Buyer request Return how can I get the return label print ? if buyer return fake one how ?

Recently I sold an perfume item , it said not authentic by the buyer and request return . This happen second time again , the previous buyer sent me back the fake , and ask for refund so I just refund it without any hassle. 

And today again , another buyer claim is fake , they all from same province !! I m really don't know what to do ? How can I get the return label if I m not register Canada client ? Can I just walk in buy return label on the counter ? How I should protect by self , if they don't return the real authentic perfume to me ? 



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Re: Buyer request Return how can I get the return label print ? if buyer return fake one how ?

Buyer #1 claimed your perfume was fake and you refunded without demanding a return, which is your right.


Now another Buyer #2 (from the same province) made the same claim.


You are allowed to demand that the buyer return the purchase before refunding.

You can buy Return Shipping Labels here:

I think your first language is French so I chose that one. If not there is a link to the English instructions in the upper right corner.


In the USA, Return Shipping Labels from USPS which are not used are not charged to the buyer.

I am not sure if this is true with Canada Post.


If in reading the instructions you find that you will be charged for the Return Shipping Label, you may find it easier to use this link:

Make a return shipping label and email a copy of the PDF to the customer.


If they do not return anything, you win a Not As Described dispute and do not refund.

If they return something other than what you sent, you will probably lose the Dispute, but you can appeal it through Trust and Safety. Winning there depends on the phase of the moon and what the clerk had for lunch.


If these are your inexpensive samples, refund without return (because it is simpler) and add the scammer complainant to your Blocked Bidder List.

On the high value perfumes, demand the return, even if you end up out the cost of the Return Shipping Label.

For all of us sellers.




PS- about language.

I notice that you repeat the information on the J'adore label in your description. Rather than translating it (poorly, sorry) use the excellent description on the label.

When your vocabulary is not perfect, scammers will decide you are easy to take advantage of.

Also spelling . It's J'adore not Jadore as you have it in your title.





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Re: Buyer request Return how can I get the return label print ? if buyer return fake one how ?

Unless you have a special licence, sending perfume via Canada Post is restricted and/or prohibited. 


What Not To Mail


Category Three: Flammable Liquids


  • Perfumes 


Along with Paint, Aftershave, Adhesives et cetera


I have the Canada Post brochure on Dangerous Goods on my desk.



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