Consignment Stores.
Most of my store inventory (as opposed to the regular merchandise listed at auction)is comprised of individual items, garnered at garage sales, flea markets and even consignment stores. I generally do pretty well. Ninety to ninety-five percent of the collectibles that I find sell for a very good R.O.I. at auction. The remaining 5-10% goes into the store and generally does OK over time but it adds up. I'm actually having an extraordinary summer selling about $100/day largely of store items many of which have been listed as long as 3 and 4 years. To some extent I'm saddened that this is going to end.
I know most of the consignment store owners by their first names in the Lower Mainland by virtue of having been a customer for several years. I know all of the antique store owners in New Westminster where many advertised with me when I published my own publication and one store, a 50's store on Commercial Drive in Vancouver, invited me to be a picker for them a few years ago.
I've started removing my eBay store items and walking them into the door of my nearest local consignment store. I make less, about 50% of their sales price but, for example, I just removed 23 books from my store listings. I would have made about $20 USD on these books on eBay and now will make, instead, about $10 CAD. I paid $1 or $2 for each of them however so I can't lose and here's the big deal...
No photographing, no writing, no Turbo Lister, bo emails, no packaging, no post office, no collections, and no paying eBay through the nose. I just carry the merchandise into the store, and, later on, go pick up my money. It's so much easier! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.
Ironically the merchandise that the consignment store is getting is my better used merchandise leaving the junkiest stuff in my eBay store. I imagine that I'll be donating these items to the Sally Ann. I don't know yet if my eBay store will play any significant role in the future.
Right now, the way I see it, I'll list each stand-alone item at auction jut once. Twice if I feel it has any promise. Then off to the consignment store it goes! Better cash flow and very very little work.
One thing's certain: If the plan was for us to list our store items at auction instead - that's just not going to happen.