If you're Canadian, and buying an eBay item from a US seller, be prepared to pay $25-$100 duties

I live in Toronto, used to shop on eBay A LOT in the 2000s, stopped for 5-7 years. Never had to pay import duties, or brokerage charges back then. Recenty, I came back on eBay because I was interested in buying Sports Cards. Purchased two from a US seller (not his fault). DHL charged me $25 dollars and $33 dollars for "import/duty/brokerage" charges. I'm going to try to avoid buying from US sellers now unless the item is a super deal, as the import taxes are enormous, considering I already paid a huge shipping charge to the seller. What happened to free trade between Canada and USA? It's okay, lesson learned, buy from Canadian sellers ONLY....or JUST STAY ON AMAZON!

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If you're Canadian, and buying an eBay item from a US seller, be prepared to pay $25-$100 duties

@john_koenig99 wrote:

Carriers like DHL or FedEx, always want their pound of flesh, even if the duties are zero. Others like UniUni, Asendia or CP don't charge anything if the duties are nil.

Can you provide an example where a private carrier asked for a fee when there was no perception of taxes or duty? This is not suppose to happen, so I seriously doubt it.

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