09-05-2016 12:27 AM
I have about 900 listed on .ca and almost 400 on .com. I have sold 7 CD's so far this month and 6 were off .com and only 1 off .ca and that was to someone in Germany. Of the 6 that were sold on .com. - 3 were to US buyers and 3 were to Canadian buyers.
What that tells me, is for what ever reason, buyers do not shop on .ca or at least not with the Canadian dollar. I opened a store just so I can move most of my CD's over to .com. This only confirms what I figured all along. For me selling with the Canadian Dollar just doesn't work. It may work for some of you but not for me.
09-05-2016 12:59 AM
Ditto.... sales in Canada account for 5% of my gross sales with 70-75% in the USA.
eBay.com is an iconic site and most buyers worldwide will shop on eBay.com more then any other eBay site.
USD is the closest thing we have to a international currency. Listing in CDN is going to be a very long process in my opinion.
But every Seller has their own experiences to draw from, so what works for me might not work for someone else.
09-05-2016 03:02 AM
I haven't been checking which site is finding the customers, but I haven't found any problem with sales when the original listing is in loonies.
At a rough count, USD sales are about a third higher than CDN sales.
What I have noticed is an uptick in overseas sales, including to Australia for some reason.
Canadian buyers are neck and neck with overseas buyers.
Remember that in Search, all listings show in the home currency of the site being Searched.
So if our customers are looking on dotCOM, which I agree is very likely, they first see our prices in USD.
Only when they click on the listing itself do they see the two currencies displayed.
09-05-2016 03:33 AM
Well this is funny. I was checking to see if I had listed a Billy Joe Royal CD. I was on .com so I just did a search, mine didn't come out. So I changed it to my postal code and did a search for closest and still nothing. I then looked on .ca and sure enough it is there. No wonder I don't get any US buyers looking at my stuff on .com, it just doesn't show up on .com.
on .ca
09-05-2016 08:40 AM
Europe and Australia account for 20% of my gross sales.
Other then my one regular customer in Toronto, selling in Canada has always been around 5% or less of my gross sales.
09-05-2016 10:18 AM - edited 09-05-2016 10:19 AM
Now that's an interesting (as in the ancient Chinese curse) result.
I searched
"Billy Joe Royal - Tell It Like It Is (CD, 1989, Atlantic) VG++ 9/10"
on other ebay sites (that you have shipping enabled for) and get zero results.
It seems you've managed a Canada only exclusive for that listing when it comes to eBay search.
But I also googled that title, and your listing version ended Aug 31 is found on ebay.com
And if you search for ended listings on eBay.com your listing shows for Aug 18 and Aug 31
09-05-2016 12:29 PM
I know I could see it in completed items but not active. I thought I hadn't relisted it but found it on .ca.
No wonder I don't have any buyers for my CD's on .ca, no one can see them except if they are on .ca.
I'm definitely going to bring this up on Wed. Sort of a waste of energy, time, money listing on .ca if it is not visible on .com.
09-05-2016 01:10 PM - edited 09-05-2016 01:11 PM
@musicyouneed wrote:I know I could see it in completed items but not active. I thought I hadn't relisted it but found it on .ca.
No wonder I don't have any buyers for my CD's on .ca, no one can see them except if they are on .ca.
I'm definitely going to bring this up on Wed. Sort of a waste of energy, time, money listing on .ca if it is not visible on .com.
You have 1252 listings visible on eBay.ca versus 1237 listings visible on eBay.com -- so you have 15 listings in the never-never-land of eBay search -- one of those computer issues that can be difficult to solve (as opposed to say 1252 vs 0 would be easy to find and fix).
09-05-2016 01:39 PM
I wonder if when you find those 15, it would help to close them down, then use Sell Similar to relist them, double checking the shipping parameters at the same time.
But how do you go about finding 15 out of 1200?
I guess it really is Labour Day. Ick.
09-05-2016 07:16 PM
I really have 1289 listed according to selling manager, so I am at a loss as to where all these ghost listings are. Except for 3 that only have shipping to the US only, the rest have both Canada and the US shipping.
What do I do now?
09-05-2016 07:36 PM
That is really odd that the numbers are different on .com and ca. You do have 1 listing -the Allison Krauss cd - that has shipping to Canada only but other than that, the rest should show up on .com.
09-05-2016 07:44 PM
Yes, just one that is listed on .ca that has only shipping to Canada, the rest except for 3 have both. I am at a total loss as to how to correct this.
09-05-2016 07:46 PM
I checked a couple of other sellers listings to see if they were having the same problem and they were fine but you have more listings showing on .ca than on .com. But in your case it's because about a dozen of your listings do not have a shipping cost to the u.s. When I used a u.s. Zip code and searched lowest price first.....the listings at the very end said shipping not specified.
09-05-2016 07:58 PM
Hi pj, thanks for helping me on this issue. When you saw the listings that did not have an amount specified for US, were you on .ca or .com? That still doesn't explain what happened to the 1289 that should be there, several are just ghosts.
09-05-2016 08:00 PM
It's not happening to everyone so that makes it even stranger. I wonder if there was a problem with the site when you relisted....are other listings that you relisted around the same time showing on both sites.
You could try this.... Put your listings on vacation and hide them for 10 minutes or so. I've heard that that often resets them. There might be a lag when you turn them back on but it hopefully won't be too long.
09-05-2016 10:09 PM
I'm going to try that, thanks. I'll let you know what happens.
09-05-2016 10:48 PM
I tried it for about 10 minutes and it looks just the same as before. The mysteries of ebay.
This one - can someone figure out why this doesn't show up as active on .com. I offer shipping to the US. It is in the completed listings but not the active.
Search on .com
Billy Joe Royal - Tell It Like It Is
Then search on .ca
Billy Joe Royal - Tell It Like It Is
09-06-2016 07:06 AM
Remove VG++ from your title and see what happens.
09-06-2016 10:09 AM
What will that do? I am going to leave it as is until after Wed. I want Raphael to look it. It is puzzling to me.
09-06-2016 10:23 AM