. Obviously most other sellers see it differently or nobody would list and sell here. If you feel you cannot accept the terms of the site, try to find a venue where buyers are not protected.

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03-24-2016 09:43 AM
So we know who the resident eBay cheerleader here is.
And you proved my point, now .ca sellers have to list in Canadian, which could hurt their chance of selling.
And what I was referring to was the restriction that in order to move beyond being a new seller, you a REQUIRED to ship domestically, because international shipments don't count towards removing that status.
Plenty of other sites offer a large amount of buyers, eBay hardly has a monopoly on it.
And I never said buyers shouldn't be protected and they are protected on other sites as well, just not at the expense of seller's protection.
And it is not an "interpretation" of anything. I've had other sellers on here flat out tell me, in order to sell on eBay you have to be willing to accept that you might get cheated out of getting paid.
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03-24-2016 10:00 AM
"which could hurt their chance of selling"
As stated earlier that is your interpretation. eBay-Canada stated that based on their analysis, most Canadian sellers will achieve better results listing in Cdn$. There is nothing preventing you and all other Canadian sellers who feel like you do to list on another eBay site in another currency.
Once again, if you do not like the terms of selling on eBay, it is a waste of your time and efforts to attempt to make eBay change their ways. Use your time and efforts to find a better place to market your products.
Good Luck.
PS - I list in Cdn$ on eBay.ca and US$ on eBay.com and other currencies on other eBay sites from time to time.

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03-24-2016 10:05 AM
They made me list on eBay.ca instead of.com because on eBay.com my media listing could only ship for the media mail price limit. Now they say I can't list in USD. Fine. I already have 3,700 music items listed somewhere else, I'll just move the rest and I'll move the memorabilia over to .com. Idiots. Good way to lose even more business.
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03-24-2016 10:05 AM
No once again, thats not an interpretation, I understand you worship at the altar of all things eBay, but your blind devotion doesn't invalidate the issues sellers face on this site.
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03-24-2016 10:21 AM
" worship at the altar of all things eBay," ... "your blind devotion "
Not sure if I should look at that post as a compliment or an insult!
Regular posters who have been around for a while do know that I have been one of the most vocal critic of eBay on many subjects over the last eighteen years. Even management and staff at eBay consider me a "pain in the butt" (sometimes they use stronger words). I do not mind as I am known to speak my mind once I have a full understanding of an issue.
Your words on this and other threads clearly suggest you are not a happy seller here. Why live in misery? Like a bad marriage, sometimes a divorce is the best solution.

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03-24-2016 10:25 AM
Because if enough sellers band together perhaps we could get a more fair arrangement from eBay. So your solution would be for every unhappy seller to leave the site?
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03-24-2016 11:15 AM
A lot of sellers, myself included, would prefer to list in U.S. dollars on the Canadian site. Since I soon won't be able to do that I will list in Canadian dollars on this site and U.S dollars on the U.S. site. That will at least halve my frustration. Please refrain from going after a blameless seller like Pierre who regularly posts on these boards to help other sellers, and in particular, newbies such as yourself. Instead, think things through and find your own solution to what I agree is an unpalatable change.
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03-24-2016 11:51 AM
The way I look at selling on E-Bay after all these years is just go with the flow as E-Bay is not going to change for me you or the man in the moon so you might as well except it or move on. I don't like some of the changes either but I have learned to adjust.
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03-24-2016 01:05 PM
Keep in mind that if you have US shipping enabled, US customers shopping on dotCOM see your listings in Search IN US DOLLARS.
And European customers shopping on their home sites see your listings in euros.
To my mind, the most useful part of listing on dotCA is being able to use Calculated Shipping based on Canada Post rates.
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03-24-2016 01:32 PM
So lukey9, you dont care if you get paid for your items?
And just accepting things is the surest way to insure that they won't change. Society never progresses if people just sit back and accept it.
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03-24-2016 02:15 PM
I don't understand why people don't like having to list in our country's currency. I've been doing it ever since I started my store and I get plenty of buyers from the US and internationally. My listings show up on their country's Ebay site in their currency. It's not a big deal at all. The only minor annoyance is when the value of the Canadian dollar changes, some of my prices might become a little higher than the lowest price available for that particular item. But if I have a sale going anyway that isn't a big deal because that often brings my listings back to the top of the "lowest price" filter for that particular item.
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03-24-2016 02:26 PM
I have been selling since 2001 and I have never had a problem getting paid for any Auctions and be honest I have very little problems with buyers.
When you are selling on E-Bay you do what they want on their site or you will not be around very long. If you think you can it all changed in your favour go for it.
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03-24-2016 03:11 PM
Expanding Buyer protections at the expense of Seller's protections. (basically to sell on here now, you have to be willing to accept that you could be giving your item away for free
Im not totally sure at what you are getting at, but i'm guessing that you feel there are loopholes in the Buyer protection plan where a buyer could end up with both money and item. For that I will have to agree with you.
That being said, the same can be said about most sites. If some one is set to go out into cyberland to rip you off, they will find a way to do it. Part of the landscape.
Back to the BPP. Yes of course we all have stories, but these events are very rare and should not really concern any seller. Proceed with all the right actions in your sales and you will be fine.
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03-24-2016 03:11 PM
Why the hell would you list on the Canadian site and be upset at having to sell to people in Canada for pete's sake.
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03-24-2016 03:17 PM
"Yes of course we all have stories,"
And the stories would be identical for sellers not using eBay. Selling from one's website and taking credit card payments directly (through a merchant account available from the bank and other providers) the protection given to online buyers is similar to the protection offered by eBay and PayPal.
The risks of fraud are always there. Some fraud artists will always find a way to steal from you, just like shoplifters steal from department stores, drugstores, discount stores, etc... One should allow a specific percentage of sales to account for pilferage, shoplifting and fraud. I use 1%. Walmart uses 2%

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03-24-2016 06:36 PM
Actually thats incorrect, many sites do not favor buyers over sellers. In most sites the seller is completely paid (meaning cash in hand) before they ship in order to insure they will get paid. The vast majority of sellers are honest people whom buyers have no reason to fear buying from.
And I disagree, I'm not looking to give items away for free. And there is steps sellers can take if necessary such as waiting to have cash in hand before sending.
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03-24-2016 06:57 PM
@wonsxela wrote:I don't understand why people don't like having to list in our country's currency. I've been doing it ever since I started my store and I get plenty of buyers from the US and internationally.
I have many reasons, but the most important one is because I use the money I gain selling here to purchase other items. And 99% of those items I purchase are from the US in US funds. Now, I will have to pay conversion fees by listing in C$.
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03-24-2016 07:02 PM
@dark_phoenix9273 wrote:In most sites the seller is completely paid (meaning cash in hand) before they ship in order to insure they will get paid. The vast majority of sellers are honest people whom buyers have no reason to fear buying from.
If I understand correctly, your main concern is the fact that your money is held by PayPal for 21 days (or less than that if proof of delivery is made). I completely agree that this is a real PITA. I had to go through that phase when I began selling under this ID in 2011, even if I had another ID that had over 1,000 positive feedbacks (and 100% too).
But that is the way eBay works.