04-01-2014 09:36 AM
So Can I use stamps for Postage for Expedited Parcels to the US and if So How do I go about doing so ??
04-01-2014 09:38 AM
Also will it be sent back to me if I use 100-200 stamps on each Very big box
04-01-2014 09:52 AM
I have and continue to send bankers boxes to the USA and Overseas with stamps on 5 of the 6 sides (everything except the bottom).
I use "big pretty" stamps so I don't have as many as you will but I have covered the box before.....
As I mentioned in a separate post though, you should first check with your local PO you are dealing with to see if they have different "rules" - they are the ones you'll need to keep happy.....and the "rules" will vary from PO to PO....some will be right, some will be wrong.....
04-01-2014 10:05 AM
But it is allowed .. So if my PO says no I can say to bad so sad..
My depo loves me so I doubt I will have issues but was just wondering ...
And If YES IT IS ALLOWED 100% then what paper work does my Depo have to make up ? ( They do not know because they are all in one so not really educated on Canada Post rules
04-01-2014 10:10 AM
04-01-2014 10:17 AM
thanks a bunch .. Your assumptions are right.. It's been like 2 year or more sense I haven't just used Paypal Labels...
04-01-2014 10:20 AM
04-01-2014 03:14 PM
Ya non of the depos have the new forms It is driving me nuts... but they can all use the old ones for now ...
This for me is about time as well ... It gets 200010cents stamps/14 cent/15cent/17cents on 5 parcels which in return will save me a ton of time in the future...
I bought a Discounted 35% off Stamps lot and didn't know what was coming until I got them.. It Sucked
04-01-2014 03:50 PM
I just made the Nicest box I have ever seen .. 600 17 cents stamps all Country flags ... It's what I like to call "We are are on"
The Postal clerk took one look and said Holy ......... What is this LOL ... ooooo that was funny
04-01-2014 03:51 PM
"we are one" oops
04-01-2014 04:51 PM
Did they add up all the stamps to see if the amount was right? LOL
04-02-2014 10:46 AM
Well, with the incoming HS codes, they will have to generate a barcode for the parcel. For now, that is free. Starting in the fall that is $2.
04-02-2014 10:24 PM
@brandeentertainment wrote:I just made the Nicest box I have ever seen .. 600 17 cents stamps all Country flags ... It's what I like to call "We are are on"
The Postal clerk took one look and said Holy ......... What is this LOL ... ooooo that was funny
I would have loved to see a picture of that!