My first and last eBay Send purchase

n July 26th I purchased an item. The item was 4 sticks of memory and the shipping description seem to indicate that the method being used was USPS 


"USPS First Class Mail International / First Class Package International Service"


The shipping seemed a bit high but the item had a best offer. I used Best Offer to lower the total price paid. Only after the seller shipped the package did I discover in fact that this item was using eBay Send(Ship) as the tracking number began with ES. eBay Send uses DHL to pick up the package at the seller and then eventually hands it to USPS . 


The item was shipped on July 27th. The initial tracking showed it progressing through  DHL and it is handed off to USPS on July 31st. Then tracking went completely dead.  I contacted the seller after two weeks of not receiving any tracking updates and simply got a reply whose just was "hope you get the items shortly".  Two more weeks past and Canada Post showed no receipt of the package. I went and contacted DHL eCommerce and due to some sleuthing on my part was able to find their eCommerce tracking #. DHL indicated that USPS should have handed off the parcel to Canada Post on August 12th which they appear not to have done.


I tried contacting the seller on August 17th and so far 5 days later no response. Contacted eBay and mentioned the feedback from DHL I got and of course, simply got the standard boilerplate response about filing a INR claim once the latest delivery date is reached. 


This is where I screwed up and should of rung alarm bells with me. I purchased the item on July 26th and the listing showed a delivery date of Aug 21st through Sept 21 st and that should of been a clear indication to stay away from this item but I did not.  So now it looks like I will have to wait for a month before I can file a INR to get my money back on what appears to possibly be a lost item.


So what I hope to come out of this that if you see a listing from a US seller that says "USPS First Class Mail International / First Class Package International Service" and a delivery date spanning a month or more from the current date be aware that the item is fairly certain to be using eBay Send and NOT USPS entirely. 


From now on if I use eBay I will stick to Canadian sellers. The hassle of GSP and the choke point at the Erlanger KY for those shipments and the  unclear listing practises for eBay Send the huge shipping delays possibly lost parcels is not worth it to me.



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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

I had forgot to mention that I had also contacted via chat ebay regarding the lack of tracking (before I contacted DHL) and the eBay rep suggested that I (the buyer of this item) "You can try getting in touch with the guys on the facility where it is at. That way, you can get the updates on why the item is stuck on that area." in Carson CA.  That left me slack jaw since as the buyer I can not initiate any tracking requests on the item and all I had at the time was the ES tracking number.


This same eBay rep also said that


" You can file a case at the end of Thu, Aug 20.. Â We can take care of the rest afterward."


August 20th is the earliest delivery date. This is incorrect information the rep gave since ebay has since kept telling me I have to wait till Sept 22nd (1 day after latest delivery date) to file a INR claim.

Message 2 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

What window did eBay give you for delivery?

I purchased the item on July 26th and the listing showed a delivery date of Aug 21st through Sept 21 st

If the last date of that window has passed, you can open a Not Delivered Dispute in the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page.

July 26th was 25 calendar days ago.  In my experience (30+ years in mail order) that's  a few days later than I would expect. Normal would be around 21 days and usually a bit sooner.

But with the pandemic (and the USPS losing sorting machines and worker overtime because of the US election) things have been slower than usual.



delivery date of Aug 21st through Sept 21 st and that should of been a clear indication to stay away from this item but I did not.

It looks like the problem is that the seller chose a slow shipping method. First Class International Parcel from USPS does not even give any period for delivery (I used 90210 California to Parliament Hill Ottawa Ontario). She chose based on cost, I suspect, but cheap is synonymous with slow.


Customer Service is not known for their knowledge of the system. When I have to call, my first statement is that I am in Canada and that I will need information about international shipping. Then tell the rep that we have a different postal system and a different currency. This has astonished some Stateside reps.  At least the Philippine reps who work on the weekend know that there are countries outside of the USA.



Message 3 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

My issue with this is that eBay has no desire to light a fire under the seller to start a trace to find out why after 3 weeks there have been no updates tracing wise and whether USPS has lost a package or whether USPS still has the package.


It looks like the problem is that the seller chose a slow shipping method.

All I know is that I paid over $16 USD to ship 4 sticks of RAM to Canada. With eBay Send or whatever the service is called are there various levels of shipping?  I know that when I put in my Best Offer I indicated that the $16 USD+ shipping charges was why my offer was low. The seller was amazed at the shipping charges to Canada! SIGH


I know that those US sellers using USPS alone had a shorter delivery window than eBay send items and I spotted several of them during my research after I got myself in this predicament.


I assume that this item being in CA would enter Canada through Vancouver rather than being shipped directly to Winnipeg where I am. However, I can not tell that because the eBay tracking system for the purchase still shows item in Carson CA after 3 bleeping weeks.


I only found out by using a tracking service outside of eBay that apparently item is "IN TRANSIT TO DESTINATION COUNTRY"  since August 1st from Carson CA!


Personally I have a feeling that eBay couldn't care less finding where my parcel is or at least getting the seller to find out what happened to it. If after waiting another 30 days I will get my money back hopefully without as much hassle and have learnt never to buy an eBay Send item.



Message 4 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

A pandemic is not always the best time to start a new business venture. While mail consolidation tends to slow down its transit even in the best of times, I suspect COVID has put a huge spanner in the works.

I can appreciate that a CSR would be disinclined to investigate a package that still has a month left in its delivery estimate window.
Message 5 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

Is the shipping of USPS First Class Mail International / First Class Package International Service to Canada so backed up (to put it mildly) that it takes close to two months to get a small box from LA area to Canada?


Four days before I purchased this item I had also purchased 4 other sticks of RAM via the GSP from the east coast. That suffered a 10 day delay due to Erlanger bottleneck and even that had tracking issues in that I had no idea where it cleared Canada Customs. The GSP item could have been sent via Mississauga, Montreal or Winnipeg. That item sat either in CBSA or Canada post for a week and all of a sudden show up in Canada Post and was delivered on the same day.


I remembered thinking when I purchased the eBay Send item that it may beat the GSP item to Winnipeg. Boy was I wrong lmfao.


I found other eBay sellers using USPS along aka no eBay shipping plans offering much tighter delivery dates on similarly sized items.  At the same time, I found what I believe are other sellers using eBay Send which specified a big delivery window.


Back in May an item from China got to Canada in a week. Not delivered but at least it made it to Canada. CBSR took 10 days to clear it but at least I knew CBSR had the item.

Message 6 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase




It seems like there is much buck passing when it comes to the programs affiliated with eBay. Be it GSP or eBay Send.  Making a buyer search high and low in help documentation when maybe the program info should be attached to applicable listings, would be a good place to start!!!


eBay Send or the technical name: eBay international standard delivery is covered in dot com help but not available anywhere that I could find on dot ca. I realize these programs are designed specifically for a sellers benefit but there should be easy to find, reciprocal documentation so buyers will know what exactly what to expect....After they hit pay now. Maybe why I refuse to defend these programs. Bad first experiences with them.




For my one and only purchase with eBay International Standard Delivery clicking on the shipping nowhere does it state that another courier may be involved. Mine happened to include DHL. Where it was handled by their subsidiary ecommerce division Melrose Park, IL. Routing/Dist. Centers will vary depending on where the item is coming from.


Even searching for The Global Shipping Program(on dot ca) brings up a link called International Purchases and Shipping for buyers. HUH on that title!!! Open it and you find specifics on the program.  Not entirely a perfect straight line to the information. Using the term "GSP" it brings up the same link...As the second result. The Global Shipping Program help file on dot com also covers eBay International Standard Delivery program IF someone is willing to read to the bottom to find. As with most searching on eBay....Results WILL vary!!!

Message 7 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

USPS is a mess right now as are many postal systems due to Covid.      

I am finding shipments are taking twice as long from ship date to delivery date.

And scanning for tracked packages is non-existent, sometimes only origin scan and delivery scan with zero scanning in between.

My Shipments to the USA are taking about 3 weeks  or so...

and when a package from SK to Ontario takes 3 weeks from ship date to delivery date, I can truly believe many postal systems are struggling ...

Cross-border shipments are subject to delays in customs as well.

The GSP system just adds  a whole lot more to the equation.

So, Yes I believe one can say that "the shipping of USPS First Class Mail International / First Class Package International Service to Canada so backed up (to put it mildly) that it takes close to two months to get a small box from LA area to Canada"


Message 8 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase


What also **bleep** me off is that eBay Send items do not clearly indicate that the item is being shipped by eBay Send and that the shipment process involves DHL and USPS. All one sees is the previously mentioned "USPS First Class Mail International / First Class Package International Service" and I took that to mean USPS door to door so to speak. In the past I have bought items shipped via USPS and the tracking was fine. It showed the item being handed off to Canada Post etc.


After going through several CSR on Twitter I finally got one to admit that indeed eBay Send items do not clearly indicate that the item is being handled by multiple shippers. I also had to use external tracking means to discover the Canada Post LVS and DHL eCommerce tracking numbers. eBay provided tracking for the item simply gives the buyer the ES tracking number.


Message 9 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase


What sort of information do you think eBay needs to provide buyers on eBay Send? When I view a listing on my mobile, there’s already notes on thing like customs processing, possible delays, and the possibility of taxes and duties, brokerage fees being payable on delivery. There’s already delivery time estimates. What else do you think typical buyers need to make an educated decision to purchase?
Message 10 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

@marnotom! @theoldestfart 


Nothing is clearly stated on a PC with eBay Send and nowhere does it state DHL "may" be involved or any other carrier for that matter. If the item happens to be of higher value there "could/would" be DHL's inflated customs clearing fees along with duties and taxes. Which as previously noted during Covid must be paid in advance. Drivers are not allowed to accept payment at the door. Also with DHL you may need to be present for delivery or it gets left on your front step never to be seen from again because they refuse to ring doorbells.  With Canadapost it's either your community mailbox or pick up at nearest depot. Easy peasy. Customs processing/duties and taxes are almost always avoided with USPS to Canadapost. At least that has been my experience over the last 20 years purchasing by mail.




PS. On my shipment it went from USPS to DHL to Canadapost. To confirm that it WAS with Canadapost involves checking the dhl tracking at their ecommerce division. It does not show anywhere in their regular system. DHL has never had a history of having the best customer service and it was a similar experience when I called to try find out if there were going to be monies owing. Sounded as per original post buyer had the exact came experience & questions trying to find out when their package would arrive.


I've also read numerous anecdotal reports of buyers having to pay other misc. fees on delivery with these secondary couriers because charges were not correct or accurate when items were originally shipped. (Home Delivery Fees, Re Delivery attempts etc)

Message 11 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

I guess my basic problem is that I see no reason as a buyer to know where my parcel is until it is in my hands.

EBay gives a window for delivery. If the item gets to my address and it cannot be accepted, it will go to the shipper's offices (usually the local postal outlet) and a Notice will be left for me.

If the window closes without delivery, I can open an Item Not Received dispute and get a refund.


Neither requires me to track obsessively.

Either it gets to me in the indicated time, or I get a refund.


And of course, Trump doesn't want mailed ballots delivered because he knows they will not be for him. Dead chicks, lost medications, disrupted shipping is unimportant.


Message 12 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase



When I sell something to a customer and they pay for US Small Packet Air....They get US Small Packet Air. I may upgrade. I NEVER downgrade. This is why I have never listed on dot com. No access to the actual available services or a calculator based on Canadapost rates. There are Canadian sellers that list on dot com using generic terms or US sellers that state Priority when in fact it is nowhere near Priority for the speed  it arrives.  Priority should not mean inflated and slow as a snail. Extremely misleading in those situations. Same should go for a buyer expecting to receive something with Canadapost and eventually it shows up with Fedex, UPS or DHL.




Kemmons Wilson Quote: “The best surprise is no surprise.” (7 ...





Some track incessantly because if they don't, packages can walk away by themselves when they  get left on a front step. 900.00 in UPS shipments 15 years ago magically walked away before I got home from work. UPS told me basically tough noogies.


Message 13 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase



I came across this item in NY city vs my item which was just outside of LA. This item is using yet another eBay service which has a much smaller delivery window than my DHL/USPS shipment arrangement. eBay seems to pride itself on having so many delivery plans that buyers become totally confused about how an item should they decided to buy or bid on it is being sent.

Message 14 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

And that screen shot you showed also shows the information that Lotz claims is lacking on the desktop version of eBay. There’s a blurb about international shipping below the shipping charge and description followed by a “more information” (“?”) symbol.

I think your point about eBay having “so many delivery plans” to confuse things is a bit off the mark considering the various shipping methods that are out there that aren’t under eBay’s umbrella.

I don’t think most eBay buyers are too concerned about what specific carrier is being employed. If they haven’t drunk the tracking Kool-Aid, most of them just want to know how long their item should take to arrive and how any additional charges on delivery will be dealt with. Most of the other details are only of interest to dorks like us who thought the AV club in high school was the greatest thing since automatic filmstrip projectors. 🤪
Message 15 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

Annotation 2020-08-22 174034.jpg


That is the shipping info from the to be determined when or if it will be delivered package. This is eBay Send which is using DHL and USPS in my case and is reflected by the ES tracking number that was generated.


Being in Canada UPS is notorious for additional fees for clearing shipments so we prefer to know before buying anything who is the shipper and to deal with Canada Post whenever possible for eBay shipments.


The USPS service level is Priority Mail Express International


Message 16 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

dorks like us who thought the AV club in high school was the greatest thing


I dated the president of the AV club in high school.

He had the keys to everything.

Message 17 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

“That is the shipping info from the to be determined when or if it will be delivered package. This is eBay Send which is using DHL and USPS in my case and is reflected by the ES tracking number that was generated.”

Is there a possibility that the seller themselves has chosen DHL’s mail consolidation service without going through eBay? The US$12.50 shipping rate doesn’t jive with anything offered through eBay International Standard Delivery, although I suppose the seller could have padded the charge by US$2.50.

“ Being in Canada UPS is notorious for additional fees for clearing shipments so we prefer to know before buying anything who is the shipper and to deal with Canada Post whenever possible for eBay shipments.”

Which is what I was getting at with my point about additional charges at delivery.

“The USPS service level is Priority Mail Express International”

I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.

Message 18 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

@marnotom! @theoldestfart 


If it's an eBay Program eBay should not be washing their hands when there's any sort of problem at the customer side of things. GSP/Ebay Send/Standard Intl Delivery.

International Delivery.JPG

Wanna bet dot com sellers using any program rarely, if ever pass on any savings to buyers?



Message 19 of 34
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Re: My first and last eBay Send purchase

Oh and I forgot to mention that the eBay tracking system for the item shows the item sitting in Carson  CA since July 31st. The only reason I found out that it supposedly on its way to Canada is that I took it upon myself to do some sleuthing and found the LV tracking number that USPS uses. I did this by using an external tracking parcel site and entering the only tracking number eBay supplied me with the eBay Send #. This what eBay says re the shipment: 


  • Jul 31, 2020
  • 3:23am
  • Carson
  • Jul 30, 2020
  • 2:38pm
  • Compton
  • Jul 30, 2020
  • 2:38pm
  • Compton
  • Jul 30, 2020
  • 2:38pm
  • Compton
Message 20 of 34
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