Just wanted to share. . .
With tears staining your cheeks and pride sweeping your heart, you smile for the cheering thousands. The TV cameras pan the audience until they finally focus on your proud family, who is cheering encouragement to you and telling all within earshot that you belong to them.
Most of us will never know the exhilaration of winning a gold medal at the Olympics. But in your imaginations, we've all proudly stood on that top platform. . .
If only it could be true.
Your world may be filled with challenges just as trying as those faced by top Olympic contenders, but no roaring crowds cheer you on, and no one offers you a gold medal for your valiant efforts to win this game called life.
But wait. . .if you listen closely, you might just hear the faint sound of cheering. And as ou open your heart to the possibilities, the cheers will become louder and louder as you discover their source. Hebrews 12 says that we have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, cheeering us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. More than spectators, these witnesses are previous competitors, and they understand the sacrifices you're making and the pain you've endured.
And if you'll pan the crowd, you'll see your Father - He's the one leading the cheer. Arms raised, index finger extended, He's shouting to you, "You're number one! You're number one!" Beside Him is your brother, Jesus. He's turning to others in the crowd, excitedly telling all that you belong to Him.
You are declared the winnter!
Romans 8:31-19
If I am for you, who can be against you? In all things, you are much more than a victorious conqueror through me. Nothing can sstop me from loving you - not death or life, angels or dmeons, current circumstances or anything in the future. Know that nothing and no one in all of the entire world can separate you from my totally awesome and indescribable love.
Love always and unconditionally,
Your God of Victory
*From "Book of Hugs"*
Laurie. . .Go, girl. God is with you!!!

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then there will be peace.
Knowledge is not enough, we must apply; willing is not enough, we must do. - Unknown