Better Just To Shut It All Down?

I've been continuing to sell, but it hardly seems worth it for the headaches I'm encountering (and bound to encounter).

I have two parcels sitting on a truck in Mississauga somewhere (and they won't be investigated by CP because they were sent by Chit Chats, and since i didn't buy insurance with them, I'm screwed there).

I have two other domestic parcels sent this week that still haven't been picked up at the local post office.

I have a feeling it's luck of the draw at every single point of contact now. Odds of something going missing are quite high. Then trying to file a claim for anything missing will be a gong show.

I'm shuttin er down... 😞
Message 1 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

Like you, I decided to remove my listings. Although there were several watchers on some items, sales were slow. I decided I didn't need the added stress of standing in line at the post office to drop off parcels, waiting to see how long it took to be delivered, and the possibility of buyers not being patient in terms of delivery time. After paying ebay and paypal fees I felt the $20 or so I might make on a lower priced item or the potential for losing a higher priced item just wasn't worth it at this time. Good luck to those who continue to sell.
Message 42 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

Each seller will have to decide what is best for them and their situation. For myself, I don't have any active listings at this time, but may start to list a few next week...

I do want to take advantage of the 200 free listing promo that I received for dotCOM. I haven't done much International shipping for the past several years and for my listings on dotCA,  I do restrict my Int'l shipping to only a few countries in Europe plus Australia & N.Z. However,  whenever I list on dotCOM it is strictly for Canada & USA only.

I sell low price items, hobby/craft books, magazines, patterns so maybe I can be hopeful for a few sales to help folks find things to do during these difficult times...

Of course we have to hope for folks actually wanting to spend money on such things during these difficult times...

Stay healthy; stay safe everyone!

Message 43 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

I'm seriously considering closing all my listings down to have NO income for 14 days in order to apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. If at that point I don't qualify then it will be panic time to pay rent/bills etc. Can get no detailed info on how the process will work. My MPs phone is unreachable. No info on govt websites except wait till April 6th.

By the way I talked to a lady in line at the post office yesterday who is one of the folks working on the website. She said they expect 10 million Canadians will apply for help. Wonder what chance there will be to ever get through to actually apply. It's a total mess.
Message 44 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

I have done the same, trying to close down till the panic is over and cleaning everything I want to sell later, so decided to start filling up my selling Templates ready for the Corona curse to to leave us all in peace -- Have not been able to see my daughters and grandkids for what feels like months ! Thank God for eMail, and Telephones etc
Stay well everyone and keep safe. tu-ee
Message 45 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

Went to the PO to mail a parcel today.

When I ship Expedited I mostly use my discount postage stamps to pay, then buy the label with the last few cents owing.

Not very busy there, in back of the pharmacy, but people in the prescription line were crowding together.  Same when I went to London Drugs to pick up printer ink and paper (and chocolates-- life must go on). Those lining for the pharmacists were maybe  two feet apart at best.


Message 46 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

People were practicing the correct separation.


A big... super big bag of toilet paper was available for purchase


and then... something unexpected...  never seen before ... and not purchased


Three chocolate pizza....   



Message 47 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

I pulled all my listings off ebay today since the govt requires no income from any source for 14 days prior to applying for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. I'm no longer contributing to the economy by being on ebay. Guess the feds want the economy to shrink even more.
Message 48 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

as 70's something seniors, hubby & I have no worries for income, no mortgage, no debt, are taking all the needed precautions/social distancing and such and we'll both continue listing and carry on as usual with our hobby selling....

Wishing everyone good health,stay strong, stay safe and stay connected with family and friends!

Message 49 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

Now imagine if you had a Basic Income as the Liberals wanted POLICY RESOLUTION 100


The thing is the elites and GOV are already planning to implement this, but in order to do it they need as many "desperate citizens" as possible to "justify" full implementation...


...are you desperate enough yet, Citizens?!?


I advocate for #BasicIncome on Twitter - I am Citizen_i #UBI


IMAGINE IF YOU HAD $1500.00 PER MONTH "NO STRINGS ATTACHED" ... would that help you right now!!



Message 50 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

Wonder if more could be done at the Provincial level by the various governments in power for their citizens? From what I've read and heard some of stepped up, others not so much!!



Message 51 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

...more "programs" and bureaucracy are not the answer,

simplicity and "universality " are the solution...


#UBI = Universal Basic Income


Our Governments need to be held accountable, currently, they are not...


Which would you prefer??


A Basic Income implemented by the Left or implemented by the Right, because both sides are heading towards that "endgame"...


...and for two different reasons!!


Think about that...

Message 52 of 53
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Re: Better Just To Shut It All Down?

I am keeping my store up, I am not going to the post office. I bought about $200 worth of stamps last week so the packages can just be dropped in the box. I have to admit that working out the correct stampage (is that a word!) is a challenge and I can end up with quite a few stamps on the envelope. People are still purchasing, I guess it depends on what you sell. For women having to stay in the house, getting craft projects can be very helpful. It also gives me something to do and contact with people.


I am quite surprised how quickly things are arriving. I was just checking my feedbacks and a lot of buyers remark on the quick delivery. I am only selling to US, Canada and Australia right now.

Message 53 of 53
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