Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

I sell both in US $ and Canadian $.  I have added Canadian to paypal and would like to keep the currencies separate.  It shows it as US $ then below breaks in down.  Is that how it is supposed to be?  See attachment. 

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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

Did you open your Paypal account in the US?


Mine is just the opposite and I opened my Paypal account with a Canadian bank. The top shows the total in CAD (this total fluctuates as the USD fluctuates) while below shows actually how much I have in CAD and USD separately like yours. I also have JPY on mine because I do some online shopping with JPY. 

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

I opened it in Canada but the bank for the US $ is in Washington State.  I just transfer the paypal US funds there and go to the bank every month or so.  I used to deal with only US $ for ebay, bonanza and discogs, so that made sense.  Now I will have to deal with Canadian $, I guess I will set up a Canadian bank on my paypal account too to transfer the Canadian funds.  

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

Do you also have two billing currencies set up for eBay fees?


An explanation of the arrangement  for the payment of eBay fees, when selling in both Canadian and US dollars would be of assistance to many sellers.




Message 4 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

I will be going 100 % to Canadian dollars..  after selling from my very first sale in US dollars.


Cannot stay in US dollars as I sell books... and the shipping cap on makes my selling in US dollars impossible.


My store, and all 1200 listings were  moved from to eBay Canada  when the shipping cap was introduced on 



My billing currency will have to change from US to Canadian dollars.... most likely the first day of a new billing cycle.... May 16


Everything will change from US to Canadian dollars on that day.


The US billing currency for eBay fees.will eventually disappear for me



Here is a link to the changing of billing currency.




Can one have two billing currencies on eBay, for eBay fees?


Or ...


.Can  all of  your eBay  fees be charged in Canadian dollars?  


even if you sell in US dollars as well as Canadian dollars.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

My billing currency has always been in CDN $, so no different for me.  As I sell on other sites in US $ and .com, I will be keeping both.  


I just want to keep them separate and deposit each one into the respective banks.  


Now I thought that in order for something to show up on .com, your shipping price on .ca has to conform to the US limit.  Everytime I list on .ca, there is a warning that if I want it to show up on .com, I have to keep it below the US limit.  So it really doesn't matter if you list on .ca with a higher shipping cost, it will not be seen on .com.  Correct me if I am wrong.  

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

You are just fine.


You have two currency balances: one in US$ and one in Cdn$ (some sellers also have balances in Sterling (£) and euro (€) if they sell in those currency.


Keeping at least two currency balances makes sense.


Then you have to select (as you did) one primary currency.  In your case US$.


Generally if you withdraw your PayPal funds to your bank in Cdn$, it makes sense to have a primary balance in Cdn$ (most Canadian sellers) while your currency balance should be in US$ if you generally withdraw in US$ to a US located bank.


Many Canadian sellers withdraw to both Cdn and US based accounts and simply need to change the bank and currency at time of withdrawal.


This primary currency at PayPal has been around for over twelve years and has nothing to do with the change recently announced at eBay-Canada.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

@musicyouneed wrote:


Now I thought that in order for something to show up on .com, your shipping price on .ca has to conform to the US limit.  Everytime I list on .ca, there is a warning that if I want it to show up on .com, I have to keep it below the US limit.  So it really doesn't matter if you list on .ca with a higher shipping cost, it will not be seen on .com.  Correct me if I am wrong.  

That's incorrect. There is a shipping cap in some categories on .com but that doesn't affect visibility for a seller that lists on .ca.

You can charge whatever you want. The warning you are getting is probably just letting you know that many of the U.S. sellers will be charging a maximum of xx and that your item will show as having a higher shipping cost.


Actually, U.S. sellers can charge more than the shipping cap if they use calculated shipping so even if your shipping is higher than the cap, you still might be competitive with U.S. sellers who use calculated shipping.


To clarify, on .ca you can charge whatever you want in shipping on your listings and they will be seen on .com.


Message 8 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

@musicyouneed wrote:

Is that how it is supposed to be?

Yes it is. As Pierre said, it depends which currency is your primary currency. If you chose US $, then the first amount you see will be US $. If you chose C$, then the first amount you see will be in C$. 😉


Mine is US $ just like you.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

We have to look at both Paypal and eBay.


On Paypal  one has a primary currency.... and then other currencies as options.


Paypal is easy....




Then what about eBay.


right now I sell in US dollars on eBay Canada.... My billing currency for eBay fees is US dollars.


Once I transfer to Canadian dollars my billing currency on eBay become Canadian dollars... and for a while  I will have two currencies for the billing of fees.  My US billing currency will disappear  after two months


and then one gets the  impression that my only billing currency on eBay will be Canadian dollars.


The questions...


1) If sellers sell in both  US and Canadian dollars.....  How are eBay fees calculated? 


My assumption.....If my eBay billing currency is Canadian dollars... then all of my fees in US dollars are converted to Canadian dollars... and my eBay fees are paid with Canadian dollars.... for all listings



(2) As a seller who lists in Canadian dollars.


My US buyer pays....  Do they pay in Canadian or is it in US dollars...  


It is my assumption that if the listing is in Canadian dollars then all of my buyers pay in Canadian dollars..




I am getting down to the last factors to consider  when I go from US dollars to CDN dollars for all of my listings





Message 10 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

1) If sellers sell in both  US and Canadian dollars.....  How are eBay fees calculated? 


My assumption.....If my eBay billing currency is Canadian dollars... then all of my fees in US dollars are converted to Canadian dollars... and my eBay fees are paid with Canadian dollars.... for all listings


Correct. After you go through the transition period and all of your listings are being billed in Canadian dollars, fees for U.S. $ listings will be converted to Canadian $


(2) As a seller who lists in Canadian dollars.


My US buyer pays....  Do they pay in Canadian or is it in US dollars...  


It is my assumption that if the listing is in Canadian dollars then all of my buyers pay in Canadian dollars..


If your listing is in Canadian dollars then yes, you will receive payment in Canadian dollars. 

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Selling in 2 currencies what changes do I have to make?

Thanks for the confirmation/clarification.

Message 12 of 12
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