Can I sue Ebay?

I am furious with eBays system for handling false returns, the eBay money-back guarantee and taking a side with the buyer when it is clearly the buyer's fault here. I sold a Dell XPS 12 on eBay and specifically marked No Returns, but a buyer somehow got a return through eBay. I assumed that this would fall under the eBay money-back guarantee, which is not organized again. The buyer chose that the problem was that the product was not what was described, but in his actual written reason, he just said he didn't want the product! So I just forgot about it until one-day id decided to file a claim with eBay. I swear, nobody read my claim, and within maybe 10 minutes, I got an email that said your claim was denied and that I had to ship the product out. So I appealed, and the same thing happened; within ten minutes, I got an email that my appeal was denied. It felt like a bot was marking all the claims and appeals from sellers to denied. Before this, I had contacted eBay numerous times, and they take maybe 2 to 4 hours to come back to you on the phone. Now, I contacted them and tried to explain what had happened, but nobody would listen. So, after maybe a month of this going back and forth, I said, hey, screw it. Let's accept the return. So I paid my own money, made a shipping label, uploaded it, and contacted and texted the buyer. Before this, I was reaching out to the buyer but hey, no response. After this, I was in a pickle. My buyer had my laptop, and eBay had my money. The buyer hadn't shipped the product out, so I kept contacting eBay, and one time, a person said that because I was appealing and the appeal was denied, the buyer could keep the product and the money. I litter said **bleep**. Another person said to contact PayPal, and the organization between PayPal and eBay is just **bleep**. I contacted PayPal, they said to contact eBay. I contacted eBay; they said contact PayPal. **bleep**! Now I have neither the product nor the money, the buyer hasn't shipped it out for a month, and I can't get either back. So, can I use eBay and/or the buyer over this situation?

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Re: Can I sue Ebay?

YES SURE !   you can send a label but you have  to pay for  it !  that may be  ok  on a small item  where  the  shipping cost is  low .

what about an item  that has a  high cost to ship  !  i guess you never  had  that experience  ! 

you probably sell  low  valued stuff  that requires  low  shipping cost  , even if  the  buyer  does  not ship back after you sent the  label you are still out  the  shipping cost .


try shipping something that costs over a hundred bucks and  even double  that ! and  see how it feels  if  you  are forced  to  send a shipping label  !  and  maybe  not even get back what you sent  !

its  compleasent people  like  you that  gives e-bay licence  to  stiff sellers .

Message 21 of 26
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Re: Can I sue Ebay?

HI ! i know exactley how  you feel !  i have been ripped  of  by a buyer on ebay and  ebay let him get away with it .  i end up losing $618.00  bucks  plus  shipping costs  and  the  buyer got to keep the  item.

talking to ebay resolution people   is  like dealing with the  devil .

but most of  the  ebay reps  cannot be  trusted , you will get different answers  to  the  same  problem from different  reps. 

E-BAY IS  KICKING SELLERS IN THE  TEETH  !   and  its sellers  that keep ebay  in busines  .

Message 22 of 26
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Re: Can I sue Ebay?

I sold an item the buyer got to keep my item I sold him and the money was returned because of him my other items were stol even know I sold it and they claim it to stop scammers cause of a bad customer
Message 23 of 26
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Re: Can I sue Ebay?


Even if you have a No Returns policy, you are allowed to demand the return of the item before refunding.

If you refuse the return, which may also mean sending the complainant Return Shipping, you will lose the case and the item and the payment. You will also have a Defect on your selling account.

If you refund without demanding a return, you will lose the item and the payment, but will not have a Defect.

If you refund when the item is returned, you will lose the payment, but will not have a Defect. You also have the item available for resale.


You can have a No Returns policy, but you cannot have a No Refunds policy.



because of him my other items were stol even know I sold it and they claim it to stop scammers cause of a bad customer

Grammar and spelling are your friends.

If you have accumulated enough Defects, eBay will shut you down.




Message 24 of 26
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Re: Can I sue Ebay?

No Returns doesn't mean what you and every other logical person thinks it means. To ebay, it means you don't want the item returned to give a refund. THere actually is no option to NOT ALLOW RETURNS/REFUNDS under ebay's system of  money back satisfaction guaranteed **bleep**. Basically ebay is locking sellers into accepting their blanket returns policy unless sellers are willing to eat the loss of both the item and the money. By selling on the ebay platform, you agreed to be bound by their rules so no you really cannot sue them. THe fact you didh't understand the rules doesn't matter.... you were playing at a casino with rigged decks and the house always wins. 


This is also why I'm quitting selling on ebay as at least once a quarter i get a dishonest buyer exploiting ebay's money back guarantee **bleep** and in twenty years selling on other platforms I've never run into such a problem. Sometimes its for very little money, other times its been attempted with some very large value items.

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Re: Can I sue Ebay?

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