MBG listed on items not covered

Is it just me or does it seem that the money back guarantee appears on each and every listing, including ones that shouldnt be covered? Am I missing something here?

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MBG listed on items not covered

Community Member

Can you provide a listing number for an item that you think has the MBG applied improperly?  Sometimes different users using different browsers on different operating systems see things differently. 

Message 2 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

pick any listing for digital or intangible goods. Ive actually never seen a listing, in any catagory other than vehicles, that didnt have it. 

Message 3 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

It may be. I’d liken it to a store Return Policy printed by default on all receipts regardless of whether you bought the clearance-priced underwear which would be ineligible for Return on two fronts, regardless of what the receipt says at the bottom.
Message 4 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

Just wondering. Imagine if there was a way to efficiently transfer our specific relevant details(when it applies) to the Ebay packing slip that the customer (should) receive with their item? Or do eBay's policies override everything?




PS. At times eBay resembles more of a  giant yard sale atmosphere. Have you ever tried to return something at a Yard sale? (Only a personal analogy). New and used items...In various condition. You negotiated. Ya bought it...Ya own it. Never mind. Back to reality.

Message 5 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

EBay’s policies override everything. Like, a seller could never offer less than ebay says they must, and could probably also be held accountable by eBay for additional coverage they promise in an Item Description.

I’m not an expert yard-saler but if I were, I’m not sure how I’d handle a Return Request. Like if I sold a toaster for $5 saying it worked and the person who bought it brought it back a week later saying it didn’t? I’d probably give them their $5 as a matter of goodwill. Also because I don’t want to find rats nailed to my front door for a week as retaliation. After all, they KNOW where I live and what I look like.
Message 6 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

Prior to having a yard sale, just make sure you're ready to move and have  hair colour handy.  Then no worries about a rat getting nailed to your door. It will be someone else's door. . 🙂 Always best to plan ahead!!!



Message 7 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

Prior to having a yard sale, just make sure you're ready to move and have  hair colour handy.  Then no worries about a rat getting nailed to your door. It will be someone else's door. . 🙂 Always best to plan ahead!!!



Just have your garage sale at an empty house with a for sale sign!

Message 8 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

I'm totally adding these suggestions to my mental list of garage/yard sale tips!

Message 9 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

I had really messy neighbours once who's front yard contained a massive hodge-podge junkheap  of tchotchkes and I was tempted to sneak into their yard late one Friday night and plaster it with Garage Sale signs. Surprise! Your yard is fixed, you're welcome. 

Message 10 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

After they've paid just tell them if they'd like to return anything they will need to contact eBay to make the necessary arrangements and wait for their shocked expression. It will be worth all the nickle and diming they did purchasing the used set of tupperwear missing a lid. Who do you think I am....Wallymart?



Message 11 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

@mrmobilegadgets wrote:

pick any listing for digital or intangible goods. Ive actually never seen a listing, in any catagory other than vehicles, that didnt have it. 

Well, I picked a few listings for digital or intangible goods, and were all listed in categories that could include tangible goods.  Could this be part of the problem?

Message 12 of 13
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MBG listed on items not covered

Thanks everybody. The answers provided make sense. My curiosity was raised after a bad sale concerning a cell phone network unlock code. I was on the day that I could ask ebay to step in but the option hadnt become available.  Being my impatient self I ended up closing the return by starting a claim via paypal. Now slightly annoyed the 5 days waiting was null and now had a new 10 to wait (seller hasnt responded to anything in over 2 weeks so no reason to expect anything other than a timeout) I read a bunch of policy and found out I should have went the paypal route from the start and was likely to lose the return case with eBay anyways. Thats when it occurred to me the MBG notice was on the listing. I had even referenced it while talking to the seller pre-purchase and why I took the chance despite being highly skeptical/suspicious.  Very thankful this does fall into buyers protection with Paypal or Id be S.O.L

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