02-14-2015 12:58 PM - edited 02-14-2015 01:01 PM
Hello all -
I think those of us who have been following the boards all know about the discussions and complaints concerning what I call the "cart disconnect" between eBay.ca and other eBay sites. I've had some very illuminating responses from Raphael in follow-up to this week's board hour (which wasn't terribly productive itself). Please see my Post #39 in http://community.ebay.ca/t5/Seller-Central/buyers-saying-item-is-unavailable-when-trying-to-purchase... for my summary of his comments.
Essentially, he finally made it clear that the carts are site-specific, were not intended to be universal across all eBay sites, and that a "universally workable" cart is not realistically feasible due to eBay's decades-old and complex site design. Basically, WYSIWYG.
However, eBay apparently believes the "cart disconnect" is not an issue for the vast majority of Canadian sellers. My view is that the reason for this is because we can't be aware of something we don't see -- how do you measure the number of buyers from other sites (e.g. eBay.com, eBay.UK) who may have tried making a multiple purchase using their own site's cart, failed and given up?
So, given the fact that we're stuck with what we have, I know my multiple orders were working fine before the .ca cart was introduced. Perhaps --- just maybe -- if enough Canadian sellers ask for it, I wonder if the .ca cart could be pulled completely?
It would be very interesting to hear from Canadian sellers on this thread as to:
1) Have you seen a significant downturn in multi-item orders from non-Canadian buyers since about mid-summer of 2014 (in comparison to earlier months or years)?
2) Have any non-Canadian buyers contacted you to tell you they're having trouble getting through the checkout/payment process when attempting to make a multi-item purchase?
3) Do you sell regularly to U.S. buyers?
A "yes" or "no" to each of the above would be enough -- I just thought it would be interesting to gather some numbers. Whether it will do any good or not, well...
03-18-2015 06:58 PM
Sorry, I couldn't get the image sized properly up above and ran out of editing time. Here's the result I got (you may not be able to see it as the print is so small, but there's no discount/free shipping for the 5 items):
03-18-2015 07:03 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:
Five items, one at least with a pre-existing offer of free shipping and it looks right, doesn't it? Again, this is the ebay.ca cart.
mj -- how were you able to get that tidy screen shot insert in your Post #129? I tried the "Insert/edit Link" button, but the inserted URL only worked if the page was still live. (I'm getting tired of messing around with posting whole jpegs on this board, and I'm sure others are getting tired of seeing them clog up the pages).
03-18-2015 07:19 PM - edited 03-18-2015 07:22 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:
Perhaps you are saying this already but in case you aren't.....you would have had to remove the first item from the cart too in order to check out.
I'm not 100% certain of this, since I haven't wanted to proceed beyond the US cart to the payment screen to test it. I assumed that because the 2nd (or subsequent) items were shown as "unavailable" anyway, by clicking on the "Proceed to Checkout" button, the buyer would end up being asked to pay for Item #1 and proceed as usual from there. Perhaps not.
If not, then it's even more of a mess. Who could figure this out unless they were extremely sophisticated eBay buyers?
In other words, the .com cart is quite useless for US buyers trying to purchase from Canadians. As I said, I'd rather buyers simply be forced to use the BIN one-by-one.
"If you want to continue to sell in U.S. $ then maybe going immediate payment is the way you want to go."
Yes, IPR and removing my discounts entirely are likely the best options for me until we know this cart issue is fixed. However I'm not enthusiastic about IPR on every item for reasons that I noted above.
"But I don't see why you would remove the promo from your listings now that it works on the .ca cart."
Mainly because I've yet to make a multi-item sale to a Canadian (I sell perhaps 1 item every 2 months to a Canadian buyer). Accordingly, I don't want to leave the discount in place if it's resulting in contradictory and confusing messages for my US buyers (such as the message "this Offer is no longer available", after they've been told the discount offer will be applied once they use the Cart). That will just look like some sort of scam, or make me look like a very sleazy, reneging seller.
I used to have at least 3 or 4 multi-item sales from American and international buyers per month that combined perfectly and (where there were 5 items) applied the promo perfectly. The last one I recall like that was many months ago.
03-18-2015 07:56 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:Also, I'm just stubborn and don't like having to pay the extra currency conversion to payapl for a USD payment from a Canadian.
I'm puzzled here... I do not have to pay extra fees if I receive a payment from a Canadian buyer in USD... and all my items are in USD. I only have to pay 3.9% + $0.30 (instead of 2.9% + $0.30) if I receive a payment from buyers outside of Canada and USA.
03-18-2015 08:32 PM
I'm puzzled here... I do not have to pay extra fees if I receive a payment from a Canadian buyer in USD... and all my items are in USD. I only have to pay 3.9% + $0.30 (instead of 2.9% + $0.30) if I receive a payment from buyers outside of Canada and USA.
Look to your Sales Reports. On the months where I have multiple sales overseas, my paypal fees jump an additional one per cent. (See below.)
Net PayPal fees as % sales | December 4.5%![]() | January 3.7% | February 4.6% |
That is on money coming in but what about how you spend it? When the USD lands in your paypal account, how do you use it? If you withdraw it to a CAD account, you lose percentage in the conversion. Any time that you have to deal with the conversion of a currency, it costs you. You'd be losing valuable percentages on withdrawing the money to use it as Canadian currency. If you spend it as USD on ebay.com without taking it from your paypal account first, you might be okay.
To Rose-dee: I'm going to look through some other items in your cart to see if I can re-create your error. This whole thing with the shopping cart is most headache-inding, you're right. Americans were never my biggest buyers but people from overseas are. (Or were.)
Now, I had no idea how to post a whole pic right in the thread like you do so I always added it as an attachment below. Right beneath the place I'm typing right now, there is a boldface Attachments and Choose File button, between the text box and Cancel Post buttons. I hope you are not snowed under as I write.
Choose File
03-18-2015 09:01 PM
Okay, one final note and I will let the matter rest for the night. When I go to your store, rose-dee and add the same five items to my www.ebay.ca cart that you had in yours (the ones which would not combine postage properly to reflect the free postage discount on five items) I discovered that three were already showing free postage and the other two were not.
When I increased the quantity on those paid-shipping items to two of each so that my cart reflected a total of seven items from five listings, I was able to trick it into showing free postage.
Maybe, just maybe, this is a conflict caused by your free shipping items outnumbering the paid shipping items int he cart. That being said, if it is so, I don't know how that might be altered on your end. With your flat-rate shipping and multiple quantities, how do you have the additional items set up to add postage? Like, could it be something within your flat-rate rules for adding multiple quantities of the same item?
Otherwise, your .ca cart works. But, if Canadians are not your market and Americans can't be persuaded to use the Canadian cart to properly combine shipping, then moving to an Immediate Payment might be the best way to make it the simplest for your buyers. (Or there's the repugnant alternative: abandon ebay.ca altogether for ebay.com.)
Back in November of last year, when I incorrectly thought I could fix the UK Basket and USA Cart problem for myself by moving from all my flat-rate combined postage for every item sold outside of Canada to calculated postage, I tell you, wow, that was an ordeal. To revise the shipping terms on 600+ listings and the text to go with it at the busiest time in my year. So I did all that, thought it would solve the checkout problem for my international buyers but no. In the long run, it's not bad that I did it. Calculated domestic and international postage (and associated discounts) works for me. If only the same could be said of the Basket and Cart.
But don't despair. Sometimes the big steps are not the missteps.
I am absolutely certain the reason I can't add my items to a Basket on UK or Cart on USA is because my listings are CAD. It has to be.
03-18-2015 09:31 PM
Okay, I lied: one final last note and then I promise myself that I will do what I actually sat down to do tonight.
Re-affirming the statement that all carts globally are working as they should except the UK basket and USA cart is this:
(a) When I go to ebay.com and try to buy other items listed in CAD, there is no cart to be found. This isn't just my CAD listings that are affected.
(b) When I go to ebay.co.uk and try to buy other items listed in CAD, there is no basket to be found but if I click buy-it-now and then go to
(c) ebay.FRANCE and log-in, that item is waiting for me in a cart. I can also add anything I want to that France Cart from my store and it will combined postage as it is supposed to. Isn't that interesting? I don't mean the French version of ebay.ca either. France ebay.
See screenshot as attached.
03-19-2015 11:47 AM
@mjwl2006 wrote:
When I increased the quantity on those paid-shipping items to two of each so that my cart reflected a total of seven items from five listings, I was able to trick it into showing free postage.
Maybe, just maybe, this is a conflict caused by your free shipping items outnumbering the paid shipping items int he cart. That being said, if it is so, I don't know how that might be altered on your end. With your flat-rate shipping and multiple quantities, how do you have the additional items set up to add postage?
Thanks so much for trying this test. I have no way to account for this result. Frankly I don't think we sellers are going to be able to determine all the parameters in a way that will permit us to know we can sell to any buyer, every time, without issues. In the cold light of day I'm beginning to feel it isn't a productive exercise to try to do so, nor do I think we should have to "workaround" such a fundamental process as checkout.
The big problem with trying to work around eBay's flaws is that for years now they have been constantly monkeying around in the background. If we spend days re-organizing our businesses (for example, by listing everything on .com to avoid the US cart problem, or by re-arranging my entire shipping profile, as you did), next week eBay will be tweaking things again and there will be different issues and glitches. This has been a common pattern on this site for quite some time. There was a word for in during WWII -- SNAFU!
The bottom line: eBay created the mess, eBay should fix the mess. We're paying good money for use of an online selling venue, and all of our customers should be able to check out easily and reliably. EBay's argument that it affects a very small minority of Cdn. sellers is a red herring. As several of us have demonstrated, this is a far wider and more serious problem, for Cdn. sellers and US buyers.
I'm going to grit my teeth and wait it out a few more months to see if they fix this fiasco. In the meantime, I will not give up bringing further issues concerning the "cart disconnect" to Raphael's attention. I hope others do the same.
I'm simply going to remove my automated discount and do it manually if buyers purchase 5 items (more FVF fees, but what else is new). I do not want to list on .com (Raphael's best suggestion) for a whole variety of legitimate reasons. Offering free shipping on everything, everywhere, was Raphael's second suggestion, but who can afford that? And who can assure us that all the carts will work for everybody even if we do?
I'm telling you, the other site I sell on is a dream-come-true compared to this. EBay should take lessons.
03-19-2015 11:51 AM
@mjwl2006 wrote:
Now, I had no idea how to post a whole pic right in the thread like you do so I always added it as an attachment below. Right beneath the place I'm typing right now, there is a boldface Attachments and Choose File button, between the text box and Cancel Post buttons. I hope you are not snowed under as I write.
Thank you! That "Attachments" link was right under my nose (literally) the whole time. FYI the attachment link I use is the icon in the top bar that looks like a mountain with the moon above it ("Insert Picture"). This gives you a pop-up with the choice to browse and pick up a photo from your computer or anywhere else. You can size it before inserting in the post.
Yes, we are snowed under. We have 5 foot drifts in our driveway and can't get out until we can get someone to plow it. Our backs are just too weary from shoveling at this point.
03-19-2015 11:52 AM
"I'm simply going to remove my automated discount and do it manually if buyers purchase 5 items"
There is a much easier solution.
Make all extra purchases from the same buyer FREE (when combined on one payment).
Buyer pays only one shipping charge on the first purchase.
03-19-2015 12:02 PM - edited 03-19-2015 12:05 PM
@pierrelebel wrote:"I'm simply going to remove my automated discount and do it manually if buyers purchase 5 items"
There is a much easier solution.
Make all extra purchases from the same buyer FREE (when combined on one payment).
Buyer pays only one shipping charge on the first purchase.
Pierre, I had considered this, but the problem is that no one knows for sure whether the .ca cart will actually pick up any of the automated discounts every time, or just some of them, perhaps in some circumstances. That's the crux of the issue. See for example the screen shots of the different results above that I and "mj" got when trying to make the "buy 5-get free shipping" discount work, even on the .ca cart.
Secondly, I sell items of a wide variety of sizes, shapes, weights and value. If a buyer purchases something that otherwise would require a $20 tracked shipping charge, then adds a $10 item to get the free shipping, that is quite a problem for me. A 5-item order however does cover some of the shipping losses.
In the final analysis, as I've said, since I sell so few items to Canadians (less than 5%) and since we've demonstrated that US buyers can't use their cart to purchase from me anyway, there is no point in spending time trying to make my discounts work until eBay tells us the whole "cart disconnect" problem is finally resolved.
Oh yes, and nothing "combines" for my US buyers anymore in any event. I'm hooped, as they say.
03-19-2015 03:33 PM
Too much too read today so I skimmed over all the comments and will post on what caught my eye
I am absolutely certain the reason I can't add my items to a Basket on UK or Cart on USA is because my listings are CAD. It has to be.
No. The reason you cannot add your items to the cart on the UK site is because it accepts only items listed on the UK site.
The reason you cannot add your items to the cart on the U.S. site
because it accepts only items listed on the U.S. site.
Neither of these carts was set up to work with any listings other than those created on those particular sites. As I told rose, if a .ca item is in U.S. $ and it is added to the .com cart...it is all smoke and mirrors because that item can never be processed through that cart. The add to cart should not be there as it does not work for any listings other than .com listings.
03-19-2015 03:43 PM
I tried again to get the discount for your items and it worked but when I recreated the items you had added, I got the same results as you...odd.
I do not want to list on .com (Raphael's best suggestion) for a whole variety of legitimate reasons.
May I ask what these legitimate reasons are? I remember you saying something about the shipping angle but that would be fairly simple as you ship flat rate. If it is just because you feel you shouldn't have to...that's your decision. But since you are the most vocal on the problem and since you have stated numerous times that the majority of your buyers are in the U.S. and that you used to have many multi purchases, I would think that changing to .com would be best for your business right now. If it is a matter of the time it would take to change, well it would probably take less time than what you have spent posting on here about it, especially since we have no idea what the eta of a fix is. You have to do what you feel is best of course but I am curious what your reasoning is.
03-19-2015 10:08 PM
No. The reason you cannot add your items to the cart on the UK site is because it accepts only items listed on the UK site.
Ah, but I am listing it on the UK site. International Site Visibility at 50 cents per item to the tune of a minimum thousand dollars per year. Overseas customers are (or were) a goodly portion of my sales.
03-20-2015 01:46 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:No. The reason you cannot add your items to the cart on the UK site is because it accepts only items listed on the UK site.
Ah, but I am listing it on the UK site. International Site Visibility at 50 cents per item to the tune of a minimum thousand dollars per year. Overseas customers are (or were) a goodly portion of my sales.
Paying for the UK visibility allows your listing to be seen along with the UK sellers items but that is still not listing directly on that site. You have to list directly on the UK site in order for your items to be able to use the cart. Yes, part of the reason that the .com and the UK carts are not compatible with other site listings is because of the currency but as you know, listing in U.S. $ doesn't allow a .ca seller to use the cart on .com so it is not just a currency problem.
As far as I know, the UK and .com carts are identical or darn close to identical. The newer carts....the Canadian, Australian, German...etc are identical in that they will accept listings on other sites.
03-20-2015 03:05 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:
May I ask what these legitimate reasons are? I remember you saying something about the shipping angle but that would be fairly simple as you ship flat rate. If it is just because you feel you shouldn't have to...that's your decision. But since you are the most vocal on the problem and since you have stated numerous times that the majority of your buyers are in the U.S. and that you used to have many multi purchases, I would think that changing to .com would be best for your business right now. If it is a matter of the time it would take to change, well it would probably take less time than what you have spent posting on here about it, especially since we have no idea what the eta of a fix is. You have to do what you feel is best of course but I am curious what your reasoning is.
I don't think sarcasm is necessary to ask me a simple question, but I'll answer it as clearly as I can:
The vast majority of my buyers are American (well over 90%). This might seem to you to be a good reason for me to alter my business practices. However, I generally don't do things without looking at them rationally. I don't list on .ca out of mere loyalty to eBay.ca, but rather because it does in fact suit and support my business model. I'm setting out those reasons here not to convince you (since you seem to have decided you know best what might work for my business), but because it might help some other sellers to consider these factors before making the decision to list on .com or not.
So, I list on eBay.ca by choice and by preference because:
1) I am able to use Canada Post service options in my listings. There are several advantages to this for me:
(a) These display as such to my U.S. buyers in the Shipping tab on listings, as well as at the very top of the listing, where the shipping amount is displayed (reminding them where they are purchasing from);
(b) My US buyers receive Canada Post shipping updates on tracked items (another reminder that I'm not in the USA). Why is this important? Because I want to avoid defects as far as possible relating to shipping times and INR from my US buyers, who might otherwise assume they're buying domestically, or expect domestic shipping times.
(c) I'm able to pick and choose the different types of services I need on different listings, and where chosen, the premium services are displayed accurately in the listing, not simply as a generic "international shipping" amount. I quite often use Expedited USA and Xpresspost for larger, more valuable items, and I like my buyers to be reminded through the whole process, that their seller is shipping from Canada, and what service they are getting. This also serves as a "background" reminder that Customs may be involved.
(d) The Canada Post shipping designations follow through the whole process, from the Shipping tab, to the invoice, to the shipping label and in the follow-up on the eBay/Paypal transaction details. This not only serves as a reminder to buyers, but also makes my job easier when it comes to record-keeping, accounting and price setting on shipping.
(e) Although I do use flat rate, I subsidize almost all shipping to the US, and I adjust those rates at times. Having only the shipping amounts shown in my records is no help unless I can also easily see the associated shipping type/service used. This allows me to quickly and easily compare to the current Canada Post shipping rates from year to year for the various services.
(f) I've invested a lot of time fine-tuning my Canada Post rates -- a lot. I simply don't want to have to spend the same amount of time working out strategies for shipping rates on .com and adjusting to a whole new pack of issues.
2) There is no assurance that, having spent time re-doing all my listings on .com, that the Cart there will function perfectly. There have been reports on the .com boards about US buyer/seller issues using the Cart, just as we've found out with our Cdn/Cdn tests. Secondly, I don't want to switch all my listings and find out a month later than eBay has finally announced the problem has been fixed. I will always prefer to list on the .ca site for the reasons set out in 1) above, so I would want to return to .ca anyway, i.e. double the work.
3) I prepare a number of my listings using the French SYI form on the .cafr site in order to benefit from the subtitles. This is important for some of my products because it saves me money on items I want to highlight that are otherwise slower sellers. As far as I know, free subtitles aren't available on .com.
4) I actually prefer the whole set-up of the eBay.ca site - This may not be a good reason for a lot of people, but it is for me.
5) I sell some items in the media category - My understanding is that there are shipping limits domestically in the US that could apply if I were to list on .com. This is a minor consideration, but one more headache I really don't want to have to deal with after the fact.
6) I received a warning from a very experienced, higher-volume seller: Almost immediately after Raphael's suggestion of listing on .com, I got a message from a much higher volume seller than I, warning me that they had switched their tens of thousands of listings to the US site and were still encountering all sorts of checkout problems, and problems with shipping rate limits. His strong advice was not to do it, but to wait for eBay to fix the cart issues. Whether or not this seller's situation was comparable to mine, it was enough, along with my own already good reasons, not to take Raphael's cue.
7) Lastly, Raphael's recommendation was made on the basis of his belief that this "cart disconnect" issue was affecting a very small minority of Canadian sellers. In this limited context, i.e. if he believed only a few Canadian sellers would be impacted, then perhaps advising us to list on .com would make some sense, since in that scenario there seemed little hope of ever getting eBay HQ to resolve the problem simply to mollify a few Canadian sellers.
Since that time, by communicating on these boards, through various sellers' experiences and testing (and not ironically by getting further information from the eBay.ca staffers), I think we've come a long way to delineating and understanding the size and seriousness of this problem. If the "solution" is to shepherd all concerned Canadian sellers onto eBay.com, then clearly this problem will never get prioritized.
As far as: "[...] well it would probably take less time than what you have spent posting on here about it" -- I don't appreciate this caustic remark. I think you forget that many times it has taken sellers communicating on these boards to figure out the extent of issues, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
As I said above, I think this particular thread has been productive and illuminating, and I'm grateful for the effort and input of all the sellers who posted here. I think we have more information now to take to Raphael et al to permit him to also recognize how wide and critical this issue is. If we can convince him of that, he may be able to convince eBay HQ that their own bigger interests are involved. Simply disappearing (i.e. going away to .com) is not going to keep this issue top of mind anywhere).
Besides, I type 120wpm, so posting detailed responses is no problem for me. I'm not getting those multi-item orders anymore to pack up and ship, so I have more time anyway.
03-21-2015 11:08 AM
Thank you, rose-dee, for taking the time to provide such a very detailed and comprehensive explanation for your reasonings to stick with ebay.ca while this US cart and/or UK basket failure is ironed out.
While I don't think think the above question was necessarily posed to you with sarcasm in mind, I think we have probably all reached a tipping point on this problem where emotions are running high from the sheer frustration of having to stand idly by and watch our sales suffer on a such a continual basis. That being also a problem which is not of our own creation and one which we are essentially powerless to fix.
My sales are suffering, your sales are suffering, but I too am not likely to contort myself and entire business model to list on ebay.com but, for the purposes of entertaining myself and also because I had to create a new account in order to test the errors that my buyers were receiving, I might try floating a few items of my own to see what nibbles I get and how enormous a headache it really is for someone in my area to work around an out-of-country listing.
So. If anything exciting develops there, I will keep you abreast of it.
In the meantime, may I admit how envious I am of your wpm typing speed? I never learned to properly type. At best, I have a flock of about seven chickens hunting and pecking at, probably, fifteen words per minute. I have never timed it; I don't want to drown in fits of despair.
Enjoy your weekends everyone.
03-21-2015 12:33 PM - edited 03-21-2015 12:34 PM
@rose-dee wrote:
Besides, I type 120wpm, so posting detailed responses is no problem for me. I'm not getting those multi-item orders anymore to pack up and ship, so I have more time anyway.
Well said.
I too type about 100 wpm. I remember being out somewhere and saying I needed to get home because I wanted to list some items before the promo ended. Several people said -- you know your phone will do anything your computer will.
I replied: Can I type 100 wpm on it and change fonts and colours, have several tabs open to look for descriptions and to compare prices, etc., and list 50 or more items within a couple of hours. My sarcasm was wasted. They said "sure" -- that's easy!!
03-21-2015 04:36 PM
Thank you for your reply. My question was quite sincere, there was no sarcasm intended but I am sorry if you felt that it was sarcastic.
I'm not trying to change your mind or questioning whether or not you know what is best for your business. I was giving you an opinion from my point of view based on not knowing your reasons. Like most Canadian sellers on ebay, the majority of my buyers are also in the U.S. I am also very rational when it comes to business decisions and I was curious as to why you would feel so differently about it than I do.
You made some valid points and although I do see some of your comments in a different way, I don't think that you want nor expect me to give my point of view on them. But I would like to comment on one thing.
1) I am able to use Canada Post service options in my listings. There are several advantages to this for me:
(b) My US buyers receive Canada Post shipping updates on tracked items (another reminder that I'm not in the USA). Why is this important? Because I want to avoid defects as far as possible relating to shipping times and INR from my US buyers, who might otherwise assume they're buying domestically, or expect domestic shipping times.
My U.S. buyers also receive Canada Post shipping updates on tracked items as that isn't dependent on where you list. They do know that I'm not shipping domestically as the shipping method on the listing states standard shipping from outside of the U.S. although the actual shipping options do not mention Canada. I do send a thank you message after ship which mentions where I am shipping from and that their package may have to go through customs. It's just a different way to do things...not necessarily right or wrong.
03-23-2015 10:56 AM
Can`t stay long, have to spend the better part of my morning processing separate transactions and combining them. Even though, as mentioned, I have instructions plastered all over my listings, store front, and custom Q's and A's for .com buyers to purchase through .ca, which clearly is NOT a workaround at all. I love getting constantly screwed out of even more money time and time again, not like I feed ebays pockets enough all ready. Happy Monday!!!