02-23-2013 07:13 PM
Toronto becomes Canada’s first ‘sanctuary’ for illegal immigrants
The City of Toronto has put out the proverbial welcome mat for its' tens of thousands of illegal immigrants.
On Thursday, City Council voted in favour of Motion CD 18.5 — the so-called 'access without fear' motion — making Toronto Canada's first city with a formal policy allowing undocumented migrants access to City services such as foodbanks and homeless shelters.
[ Related: Immigration Minister Jason Kenney defends the transformation of Canada’s immigration system ]
The rationale of the 'don't ask don't tell' style policy is that some undocumented immigrants are causing themselves harm because they don't access services out of fear of detention or deportation.
"I think this is a historic moment,” Councillor Joe Mihevc told reporters according to Now Toronto.
"We’re saying we are a ‘Sanctuary City,’ and that anyone who is in the City of Toronto will be able to access all the services that the City of Toronto offers.
"That’s the kind of city that we want. We want to open our arms to anyone who comes here. While they’re here, mi casa es su casa."
Specifically, the motion, which passed by vote of 37 to 3, requires senior City staff to review opportunities to improve access without fear with regard to all city funded initiatives. It also inclines Council to lobby their provincial and federal counterparts for more friendly policies in the same regard.
One of dissenters was Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong.
"We shouldn’t encourage [undocumented immigrants]. We shouldn’t help them. We should not facilitate them. They are an insult to every immigrant who plays by the rule to get into the country. They are an insult to every immigrant who is waiting to enter this country legally," he told the Toronto Star.
"It sends a message to the world that it is okay to break the law to come to Canada and it says that the City of Toronto is an accomplice to this lawbreaking."
In addition to Minnan-Wong's concerns, some analysts worry that the new rules will encourage illegal immigrants from across the country to descend upon the Greater Toronto Area.
02-26-2013 12:09 PM
One of the rare times where we will agree. It is the criminal actions of the people we do not like.
Worst crimes are crimes against children. Criminal actions against native children and their families for a better part of a century runs deep and will continue to run deep for a long time.
It was the canadian people who voted and funded the governments who committed these crimes.
It was the canadian people who funded and worshipped with the religious elements that committed these crimes.
A gun is no good without a bullet.
We shall never forget
Are you lumping all Canadians together ?
Most Canadians have not harmed an Indian child or any other indian.
02-26-2013 12:26 PM
It is the criminal actions of the people we do not like.
Well there also has to be a closer look at the definition of ‘criminal’. One could say that ‘criminal’ is anyone who goes against the laws on the books. However many times the laws are written by those in power in order to solidify their power, or greed, over others. Through history all over the world we have seen people break the law and become ‘criminals’ in order to stop injustice and oppression. The United States itself was created on what the British deemed ‘criminal behaviour’. The freedoms and justice gained by Black people in the US was often achieved through contravening the law. Ireland is free with it’s own self determination after near 400 years of oppression because people went against the law. Women in England and the US got their freedom to vote and their human rights, often through breaking the law. In Oka the Native people stood up against the tyranny of greed. Of course those are major incidents of law breaking, but there are equally smaller incidents. So as one cannot justifiably broad brush people of a race, colour or religion….neither can one broad brush criminal acts.
Most Canadians have not harmed an Indian child or any other indian.
I would like your opinion on this Nu.
Lets say some people broke into your house and stole everything you owned and then even went to the driveway and stole your car. Just to make matters worse in the process of the theft the people who broke into your home killed your dog and cat and even killed your children who were at home at the time. Then those people sold the items to other people in the neighbourhood and those people bought the items knowing full well that they were stolen from you and they also knew about the murders. In the meantime the people who stole the items died. Then you find out where your items are and you demand them back! However the people who now have them in their possession say you cannot have the items back and they also say that the theft was long ago and even the fact that your children were murdered ….it wasn’t them who did it…..so forgetaboutit! and move on. So where are you now? Well you have lost everything you owned and lost your family as well but just to make matters worse….the people who have all your precious items won’t let you have them back and they don’t care who got murdered in the process. They don’t care about justice or humanity…..all they care about is they have your items and they’re keeping them. Then just to add to everything, when you stand up and say you want justice .....these people say "go away" and they want you arrested when you demonstrate and want to take even more from you because it benefits them.
My question is………..how would you feel about those people?
02-26-2013 12:42 PM
My question is………..how would you feel about those people?
So you believe that if a person murders someone and then he dies , his great grandson should be hanged for the crime ?
02-26-2013 01:06 PM
02-26-2013 02:02 PM
You didn't answer my question. You replied with a question which is not an answer. Re-read the whole thing again.
The wrongs of the fathers are not the wrongs of the great grandson
02-26-2013 02:16 PM
02-26-2013 05:41 PM
“To avoid truth, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.”
Elbert Hubbard
What part of the great grandsons are not responsible for what their ancestors did do you not get ?
02-26-2013 05:52 PM
What part of you're all, including me, paying rent for land that is owned by someone else don't you get? What part of 'an agreeement is an agreement' no matter how old it is, don't you get? If you make an agreement with someone, do you expect them to live up to it?
Never mind.....that was another question to add to all the others not answered.
I don't know why you are bringing up the deaths and genocide brought to the Native people of Canada. That is not the discussion. It is only part of the long standing problem with Canadians....that continues in other areas such as fear mongering about Native people. And if it isn't Native people it's Muslims and if it isn't them it's the Chinese and if it's not them it's immigrants in general and if it isn't them.......then some Canadians will find someone else, because they........... need to.
02-26-2013 06:48 PM
What part of you're all, including me, paying rent for land that is owned by someone else don't you get? What part of 'an agreeement is an agreement' no matter how old it is, don't you get? If you make an agreement with someone, do you expect them to live up to it?
People should live up to any agreement they made. Their great grandsons did not nake any agreement , therefore are not responsible forthat agreement.
02-27-2013 08:00 AM
Prior,Just to set things straight,I whole heartedly agree with you ,and what you stand for,my comments were experts of comments others have made here ,I was trying to reveal what they actually are trying to say ,as if " this is what they mean to say" .
you on the other hand speak for me since we both feel the same about racism and prejudice but since you are articulate and speak eloquently , I let you to be my voice and probably the voice of many other migrants.
Keep it up prior ,more power to you.
02-27-2013 09:01 AM
You can interpret people's thoughts, Patken?
That is quite an achievement, by gum.
02-27-2013 09:25 AM
You can interpret people's thoughts, Patken?
That is quite an achievement, by gum.
After being here for 40 plus years,yes I can .All it takes is some sensitivity,and being part of " a visible minority",being able to read between the lines.
I have also had the pleasure of meeting people who do not have a racist bone in their body,these are the people I surround myself with regardless of color,religion,etc.
Prior is my hero.
Enough said.
02-27-2013 09:54 AM
Patken - I have been here for longer than you and guess what - when you think you know it all, you really, really know nothing.
02-27-2013 10:22 AM
02-27-2013 10:51 AM
I was trying to reveal what they actually are trying to say ,as if " this is what they mean to say" .
Let's clarify that a bit.
Your idea of what they were trying to say.
Not what I was trying to say.
If I had just said that the immigration system is and has been seriously flawed - without citing an example - I would have been criticized for that.
What part of:
I have cited two examples that reflect badly on some Chinese immigrants.
Do I think that it reflects on all Chinese? No! - do you not understand?
Would examples of Italian immigrants behaving badly, be more to your liking?
I have criticized organized religion - particularly the Catholic religion - on many occasions. Was that called "hate mongering"? Of course not. Why? Because it fits in with Prior's views and agenda.
I have criticized the Conservatives and their leader. Hate mongering? Of course not. Fits someones agenda.
Hate is hate is hate. It poisons the soul. It is so easy to see hate in what others are saying - and to ignore it in your own words.
Patken - get Prior to take you on a boat ride. Stop off at an infamous dock. You will see hate at its best.
I can see why you agree with Prior. You ignore what people say and try and twist their words to meet your own agenda. I hope you and Prior will have a long and happy life together.
02-27-2013 11:03 AM
This morning, I was having coffee with a group of friends.
One elderly lady started talking about a "black fellow" that had come tohfer door last night trying to sell her something. Why did she say that - because a "black man" had just walked into the restaurant and it had reminded her.
I was sitting with a full view of all customers entering. I didn't see the "black man" enter the restaurant. I just saw customers coming in. I rarely notice the color of a person's skin. I rarely notice how they are dressed - whether poor and in rags - or rich and in fancy clothes.
It is the way I was brought up.
People are people.
Many of the elderly (will be accused of elder bashing, next) were brought up in a society that judged a person by their looks, not by their actions. As Prior has said, we learn from our parents actions - more than their words. When I grew up racism was rampant. Gay bashing was rampant. I was lucky. I grew up in a multicultural neighbourhood. I heard what many people said about other races. There was much hate there.
But, I was lucky. My parents were not racist. New neighbours were welcomed. My mom loved to bake and would take over a pie or cake and welcome the new family. My earliest memories were of playing with kids who were different from me. But once you played together, those differences vanished. I never heard any racism in my home. More importantly, my parents actions were the exact opposite of racist.
I have much hope that the children of today are brought up in the same manner that I was.
02-27-2013 11:08 AM
We all agree there's injustice in our society,I'm sure all "decent " people would be outraged to see or hear our system is being abused,by any one,I mean any one,but that's a separate issue,
Please ,,when some of you claim you are simply "worried"about injustice when there's a reference to a shooting in "African town" or a report of "abused Muslim woman"
That speaks of a totally different agenda,it is way too obvious to me .some people would be more comfortable to see all immigrants to work on menial jobs ,never succeed, never get sick,keep a low profile and walk with their heads down in shame,,well I'm here to tell you it aint gonna happen. I am sincerely in love with this country and what it stands for ,those of you who feel that way about the "visible minority" are yourselves in minority.
02-27-2013 11:27 AM
If I had just said that the immigration system is and has been seriously flawed - without citing an example - I would have been criticized for that.
I wouldn’t criticize you for that. In some ways I agree. However that is a general statement you made. When it comes to ‘specifics’ that might be a whole different kettle of fish.
Do I think that it reflects on all Chinese? No!
Then why haven’t you said that? You’re into sports cards so allow me a comparison. If all someone had was complaints about sports cards and that they were a waste of money to collect and that it was just a bunch of people trying to live off the fame of others and that sports card dealers were disreputable and then proceeded to Only give examples of bad sports card dealers…………would you think that the person disliked sports cards and anyone that had anything to do with them? So it also goes with immigrants. If all one hears or reads are people constantly putting immigrants down and using the worst of the worst as an example….then what do you think they feel about immigrants?
As for the Catholic comparison, that is not only wrong but very misleading. I have nothing against Catholics or any other religion and I have said that many times …..in case you have missed that. There are aspects of most religions that I disagree with and if you mentioned those ‘specific areas’ then there would be no reason to criticize you or anyone. However is someone said they hated Catholics and they had nothing but bad things to say about them, I would also stand up for the Catholics. I was brought up Catholic and there are many Catholic people I consider truly good people as individuals.
As for the Conservatives and Harper……well him I have no use for as an individual. Neither have I got any use for some of his members. However you also seem to have missed the many times I have said I have nothing against Conservatives in general and there have been good Conservatives in the past. The problem is that Harper and his government are CONservatives and not the same Conservatives of the past. Harper just adopted the name after trying many other areas inwhich to dip his oar for power.
02-27-2013 12:11 PM
Prior,Just to set things straight,I whole heartedly agree with you ,and what you stand for,my comments were experts of comments others have made here ,I was trying to reveal what they actually are trying to say ,as if " this is what they mean to say" .
you on the other hand speak for me since we both feel the same about racism and prejudice but since you are articulate and speak eloquently , I let you to be my voice and probably the voice of many other migrants.
Keep it up prior ,more power to you.
Here here, 2 thumbs up. Totally agree.
More power to you Deac. Always well said.
A heart felt thank you.
02-27-2013 12:42 PM
"get Prior to take you on a boat ride. Stop off at an infamous dock. You will see hate at its best."
You want to see hate at its best.
Go to a online version newspaper in any major city in canada and search a native themed article and review all the comments left by canadians
I can literally find thousands upon thousands of hate messages about natives from coast to coast.
And the news media allows such bigotry. Very sad.