When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
I'm still new to selling on ebay....less than a year. I was just wondering how much product to have ready for "the rush". I thought that I was doing "ok" for May, June, & July but.... Has anyone else experienced lower than usual sales the past couple of weeks? or is it 😞 just me?
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
Rush didn't much happen last year. Everyone was complaining about slow sales right through the Christmas shopping season. My sales picked up in January and stayed steady through May.



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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
My sales have been relatively slow throughout the summer. I noticed an increase starting the second week of August, which I would acredit to Americans returning to school. Sales at this point are gradually picking up.
In regards to your question about the "rush", I have found that American thanksgiving weekend is one of the best selling weekends of the year. I personally made huge profits at that time last year and wished that I had had more inventory. I will be prepared for it this year.
I sell clothing which is a whole market of its own and none of this may apply to you but I thought I would pass it along.

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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
I guess anything related to back to school items are hot right now....clothing, books, electronics..computers.
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

August is always a terrible sales month for me. This year is no exception. So much so, that I'm putting more listings as BIN items instead of auctions because the bidding just isn't there and I can't afford to let too many things go for just the opening bid price esp. when I know what these items USUALLY sell for in auctions. September usually picks up quite nicely. fingers crossed.
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
Somebody posted on another board saying the first 2 weeks of September are always the slowest. They've been selling online for 8 or nine years. Things should start to pick up in a couple of weeks.

The destruction along the coast, mainly with New Orleans sure doesn't help sales either. The people who aren't affected by it will be sitting glued to their TV's watching the news coverage.
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
"The destruction along the coast"... Everytime I turn on the TV lately, I experience another burst of tears! I find ebay distracting...therapeutic....especially when I'm kept busy:(
Message 7 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
I watched Dateline last night & had a good cry. I feel so bad for those people. I don't think I could cope with the situation.

I have a buyer from Louisiana who emailed me last night to say he lived far enough away that he wasn't affected but his sister lives in Slidell. She evacuated on Sunday but has probably lost everything. 😞

I'll try to keep that in mind this winter when I'm shoveling snow & cursing the stuff.
Message 8 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

I'm actually living on fumes this week. how bad was August? eBay fees totalled around 15% of my gross sales. it has NEVER been that astronomically high (usually around 5-8% range). Gail 😞
Message 9 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Ever since the fee increases my ebay bill is way up - I averaged a consistent 8% before, now I'm paying between 12 - 15%. The bulk of my sales are from my eBay store. Brutal.
Message 10 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Do you know anyone who isn't watching CNN these days...
Sales are also down here but that is to be expected under the circumstances.

I was in New Orleans in June 2004 with eBay Live.... it's awful to see what is happening now...
Message 11 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
My summer has been absolutely horrible. Every since about the end of May, everything's dropped off.
Message 12 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Hate to rain on everyone's party.....May to August, best 4 months in over a year.

Not more listings or buyers in my case but better quality widgets.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 13 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

May/ June / July WERE much better than usual for me too. August unfortunately was not so great due to a rash of NPB deadbeats who happened to have all won multiple auctions. sigh. the last two weeks have been brutal. bidding WAYYYY down and most auctions have items selling for less than half what they usually (i.e. in the past) go for. I'm therefore focusing on predominantly SET SALES until things turn around. I'm not into giving things away. Gail 😉
Message 14 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
I've been busy since the middle of August.
Message 15 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

really? do you sell under another id as well?
Message 16 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
I guess our views of what is busy differ! HA HA HA!

I am doing OK, but haven't really been actively pursuing sales, so I could be doing much better.
Message 17 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
Bidding is WAY down all over - you can SEE it by pulling up any category and looking at "ending soon"
Something is up.
Message 18 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
Canada buying/bidding is HORRIBLE.
Message 19 of 33
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When do Sales start to "pick-up"?

Community Member
I wonder if it is any better at .com
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