Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Since the change to the new Saved Searches format, I have found that the email alerts that I receive now have NO photos or any other information about the new listings.  The ONLY information is the number of new listings that match my saved search criteria.  This is a huge step backwards.


Whereas before I could simply look at the new listing photos in the email and decide if I wanted to visit eBay to check any out.  Often this meant that I could simply and quickly just delete emails one at a time if there was nothing of interest.  Now I have to click on each and every email to take me to eBay to view the new listings.  Sorry, but this is absolutley useless to me and wastes my valuable time.

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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

I'm experiencing this too.  I was hoping it was a bug, but it's occurred two days in a row now.

It's absolutely pointless to subscribe to email updates which are just a link to visit the website.  I can do that myself.

I really hope it's an error and it is fixed soon.

Message 2 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Community Member

Oh good, it isn't just me! I too thought this was a bug (please be so) but it has continued so far. It makes these emails worthless and completely pointless. A very large, collosal, giant, huge... BIG step backwords!


I practically never comment but this was such a problem to me, that I have to say something.

Message 3 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

As of yesterday, this problem seems to have been fixed and I'm now receiving emails in the same format as they have previously been, i.e. they now include a photo and new listing info and links.  Let's hope it stays this way.

Message 4 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

It's happening again.  What a pointless waste of bandwidth.

Message 5 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

So for the past three days the problem has resurfaced with absoutley no listing details shown in the saved searches emails.  If this behavious is now by design then all I can say is that eBay are proving themselves to be idiotic in the decisions they make and I may as well delete ALL of my saved searches as I have better things to do with my life. 

Message 6 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

It's now been over a week with my saved searches emails not showing any listing info/photos whatsoever.  So I guess this is now entirely broken.  Nice one eBay - yet another step backwards amongst the many made.

Message 7 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos




Is ebay aware that saved search emails are no longer showing any listing info or photos? 

Message 8 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Well that's a good point.  I had hoped that eBay customer support looked at these forums.  In any case I have now contacted eBay customer support who have raised a ticket with their IT team.  No idea if this will resove the problem as this change to the emails may be by design (which I sincerely hope it isn't).  I've also been advised that eBay will not contact me regarding the ticket so all I can do is see if the daily emails format changes back or not.  Time will tell.

Message 9 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Me too I have the same problem (as of May 21, 2022).

I contacted eBay chat again and refrenced this link.

Message 10 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Same issue here:

I contacted eBay chat again and I asked them "explicitly" to create a ticket for their IT website team and paste the links to these 2 community links showing the problem.


Please do the same if you are experiencing the same issue; let us put pressure on their IT team to solve this issue.

Message 11 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

I would not be surprised if this situation is a deliberate change.  In comparing old emails and new emails, I see two obvious differences in the layout.  So it isn't simply that the pictures have erroneously disappeared, it's really an update.


Long before this, the number of pictures in the email was usually fewer than the number of hits stated in the subject line.  This is probably how they fixed that incongruency, by eliminating the pictures.


It would be great if I'm wrong, though!

Message 12 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

"It would be great if I'm wrong, though!"


So do I.  I mean, what is the point of these emails if they don't contain ANY information about the new listings that match your criterion.

Message 13 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

This is my first visit to the forums in a couple of years. I was going to search for this exact problem in the forums, but this thread appeared in front of me. I had just opened and closed my latest ebay saved search email without photos. I had not done any search anywhere else about this problem.  Coincidence? More like creepy.

Message 14 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

I feel it's a deliberate attempt by ebay to get more traffic to their site.  By not posting any photos of the current listings in their emails, we feel we might be missing out on something so we feel compelled to click on their link and visit ebay to see what's newly listed.  It has had the opposite affect on me.  I now visit Poshmark to see what they have currently listed for items I'm specifically looking for.


I have not had any photos with my ebay emails for about a month now (or more).  And I'm not happy about it.  It's a huge time waster to click on every link and go to their site when I used to be able to see new listings in seconds.

Message 15 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

@bewitched-2 There has been some talk that the problem only affects those with saved searches on and not those on  I see that you're registered on and so am a little surprised that the problem is also affecting you.  Are your saved searches on


Also, can I request that you raise a ticket with eBay support.  The more people who do this the more chance this may be resolved.

Message 16 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Can I request that you raise a ticket with eBay support.  The more people who do this the more chance this may be resolved

Message 17 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Well the squeaky wheel got the carrot!  The photos are now back in my ebay emails!  I'm very happy about that, it saves a lot of time to see the new listings in my emails first.


Ebay must be monitoring the Community Board as I didn't have time to raise a ticket.  So thank you ebay for getting the photos added.

Message 18 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos



As of May 27th, it seems the photos are showing now (this is on, they might have solved the website glitch.


I will monitor for few more days.

Message 19 of 20
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Re: Saved Searches - Emails Have No Listing Info or Photos

Hey @pjcdn2005 this is a known issue on our end and we're working on resolving it ASAP! 

Message 20 of 20
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