07-30-2019 10:32 PM
Do the GTC listings renew on the same day every month? What I am meaning by that is if I listed one on April 1, 2019 will it renew automatically on the 1st of each month until I cancel it.
07-31-2019 02:39 AM
@katlover1952 wrote:Do the GTC listings renew on the same day every month? What I am meaning by that is if I listed one on April 1, 2019 will it renew automatically on the 1st of each month until I cancel it.
Yes. That's ebay's plan for GTC from July/2019 onwards.
August should show how successful the programmers were.
07-31-2019 05:26 AM
No listings ending on July 31.
The listings end on the same day each month...
Wonder what will happen in February???..... Wait and see...
For February ....Perhaps listings ending on Day 29 day will end on the same day as listings ending on March 1.... and then end on March 29..... Also Day 30 might also end on March 1... and then end on March 30
07-31-2019 06:22 AM
07-31-2019 09:07 AM
@cumos55 wrote:For February ....Perhaps listings ending on Day 29 day will end on the same day as listings ending on March 1.... and then end on March 29..... Also Day 30 might also end on March 1... and then end on March 30
You won't find out about the 29th until 2021, next year is a leap year.
If ebay has done the job correctly those listings will renew on the last day of the month -- the whole idea was to avoid double charging GTC listings in the same month.
07-31-2019 09:31 AM
If they ended in March 1st & again on Mar 29th that would be twice in the same month which they had indicated they were not doing so hope that is not what happens. I thought perhaps anything listed on the 31st would revert to the 1st if the next month just had 30 days then be the 1st thereafter. Guess we should see that in September.
07-31-2019 09:55 AM
For February ... a new view of what should happen....
Day 28, Day 29 and Day 30 should show 28 days to the end date in February
Day 29 should end on February 28 and show 29 days to the renewal date on March 29
Then Day 30 should end on February 28 and show 30 days to the renewal date on March 30.
This means that all listings, Day 1 to Day 30, will end in February.
Listings that end on March 1, that is Day 1, will show 31 days to April 1.
and then all listings that end on March 1 to March 30 will show 31 days to the date these listings would end in April....
07-31-2019 12:21 PM
Today is Day 31 of July....
No listings ending today.....
07-31-2019 01:20 PM
Hi @katlover1952!
We are changing over from an 'every 30 day' GTC model to a 'once every month' model.
Because of this, July and August will look a bit unusual as we update listings to renew on the same date they were originally created.
There are some examples of it in our announcement here, but in general, starting in August listings will renew on the day of the month they were originally created. For listings created on the 31st, they will renew on the 31st where that is a date in the month. Otherwise, they'll renew on the last day of the month. So in the February example, a listing created on the 31st would renew on the 28th (or 29th if it was a Leap Year).
08-01-2019 11:39 AM
They were not successful at all unfortunately. I got charged for listings on the 31st even though I listed them on the 1st!
08-01-2019 08:35 PM
A quick and dirty fix would be to never list on the first day or the 29/30/31st days of the month.
Then everything runs for "a month" and it would be years before the date catches up, by which time it will be moot.
08-01-2019 08:54 PM
I already have a few listings that are scheduled to end tomorrow that are showing in Sellers Hub as being "Relisted". It's a variation of pay in advance or you pay for gas now but you won't be able to pick it for a few days. Shouldn't cause too much of problem. <<<Tongue firmly in cheek>>>>
PS. Months with 29,30 or 31 days. Good one!!! 🙂 Or ending in Y or R.
08-01-2019 11:02 PM
@femmefan1946 wrote:A quick and dirty fix would be to never list on the first day or the 29/30/31st days of the month.
Then everything runs for "a month" and it would be years before the date catches up, by which time it will be moot.
A "fix" that should not have to happen though. How was I supposed to know EBay programmers did not do their jobs properly? And now, we are paying the price for *their* mistake. Literally.
08-02-2019 12:15 AM
This is what happens when eBay lets tyler@ebay leave town.
08-02-2019 01:56 AM
See posts #3,8 & 9 from a current dot com discussion. Definitely related.
08-02-2019 11:12 AM
I just read the whole post... a real nightmare. If you don't end your listings before the end, eBay will charge you TWICE in 2 days for the same item: one day in advance and once it actually renew!
08-02-2019 01:26 PM
@lady.stark wrote:
I just read the whole post... a real nightmare. If you don't end your listings before the end, eBay will charge you TWICE in 2 days for the same item: one day in advance and once it actually renew!
Hi @lady.stark - to clarify, this is not the intended purpose or function of GTC listings. There was a technical issue that impacted some members this week, specifically:
Some listings which renewed early in July (July 1 & July 2 as an example) were charged a 2nd insertion fee after 30 days passed instead of renewing the following month.
The appropriate teams are aware of the issue, have identified the cause and corrected it. Additionally they are currently working to identify and credit listings that were double charged incorrectly in July.
Moving forward this will not occur as we finalize the transition from 30 day renewals to monthly renewals. Thanks!
08-02-2019 04:50 PM
Spotted in the upcoming Fall Announcements. Going forward tyler@ebay will only permitted to take holidays in months with either 27 or 32 days. 🙂
08-02-2019 05:31 PM
@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:
Spotted in the upcoming Fall Announcements. Going forward tyler@ebay will only permitted to take holidays in months with either 27 or 32 days. 🙂
Hahahaha - sounds like a plan!
Pictured: the poster after a year of the new time-off plan. 😉
08-02-2019 06:44 PM
tyler, same issue for me, yesterday i had 1 listing ending, and today i had 59 endeing, so my listing used toal went down by 60, that's fine, but the 59 had not ended yet, and now that they are ending, and relisting , my total of auctions used is going down again. so i too am being double charged for listings.. How is this even possible with ebay knowing for months how they were going to implement this for Canadian sellers. I would have hoped the bugs were already fixed.. I have enough work to do, without now, probably having to call c.s. to get credits, for the extra 60 listings they are going to charge me for. I mean take away 60 listings from my total, this can know be a huge issue come the end of this month, and i am 60 listings short.. Please explain this to me, and everyone else..