Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

Hi everyone


What is ebay's policy when a seller over bills you on shipping?

Right now I'm dealing with 2 sellers that over billed me.


I contacted both. One told me a week ago he/she said would reinburst me the difference but still havnt. I did PM the seller again. But so far wont PM me back. Seems like just ignoring me.


Another seller over billed me for about $20.00 (give or take). Now wants to bill me even more money even though the shipping was never even close to what he is asking.

Seller operates out of Florida but is claiming to be an attorney in Canada??


(Its only up until now I let the issue of being over shipped go. I admit I found it stressful dealing with the whole thing.)


I guess in the future I wont try to resolve overshipping with the seller?? I gave them some courtesy. Bad ideal or good ideal?


Any helpful and kind advices would be welcome.

Message 1 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

I'll be curious to know how many members here regularly buy from the US?


Message 41 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

It seems to happen alot mainly with US sellers (note: not saying they are all deliberately doing this or all US sellers are bad apples or anything like that).

I dont mind its abit off here and there. Often its off by quite a bit.


For some reason I dont often have the same problem with sellers from the UK, Thailand, HK,  Austria etc. even within Canada. The shipping seems more on the ball in relations to the invoice on shipping.



(I do apologize to anyone if I come off abit cranky. Been abit moody lately.)

Message 42 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

I honestly think then ebay should tutor US sellers that they can use them (without delivery confirmation). Even though it is more risky I believe it will increase more transactions and make ebay more money."

Ebay heavily promotes using tracking, always.  There is zero chance they'd ever suggest not to, which would become a big problem for them when people get ripped off and say "but ebay told me to".  Even the ebay Canada manager posted here recently that they'd like for more Americns to use tracking when shipping to Canada.  There is no reason for ameican sellers to care if you don't like it, Canada is too small a market.   Ebay even protects them from having Canadian/international feedback hurting them.

Its not going to change, decide if you like the price or not, and buy or not accordingly.  The only reason tracking isnt thought of the same way in Canada is the insanity of Canada Post rates compared to the rest of the world.

Ebay is telling American sellers selling very low price "paper like' items mailing like a letter domestically to try adding $2 to the price and send with tracking to meet the new rules coming for TRS discounts.

Message 43 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

"Ebay heavily promotes using tracking, always."

I never disputed that they dont.

From my experience its still doesnt change the issue of what US seller invoice on shipping is what is labelled on the package when it arrives. Not talking about a few cents here.


It doesnt seem it applies when American sellers sell to American buyers though. At least what I have seen so far.

Seems like they American buyers get a real deal. aaghhh




"There is zero chance they'd ever suggest not to, which would become a big problem for them when people get ripped off and say "but ebay told me to".

That may be the case but thats not what I am talking about. I think it should be an Option left to sellers to decide. IMO what ebay should do is Inform sellers that there are cheaper shipping options but its at sellers own risk(con) (alot of US sellers already sending by cheaper shipping methods but still invoicing high to Canadian buyers. I dont think many of them are even taking track of the postage cost to Canadians when they mail it at the USPS post office. Probably because of the shear volume of packages that they are sending all at once. Its only when you get the package and you tell them. Then it often gets into this whole prove it thing etc..... ). But at the same time If sellers want to risk it will encourage more sales (pro).


Message 44 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

"Even the ebay Canada manager posted here recently that they'd like for more Americns to use tracking when shipping to Canada."

I'm sure they have.


"There is no reason for ameican sellers to care if you don't like it,"

My issue is that it doesnt seem many Americans are even Aware about the cheaper shipping options.

It will encourage more sales. Which in the end make ebay more money too. Its really up to ebay head office guys.

There are American sellers who over charge on the shipping (opting for cheaper shipping) but are kind & sympathetic enough to refund buyers regardless. I dont think they over charged deliberately. They just werent aware.




"Canada is too small a market. "

I would be curious to see the studies on that though.

Canada is known as one of the US's biggest foreign market after all. Perhaps theres potential to make more money??

We did get our debt problem under control and our dollar is worth alot more than it use to be.

At least we are not in a debt crisis like other areas in the world.

Our economy is getting stronger everyday.





"Its not going to change, "

(With respect.) That is matter of an opinion. Of course everyone is entitle to them.


"decide if you like the price or not, and buy or not accordingly."

When alot of buyers are discourage from buying (instead of being encourage to buy) that cant be good for business in the long run.

Thats why I think ebay is losing millions in lost revenue.



" The only reason tracking isnt thought of the same way in Canada is the insanity of Canada Post rates compared to the rest of the world."

I never said anything about tracking compare to Canada.

My issue is with the US seller ... thing.

There is no real problem shipping & tracking from other foreign countries (UK, Thailand, China, Austria etc). Their invoice shipping pretty much matches the package's.

Message 45 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

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"Again 23.00 charge & 5.75 cost. I would have no problem with the amount if the item was sent with tracking but c'mon a 17.25 difference."



Exactly. Thats pretty much whats going. There are huge differeces. Not just a few cents here and there.

Message 46 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member


Item number: 140745995062

sellers wants $45.55 USPS Priority Mail Internationa fro shipping.


Its probably going to be ship for under $5.00. The seller then pockets $40.00 from you. From my experience it does not cost $45.55 to shipping to Canada. But its not a isolated thing. Its happening all over with US sellers estimates to Canada (quite often).




Item number: 400296106265

$23.25 USPS Priority Mail International





You can compare shipping costs (from US to Canada) all day. Items weighing about the same but the shipping can be drastically different. And then again quite different when you get the actual package and see the shipping price on it.







Message 47 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

"Canada is too small a market. "

I would be curious to see the studies on that though.

Canada is known as one of the US's biggest foreign market after all.


The biggest market for US sellers is the US. Canada has about the same population as California.

To sell to Canada, a US seller has to  decide to forgo (or not) Delivery Confirmation (13 cents for domestic mail including Media Mail for very cheap but slow book shipping) (The cheapest DC service to Canada is Global Priority* (starting around $20).

Also, thanks to the Unabomber and Homeland Security, parcels for foreign destinations must be handed in at the Post Office. There are few corner post boxes any more and while USPS will pick up domestic parcels, they will not accept foreign parcels. This does raise the seller's costs.

Customs labels would be included with a PP shipping label, so I don't think that needs to be considered. But it does panic some US sellers.


To sell a book to a population of 330million, the US seller can offer cheap Delivery Confirmed shipping and have the book picked up, six days a week. To sell the same book to a population of 34million, he must charge more and do more work.






*This is comparable, but more expensive, to our Expedited USA. And US sellers do not get the 20-25% discount Paypal offers on this service.


Message 48 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

I said foreign market.



Message 49 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

Let me try to illustrate


Lets say Ken buys from Joe. Lets say Joe opted to go for cheaper shipping method of $6.00 instead of the regular $12.50 shipping to ship to Ken. Because of the $6.50 saving on shipping Ken now has more money to spare and decides to buy something from Cindy. Both Joe and Cindy made a sale for that day. Ebay also made a profit from Joe and Cindy. Now lets say this trend repeats itself all through ebay and just by chance ....two buyers who just saved on shipping from two other sellers (who opted to go for cheaper shipping methods) decides to buy from Joe! Joe then just made two extra sales (all because the buyers had extra cash on hand from sellers who opted to go for cheaper shipping method). ....And ebay once again makes more profit. Sellers happier because they made more sales. Buyers happier because they have more money on hand to buy more items. Ebay happier because ebay made more profit because of the increase in sales from the sellers.

Message 50 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

Of course everything I have said is just my personal opinions.








Message 51 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

When did Canada become part of the USA? The USA is a foreign country for us Canadians.Canada is a foreign country for Americans.

They have a different currency, different history, different Constitution, different government, different culture, different demography.... we do both speak the same language, more or less.

Message 52 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

Respectfully I dont think we are on the same page.

To qoute my self:  "Canada is known as one of the US's biggest foreign market after all. ..."





Message 53 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member

I want to emphasis here all my posts here is of my personal opinions only. People should not take it personally. Its up to them if they want to read it or not. or leave it or believe it. etc

Message 54 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Community Member


I have the similar problem...

Seller explicitly to use EMS to ship the item and he billed me $40.

After I did not get any tracking from him, I suspected he used cheaper method, but got a reply smth like "I don't know anything, just printed the label from the etc etc"

when the item arrived, I saw it was shipped by USPS Priority with the paid postage of $17.

I understand that I agree to whatever S&H charges the seller offers, but in my case I see the fraud because he intentionally used not the method he agreed upon, but the cheaper one. Can I get the difference back basing my argument on the fraud by the seller? Any advice would help...

Message 55 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

If the seller quotes a certain service price & then ships with an inexpensive service to the tune of a 24. difference, you have a valid complaint.


Since the seller replied  " I don't know anything" I'm sure leaving a Negative FB & a One DSR for shipping & handling will jog his memory in a hurry.



Message 56 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping


I have the similar problem...


Seller explicitly to use EMS to ship the item and he billed me $40.

After I did not get any tracking from him, I suspected he used cheaper method, but got a reply smth like "I don't know anything, just printed the label from the etc etc"

when the item arrived, I saw it was shipped by USPS Priority with the paid postage of $17.

I understand that I agree to whatever S&H charges the seller offers, but in my case I see the fraud because he intentionally used not the method he agreed upon, but the cheaper one. Can I get the difference back basing my argument on the fraud by the seller? Any advice would help...


from the USA cannot use EMS because it is a Chinese mail system.


It was listed in the listing

The item will be shipped as a Priority Shipment through USPS and will be insured



It has also been over 45 days since you purchased this phone so you have passed time limits for any claim.

Message 57 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Really Toby.


So the Item the OP received was shipped USPS Priority & the listing stated the same shipping service.


Maybe best for the OP to post with clean hands.

Message 58 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

Really Toby.


So the Item the OP received was shipped USPS Priority & the listing stated the same shipping service.


Maybe best for the OP to post with clean hands.


The OP is also registered in Russian Federation


OP has also left NFB for seller

Message 59 of 81
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Over Charged On Shipping

from the USA cannot use EMS because it is a Chinese mail system.

Perhaps the OP meant EMI - Express Mail International

The listing does say Priority but there is no rate quoted so the Op may have asked to upgrade the shipping and pay extra.

Message 60 of 81
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