eBay for Business Podcast
Your weekly download of everything you need to know to grow your business.
Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...
Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...
Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...
Guess there is no way to tell if he actually was what he claims, but scary nontheless... http://www.paypalsucks.com/forums/showthread.php?fid=6&tid=1529&old_block=0
Anyone else getting this when they try to relist an item that ended in a refund of Final Value fees? EBay apparently pays us back for our listing fees if the item sells the second time, after the first time going bad due to a non paying buyer. But fo...
Does checking this box actually do anything anymore? I'm signing in every five minutes or more. ?:|
i am currently using Canda post to ship things to my customer. Recently I recieve a bigger volume order in Toronto. (I am located in BC) Any Good suggestion if i am going to send 10 cellular phone from BC to ON? Thank you Mark CHou
Hello everyone, I'm curious to know a little bit about sellers policies regarding reserve price. What do you do if someone ask you your reserve price? Do you tell them? Is there an ebay policy against that? And if there are no rules against it, could...
_______________________________ eBay Holds Sale in Entertainment Categories for Pre-Fill Use By Ina Steiner AuctionBytes.com August 17, 2004 eBay announced a 2-day 10-cent Insertion Fee sale in the Books, Movies, Music, and Video Games categories Aug...
Hi, I've seen a lot of info & suggestions on NSF checks, thought I would see what you thought about this Paypal chargeback. Received a chargeback from an item I sent out 3 months ago, since Canadians don't seem to be able to get confirmed addresses, ...
Hi everyone, Looking for a bit of advice i recently sold an item and the buyer has not responded to any of my emails and no payment as of 8 days after the auction. The guy has a 335 rating , 17 negatives and a few for non payment and he always retali...
The worst part of this business is having to deal with Canada Post. Increasingly I am finding them more and more expensive with worsening service and policies. I just sent an Expedited parcel to a customer who has bought from me previously. Her old a...
Hi, I have a problem with my Andale image hosting, it's been going on for about 6 months. Whenever I attach an image to an Ebay.com auction, it changes my item location country from "Canada" to "United States" in the auction listing. It happens insta...
I would encourage you to check with your broker to see if your Ebay business is insured We have been trying to find business insurance fo auctiondropnship our Ebay drop off store ... Seem the problem is shipping world wide ....is were the problem is
Hi gang, Message board was quite boring recently... :] Can you beat this? A newbie customer purchased an item from me and, I belive accidentally, marked item as paid in his e-bay profile. After that he considered item fully paid and left me with nega...
This one's pretty funny - it came in today and gets my vote - check the website name Mon, 09 Aug 2004 16:42:03 -0600 A pprov a l Account Statement Security Control Number: 9988-0399-8531-3732 Offer Expiration Date: 08/17/04 Interest Ra t e: 2.8% Maxi...
I successfully appealed to ebay to have a negative feedback comment removed (on the grounds that the bidder had registered with false contact information). Although ebay apparently agreed with me, as they removed the comment, my feedback score has no...
I always sign in using the secured sign in. However several times today when clicking on the link to sign in "Secured" rather than standard, the page goes to a default screen and wont allow me to sign in. The first time it took 30 minutes to be clear...
Hi, I'm trying to list a few items on my eBay store but eBay keeps on giving me the message stating that they are unable to process my request at the moment??? The message leads to a link giving their technical reason that doesn't seem to have any re...
These dorks should at least learn how to spell before sending their "VERY INPORTANT MESURE" meassages if they want to be taken seriously. Here is the latest text from my "EBAY TEAM": "Hello we are from Ebay security and we are wanting to detect all i...
I am considering making the trek to Buffalo once a week to ship USPS. Most of my buyers are in the US and most of my sales are single videotapes. Currently charging $5US for shipping and almost no complaints. If I ship from the US I would be able to ...
For the last 2 nights someone has used up my invalid login attempts so that each time I go to log in I have to put in the additional 4 digit code. I had this happen once before but not 2 nights in a row. If it happens again tomorrow I am going thing ...
I know I've been pretty lucky - I've been selling on eBay since 1999 and this is the very first returned cheque I've had, but boy, do I feel personally affronted!! Buyer is now NARU and her email addy bounces - guess I'm gonna eat this one Que sera ....
I received a neg from a "buy it now" buyer 3 days after the purchase. the buyer never attempted to contact me, just left a neg. the buyer feedback is -1. i don't believe that the buyer ever acted in good faith and never intended to complete the trans...
I just got an email from what appears to be PayPal. It's something I've never seen before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notification of Pending Bank Transfer Dear Daron Rutter, The sender of the transaction listed below has received the inf...
Hi everyone, eBay.ca may be coming to a town near you this summer. Come out and meet other users, Powersellers and eBay.ca Staff! Please click on the following link for more information on how to register: the promo code is "free" for Powersellers on...
This thread is for those who do NOT know about the Paypal merchant rate. If you already have it, you don't need to read any further. I have tried to be as accurate as possible, but if I made any errors, I'm sure someone will quickly point them out. I...
I'm either getting them late (usually after the PayPal email comes in!) or never. Right now, I just sold a $32 and $135 item (I always use But It Now) so I want to follow up on them. The buyer looks a little shady, and large items like that make me w...
I have been trying to get to MY EBAY for the last 1/2 hour but it defaults to a search page and claims that it is unable to go to the link that I am trying to access. I can go onto eBay and access everything but My eBay. I wish that they would get th...
I have a new eBay user who purchased 3 items from me via Buy it Now in error. After receiving payment reminder notices they sent me an e-mail saying that they were just trying to print off an order form??? Anyway, I filed for my FVF Credit and this n...
I have seen this referred to several times but no names given. Who would be a couple of 3rd party insurance companies that would replace insuring shipments made through Canada Post, UPS, Fedex etc? Are you using them and what has been your experience...
Check it out, then come back and read. "-1 negatives" in the last month... not bad huh? :^O The totals SHOULD read 0, 2, and 6... but about a week ago I did something that gave me a "negative negative" (I got a negative removed that had already been ...