Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?



Hopefully I can get some help / traction here.


I was forced to sign up on the first of Jan 1 2021 to the MP program, via a very threatening time sensitive email.  It did not disclose any additional personal information being required of me, so extremely misleading.  I would not have signed up, and closed my 17 year account if it was disclosed.  


I had a single small sale go through fine shortly after.  My second much larger sale was held, and "additional account information" was required.  I didn't thing much of it, and shipped off the item to be on time, trusting this to be resolved via a click on a form immediately.  Nope!


I provided all the extra information, and even gave photo id.  I was not about to provide my "optional" Canadian SIN.  I received an auto generated email four days later "not accepted".  I went back in and reviewed all my information, and it was all accurate.  Once again it was asking for additional photo id, so I uploaded the same ones again.  Four days later "not accepted".  Now I attempted to get some support.  Turns out there is only a chat function, and your gave to go through a lower tier agent, before even reaching a MP agent.  the wait time no matter what is listed is 45 min to one hour (my last chat session was over two hours long).  


So on my third chat attempt, I get the nuances.  You get a lower tier agent right away, so ask for MP team, don't even bother answering any questions.  You now wait the prescribed 45min to 1 hour.  Now when you do get the MP agent, get a case number right away, as you will get dropped, and re-shuffled to the lower agent at random.  The case number will help you re-connect, and save explaining your life again, and again, and again.  Now hopefully they can help.  


Supposedly my bottleneck was my missing middle name.    Entered, resolved, confirmed account was 100%.  Next day 'account held, need more information".


Repeat above process.


Now it was my birthday not being in the system correctly.  Somewhere in the previous registration, my DOB was polled and entered incorrectly.  This editable field no longer exists, and/or is linked to the new DOB field request.  So I enter my correct DOB, just as it appears on my provided ID.  Confirmed 100%, no problems, good to go.  Four days later, "account held, information does not match".


Repeat above process.


This chat session is my two hour run.  It goes low level agent, MP agent, dropped back to low level agent, then back to MP agent (a different one). this ate up the first hour.  Awesome.  So, I can not edit any of my information, and save it, as no fields get changed, as all my information is accurate.  Painful right?  The agent says he has a different DOB on file.  I ask where is the field for me to edit this?  the link takes me back to the form that I can not effect a change or save on.  Faulty database logic loop / bad code.  The agent has to manually edit / override the DOB.  So now one again everything is fingers crossed!


four days later......."information does not match"


the agent was really nice, and then another agent attempted to call me today, then followed up with an email.


Once again really nice.  


But, clearly in the e-mail it was written "We are unable to accept the document you provided because you have not provided your Social Insurance Number (SIN)."  


bizare, since the SIN field on the information form has the "optional" clearly beside it.


I sent out three orders so far this month, and only got paid for the first one.  I attempted to cancel the most recent as it is now a month of inventory loss / shipping cost accrual.....But, it gets better!


To cancel the order, I have to refund the buyer out of pocket, aside from the funds they already sent, as the MP program is holding these funds in escrow.  Pretty cool huh?


So as far as I can see... I am now an Ebay employee, ebay is now also a government agency, I get to pay buyer for the privilege of giving them inventory.


Finally on the physical phone with an agent right now.... after a three hour wait for a call back.


They attempted to tell me SIN was mandatory, and I informed them of the Canadian government directions to not provide it.  They now think it is a problem with their form.


fingers crossed, but not really expecting this to resolve.  I feel I will just have to collapse my account, and the buyer will have to file a claim, and then ebay can just pay out of my $2k they are holding, then use the rest for pizza.

Message 1 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?

eBay has my SIN # I gave it because they asked for it and I believe it was when they told me to sign up for MP last year or not be able to sell. 


Can you explain to me why eBay needs my SIN #?


In the meantime I'm going to contact my accountant and find out if eBay should have it or not.

Message 41 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?

@mr.special-editions wrote:

eBay has my SIN # I gave it because they asked for it and I believe it was when they told me to sign up for MP last year or not be able to sell. 


Can you explain to me why eBay needs my SIN #?

If there are plans to eliminate the SIN field from the sign-up page, then eBay doesn't need your SIN or anybody else's.


The Managed Payments sign-up page is the one from the US site that's been tweaked for the Canadian site.  In the US, a Social Security Number is a requirement for Managed Payments.  Those responsible for unleashing Managed Payments on the .ca site and those converting the sign-up page for use on the .ca site were obviously unaware that it's unnecessary for Canadian sellers to provide their SIN on a site like this.  Unfortunately, eBay Canada customer service reps--who are not based out of Canada--were also trained to believe that the US and Canadian sites had similar identification requirements and it seems to be taking a while to untrain some of them.

Message 42 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?

They also claimed the Canadian government authorized the on the phone.
Message 43 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?

I feel you brother.They Held my fund 2k plus in exchange of an SIN.
Message 44 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?

No they did not.

You can use your SIN, if you wish, but it is NOT a requirement.

You can use a drivers license if you have one. I don't so I used my passport.


Your bank information must match your identification must match your eBay information.

So if your mother named you John Jacob Jingleheimer Smitha but the name on your Drivers License is John J J Smith and on your bank account is John Jacob J Smith, and you used JJJ Smith for eBay, you will not be authorized.


And the bank account must be with a Canadian* bank and be a chequing account.




*The account can be held in US dollars, but the bank must be Canadian.

Message 45 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?

Same thing happen to me more than 2k dollars canadian of sales was held up in exchange for an SIN.
Message 46 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?

You have responded to a ZOMBIE THREAD from 2021 and really irrelevant at this point.

Message 47 of 48
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Canadian SIN number now being demanded by managed payments team? is this no longer optional?


Start your own thread for useful up to date advice.


You do not need to provide your SIN.

Message 48 of 48
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