Suddenly, in the last few weeks or so, the following is happening:
1) “Best offer” is being added randomly to listings even though the best offer button is turned off. I just noticed that when I’m about to confirm a new listing, it says this:
By tapping “List your item”, you agree to pay all applicable fees and receive reasonable offers from buyers. Learn More.
-I don’t get it...since when is “Best Offer” forced upon us? I don’t recall reading any news of this anywhere/in the updates. What is going on???
Note: I use the ebay app so maybe this is just an app issue (I hope)?
2) Auction items listed on .com are relisting themselves automatically (without the relist button on). The automatic relists are not being deducted from the number of allotted monthly listings, but annoying nonetheless....
Anyone know what’s going on?