We got as far as her offering a refund. I then asked if she would refund the full price including shipping, and asked about the return shipping charges.
You don't actually have to return the item to get a refund. That is only required if there is an open Dispute through eBay /Paypal. And those Disputes do not cover return shipping. They do refund the entire original payment.
Before the Dispute point, a seller may agree to refund with proof of the problem. Broken glass and china is not often returned, with the seller agreeing to a picture instead.
So try again with a different suggestion. Offer a picture of the broken part.
Did you buy this item through the Global Shipping Program? If so, ignore the seller and open the Dispute immediately. Your original payment, including import fees, will (probably) be refunded by PitneyBowes, who run the program but don't want a bunch of broken stuff cluttering up their warehouse.