08-04-2005 10:29 AM
08-12-2005 10:28 AM
08-12-2005 12:43 PM
Is that not an infringement of my rights as a Canadian, to enjoy service from CP that does not discriminate?
Any lawyers out there with answers? Perhaps we as sellers need to find a lawyer willing to take on the mighty CP - pro bono, of course, since we don't have a lot of cash to spare while we're being ripped off by CP. I am serious - a legal case will get a lot of attention in the press.
08-12-2005 12:45 PM
08-12-2005 12:54 PM
08-12-2005 02:04 PM
08-12-2005 02:04 PM
08-12-2005 04:19 PM
08-12-2005 05:14 PM
08-12-2005 06:03 PM
08-12-2005 06:05 PM
08-12-2005 07:15 PM
08-12-2005 07:35 PM
08-12-2005 08:46 PM
08-12-2005 10:39 PM
08-12-2005 10:40 PM
08-13-2005 01:14 AM
As is CP's shipping rates are far more than what my competitors in the States and Asia are charging. Often I end up subsidizing my shipping cost in order to be competitive. It is a joke that sending a small packet to Toronto from the West cost more than shipping the same item to Europe. And now to charge us $5.60 for and item that can fit through the mail slot is outrageous. My goods are worth less than half that rate, my margin is only a few dollars for each transaction. With the new rate I am priced out of the market. CP's policy of increasing the rates will either cause me to close down my business or I must consider taken my business to the US.
08-13-2005 02:13 AM
08-13-2005 02:49 AM
08-13-2005 06:26 AM
08-13-2005 10:12 AM
Look at the reserved Brits some years ago, and how they resisted the Poll Tax. Ordinary, hard working people with a campaign of letters, speeches and marching managed to make the government reverse their decision with red faces all round.