05-15-2024 02:41 PM
Hey does anyone know why Global Shipping will NOT ship to BC when it will ship to every other provinces? I mean I'm saving a lot of money but am also really heart broken that the glassware I love can't be shipped to me. Also I was told that US sellers can't ship it (glassware) any other way because of ebay's rules.
05-15-2024 03:50 PM - edited 05-15-2024 03:51 PM
Do you live in a rural or remote-ish location that doesn’t get courier service? I suspect the problem may be your particular location in British Columbia, not B.C. as a whole unless B.C. isn’t served by eBay International Shipping’s Canadian carrier of choice for this particular sale.
As far as the seller using another carrier is concerned, I think your seller may be misunderstanding eBay’s “rules”. But it does take some effort on the seller’s part to cancel and reconfigure the listing so that it offers direct shipping to Canada, and they may end up paying more in fees for the sale to boot, so I’d cut them a little slack.
It’s a bit chancey and you’ll probably forego a lot of your buyer protections if you go this route, but is getting the glassware shipped to a trusted person or agent in the United States an option for you?
05-15-2024 11:16 PM
Most of the Buyer Protections that are foregone when a forwarder , private or commercial, is used are also foregone when the seller is using a Seller Protection program like eIS or the previous GSP which is now only available to UK sellers.
The seller's responsibility for delivery ends at the eIS doorstep, or the seller's forwarder.
While Not As Described claims are still possible, the seller only needs to supply return postage to the US address, it's up to the buyer to pay for shipping to the forwarder/eIS and persuade them to use the return shipping label. The buyer's alternative is to pay for return shipping themselves.
05-26-2024 03:19 AM
I buy a lot of laptops from the US and I'm starting to have the same problem. I win an auction only to go to checkout and see "This seller does not ship to N.B Canada". I always make sure the sellers have International shipping to Canada before I bid too. I live in a rural area but never had this problem before. I called customer service about it tonight and the lady said "well you'll just have to buy from a different seller then". Sellers tell me Ebay has control of all the shipping prices and Ebay tells me the sellers do. I don't like being lied to which they obviously are. I'm not able to drive anymore or I'd just drive the 200 mile round trip to Maine once a month, pick up my orders at C&E Feeds in Calais, take advantage of all the free shipping in the US and pay the HST at the border crossing. My hobby has turned into a bit of a pain in the butt to be honest:/
05-26-2024 04:54 AM - edited 05-26-2024 04:55 AM
@Anonymous, have you considered using a forwarding service such as MyUS.com?
The downside of this workaround is that you're going to forego a lot of your eBay buyer protections.
05-26-2024 01:18 PM
I haven't looked into that, it might be an option though. Thanks
05-26-2024 01:53 PM - edited 05-26-2024 01:58 PM
I called customer service about it tonight and the lady said "well you'll just have to buy from a different seller then".
Sounds like you talked to one of the undertrained subcontractors who answer the phones.
One who badly needed a coffee break.
The phone reps have a terrible reputation for getting you off the phone as soon as possible even if that means giving you the advice you want to hear instead of the advice you need to have.
Here are your options for contacting Ebay Customer Service. Please be aware that for social media CS, you send them a Private Message and briefly explain what your problem or issue is. Feel free to leave your Name, address, phone number and/or your email address in this message. It is private and secure and it may help to speed up the response for you.
https://www.facebook.com/ebay— Message button in upper right on landing page.
https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/How-do-I-contact-Customer-Support/m-p/32016431#M1783851 -> Automated Assistant, type AGENT -> enter. You will then get more options.
The social media Chat accounts are covered by trained eBay employees with some authority.
And you get a transcript so you can compare what you heard with what you were told.
Sellers tell me Ebay has control of all the shipping prices and Ebay tells me the sellers do.
As Bill Clinton once said...
EBay offers sellers a suite of services and discounts for those services.
The Seller chooses from those services, if they wish, or can buy from outside eBay.
Personally I use older postage stamps purchased at a discount (note my eBay ID).
Are you in BC or in NB?
That note does not sound like it comes from eBay, but from a seller with "issues". We cannot block any provinces or territories.
US sellers can block states outside the Lower 48, but with other nations it's all or nothing.
They can block Canada. Or refuse any internationally shipped orders.
Could you give us the listing number?