..well..i got my first one today-paypal BANK reversal...thank god the amount was very low.
in any case, fine and dandy...i knew it would probably happen one day, the irritating thing is the email sent by paypal is very vague and doesn't give very much info-just that the bank or the bank's cx chose to reverse the payment, it doesn't give why or who decided-bank or customer. customer has 35 feedback score, 100%, with an UNCONFIRMED address in the states, his title is director of the THE GAP...i figured it was a good enough risk.
the problem is, i go to paypal to figure out what to do next, go through all the tutorials etc...and it only speaks of credit card reversals, NOTHING on bank reversals..whenever i try and open a dispute regarding the reversal (which is what you're supposed to do according to paypal), it won't let me saying it doesn't recognize the reversal number, even though its listed under my activity.
i wonder if they're just set up for credit card reversals only? they don't speak of bank reversals.
i keep going in circles on paypal's webpage going nowhere. its annoying enough just to get the email, AFTER you've sent the product, of course, you're not going to hold it...but paypal's lack of info on this makes it more annoying.
i also got a dispute opened against me by a BRAND NEW buyer of ebayer saying he didn't receive his item that was sent on feb 05-he's in the states, and he never contacted me first. grrrrrrrrrr...problem is-small packet air-no tracking number, and its been two weeks, i'm kind of figuring it would have gotten there by now...
i also had to file two unpaid notifications in the same week, which is yielding nothing.
i've been pretty lucky up until now as far as non paid items, lost packages, fraud etc...but now its happening all in the same week...X-(
anyways, reason for the post after all that complaining, has anyone ever had a paypal bank reversal, if so, what's the process?????