seller fees to high

hello i was woundering if any other sellers think eBays fees are a little to high 

i've been looking at other sites to sell on eBay has the highest selling fees 

13.5% is a little to much i'm lossing a lot of money 

the last item i sold for $5 and had to pay over $7 in fees and taxes

another one i lost over $20 and made nothing 

i think it would be better if eBay charged sellers a monthly charge of $20 

and got rid of seller fees it would be somthing for eBay to sit down and think about 

if they don't want to lose any more sellers.

to setup a both at a flee market its around $10-$30 maybe a little more if its inside 

i think $20 is far for sellers on eBay and would be good for eBay becase it would bring back seller and bring new sellers to the platform 

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Re: seller fees to high

"i was woundering if any other sellers think eBays fees are a little to high"

Compared to what? a site that has a fraction of the traffic that eBay does?

compared to a site that has less fees, but 0 traffic, and takes more time and effort to bring in any sales at all?

"13.5% is a little to much i'm lossing a lot of money"

If you are losing money that's on are not making the right choices as to what you list on eBay...

Not everything is suitable to list on eBay...

not everything should be listed on eBay....

Perhaps it is time to reconsider that...

It's YOUR choice what you list on a selling site ...

and it's YOUR choice where you choose to list & sell...

If the flea market is your choice then go do it...

If you want a world-wide audience there are choices there too...

You get out of a site what you put into it, in time and effort...

If you want to pay a monthly fee I am sure you can find a site that will accommodate you...

For myself I do not want a monthly fee> that's what an eBay store is >those are presented with monthly fees and lower FVFs...

and mandating that every seller pay a monthly fee won't work as a "blanket solution"= that's YOUR dream world...

eBay is not concerned with sellers leaving...

For every seller that goes, 10 more come along to fill the void...

Sellers are expendable...sellers come, sellers go...

and so goes the cycle of sellers on eBay and/or any online selling site...

C'est la vie!

Que sera, sera


Message 2 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

Community Member

You've been here for a little shy of ten years, so you should remember the days when eBay's selling fees and PayPal's payment processing fees were two separate charges.  What's probably making that 13.5% seem so high to you is that 2.9% or so of that is for payment processing.  Many sellers didn't seem to be too bothered by the total percentage they were paying in fees when they were paying two sets of fees; they're only more aware of them now that they're combined.


The secret to success on eBay is no different now than it was ten years ago: either sell items for several times what you paid for them yourself if your volume isn't great, or sell lots and lots of items at very low margins like a supermarket does.  The difference between now and ten years ago is that most sales are now subject to sales taxes and as eBay's charges are based on the total transaction fee, a bigger bite is taken out of your gross margins.


The occasional loss shouldn't sting that much.  You still have money from the sale instead of an item sitting on your shelf gathering dust, at least.  If your losses are persistent, you need to look at your business model.  As previously posted, not everything out there is suitable for selling on eBay, just as not everything is suitable for selling at a flea market.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

I looked at a couple of your listings, and I think part of the problemis that you are selling at too low a price not only for profitability, as others have said, but well below market.

That "quarter ring", which is apparently a ring made from  25c coin is priced at $10 with $23 shipping to me here in BC.

Which is about right for Regular or Expedited Parcel.

Could you, emotionally, ship it LetterPost without tracking? (Under $5)

Could you ship domestically** as LetterPost with Registration ($5 or less plus $9.75)?


There were some sponsored items on your listing. (Yes we all hate them, but it's eBay's sandbox and the sellers paid to be there.)

The prices were three to four times higher.

The pictures were MUCH better.

And the descriptions explained what the customer would get more clearly.

Some offered Free Shipping.

Don't panic, free shipping just means the cost of shipping is included in the price of the item


In the case of the copper bullion, it looks as if an auction was not the right format, since metals are widely traded and have a market price (today copper is at $4.03US a pound).  Hindsight would say that this is not a good choice for auction and that the shipping cost for a 454gr item would make it a poor choice for mail order.


EBay has become more transparent with Managed Payments.

Instead of immediate notification of PP fees, followed at the end of the month with eBay fees, we are now seeing almost all** fees immediately.

And in addition to that fee being charged on the selling price, it is also charged on the shipping you charge the customer, and the sales tax he pays to his province/state. The ENTIRE payment, not just the selling price.


Makes it easier to see which listings are money losers and which are profitable.






* Registration does not work outside of Canada. Nor are we supposed to ship goods by Letter rates outside of Canada.

** Store fees are still monthly

Message 4 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

NEVER NEVER NEVER pull a listing price randomly out of  thin air. I think thats what you are doing. 


You only pay fees if your item sells. My advice, do some math and price your items to account for Ebay fees, shipping, and taxes and leave your self a respectable profit margin.



The Gist is Ebay fees are NOT too high for what you are getting. 

Here are your selling choices 


Ebay - for 13% is a pretty sweet deal. you get to put your products in front of millions of buyers, you don't nned to do any marketing (facebook,google, instaagram tiktok ads which are expensive) unless you do promoted listings, you don't desigm your own website. You don't need to pay rent or high staff like a B&M store. 


Selling on Ebay is prob the easiest platform. All you gotta do is list ship get paid (eventually) repeat oh and deal with the ocasional buyer return. 


If you want no fees sell on FB marketplace in your local city and get paid in cash. But you are only limited to the people in your city. 




Sell on Shopify, 30 bucks a month + 2-3% transaction fees. BUT you gotta spend insane amout of money on social media marketing just to drive traffic to your store and after spending all that money there is no garauntee that you will make many sales.  


Message 5 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

FacebookMarketplace has announced that as of June 2023 they will be charging fees.

Message 6 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

And the taxes will follow, get ready...



...and they all thought that going to Kijiji and Marketplace would let them continue to avoid "scrutiny". 

Message 7 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

Facebook will only be charging fees if you use their "Commerce Manager" meaning customers can buy from you with a credit card and Facebook handles the transactionn and you ship to them. Thats 5%. 


They will still alow you (for now) to buy and sell the old fashion FREE way by having buyers come to your house and paying in cash for your items. Unless they introduce a listing fee in the future. 

Message 8 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

FB Marketplace "could" very well go by the way of Kijiji in that there are restrictions on how many ads per category per household with any additional listings subject to a listing fee...

Message 9 of 10
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Re: seller fees to high

@coins_and_collectables_canada  "i think it would be better if eBay charged sellers a monthly charge of $20 

and got rid of seller fees it would be somthing for eBay to sit down and think about..."




...lets also set all selling prices to the same amount for the same exact item of every Seller.

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