item seems to have cheap shipping fees. Texas to canada

No additional import charges at delivery!
This item will be shipped through the Global Shipping Program and includes international tracking.
US $16.93 (approx. C $22.34) International Priority Shipping to Canada  |
Item location:
Stafford, Texas, United States
Ships to:
United States and many other countries |
Import charges:
US $24.13 (amount confirmed at checkout)  
Estimated within 8-15 business days  
Includes international tracking
its a computer case worth roughly $400 CAD. It just seems to good to be true and will get hit hard once I go pick it up. Am I missing something?
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Re: item seems to have cheap shipping fees. Texas to canada

The item will be shipped through the eBay GSP program. For large heavy items like a computer case, the GSP can give a very good price for shipping cost. The cost is calculated by the GSP and is most likely a bad estimate but if you are billed that amount then that is all you will be charged. No additional amount to be paid at your door.

Wait for other readers to post replies to confirm what I say.

Please give an eBay item number to confirm what you see.
Message 2 of 6
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Re: item seems to have cheap shipping fees. Texas to canada

there is a link to item at the bottom of original post that goes directly to item
Message 3 of 6
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Re: item seems to have cheap shipping fees. Texas to canada

@fri_ca2015 wrote:
Shipping: US $16.93
Import charges: US $24.13

For that listing I see

Shipping: US$15.89

Import Charges: US$45.65


I'm in an HST province so: US$299.99 @ 13% is $39us, leaving Pitney-Bowes (who run GSP) $6.65us for handling & delivery.  Seems a little low, but not enough to raise flags for me.


You should be okay assuming you are located in a GST province/territory.



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Re: item seems to have cheap shipping fees. Texas to canada

@ypdc_dennis, that US$6.65 charge would just go toward various processing and handling fees, not delivery. The shipping amount is where anything related to “delivery” would go.

US$6.65 sounds comparable to DHL and Canada Post’s C$10 charges. Remember, when the GSP was first introduced, that pad in the import charges was usually about US$3.34 or thereabouts and has been slowly creeping up since.

Anyway, I’m in BC (no HST) and I see slightly higher charges than the OP. All these charges we’re seeing make sense to me.

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Re: item seems to have cheap shipping fees. Texas to canada

In any case, once it makes the GSP plant in Kentucky, the seller is not responsible for anything except putting the wrong thing in the package.

GSP covers late delivery, non-delivery and damage during delivery.


You are paying duty and sales taxes before the seller even ships.


If retail is $400 and you are paying $300 (plus $51Cdn in shipping and import fees), that sounds like a reasonable deal, not a "too good to be true- so it probably isn't" situation.


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