Spotted the appearance of a new supposed feature on eBay ca today. Gave the impression we could send coupons to specific coupons to our buyers like US sellers have been able to for ages. When checking it out further by following the dropdowns it is ONLY a like to create sales events (On the Canadian website). See screenshots attached.



US View: A)

Check how your discounts are impacting orders and sales.
All promotions

If features like this are never actually going to appear on the Canadian website, shouldn't ebay be upfront on this? Or alternatively be able to provide an honest timeline when they will be???
Note: If you are a dot ca seller and try to create a coupon on dot com you will get an error message stating that feature is not available to Canadian registered sellers. Unsure what will/would happen if you are a Canadian seller registered on dot. Unable to test. If anyone can confirm, please update this discussion. Thanks.