10-17-2006 12:46 AM
07-13-2007 09:48 AM
2007: Granny goes to jail. Read my predictions and tales of eBay misadventure.
07-13-2007 08:47 PM
07-14-2007 09:53 AM
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07-16-2007 02:54 PM
07-18-2007 01:23 PM
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08-02-2007 11:47 AM
08-02-2007 05:42 PM
08-02-2007 05:43 PM
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08-06-2007 05:19 AM
08-08-2007 02:36 PM
08-08-2007 08:25 PM
08-10-2007 01:31 AM
08-10-2007 05:10 AM
Canada Post has negotiated to have a nominal $5 brokering fee on the parcels. They are in the business of moving the mail. They are not in the business of brokering export/import items.
You can not look at Canada Post and UPS (or FEDEX or DHL or any other courier) as the SAME business - they are NOT.
Canada Post moves "MAIL"
Courier companies move "SHIPMENTS"
You're trying to compare apples with cigars - not even in the same realm.
The forums here are FULL of all kinds of information that tells newbies buyers to ask their sellers to ship by POSTAL SERVICE.
Its not new - it hasn't been new in eons - there has always been this information on here.
In addition, its not something to ARGUE about - it is what it is - specify that you want your item to be sent via the "POSTAL SERVICE" and that is that. Finito.
Do not try to natter away with words like "fedex scam" and "ups ripoff", and think that you are going to change the world single-handedly - you're not! Big surprise!
Would you go the Hilton and say to them that you want their best room for $42.95 because, after all, Motel 6 has it for $42.95, so why is the Hilton trying to "rip you off" and charge you $99.99?
You are no more going to get a $5 brokering fee from UPS or Fedex than you are going to get a Motel 6 cheap rated room at the Hilton!
08-10-2007 07:47 AM
08-10-2007 08:15 AM
Sorry, but that analogy is a little flawed. In comparing Motel 6 and the Hilton, you are comparing two very different outcomes, since your stay at each hotel will be markedly different.
With CP vs. UPS (other than the final charges), the result is essentially the same -- you get delivery of your widget. And can you really say, in all honesty, that UPS spends more time ushering an ordinary parcel through customs? How long does it take to convert US values to CDN dollars, calculate taxes and add a brokerage fee (other than typing a few more lines than CP does)?
The courier companies were orinally designed for large shipments of various goods. Before NAFTA, content and country of origin were important aspects of the brokerage function, and these companies were compensated accordingly. Fair enough. But the business has now changed to encompass single items sent by individuals, yet UPS and FedEx have not altered their rate structure to account for the changing clientele. And why would they? No need to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.