Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

Any one else get this email and how long does it take for i-ways to run?



Starting in October 2017, Google Chrome—the browser used by almost half of all eBay buyers—will begin displaying the message "Not Secure" in the address bar when users visit standard HTTP pages or HTTPS pages that include non-secure HTTP content.

You have listings that contain non-secure HTTP content, and we encourage you to revise this content in your listings immediately. If you're not sure which of your listings contain HTTP content, you can use the i-ways tool to identify them. We have partnered with i-ways to implement an eBay sign-in that protects your full inventory from being available publicly.

What is eBay doing to help?
We believe that the "Not Secure" message may deter buyers from purchasing and impact your conversion rate. To prevent the "Not Secure" message from appearing, we're changing the desktop buying experience starting this October. Listings that contain or link to HTTP content after that time will have one-click item descriptions—a snippet of the description will be visible, and buyers will have to click to see the full description. The mobile experience will remain unchanged.

If you prefer for the full item description to display in your listings, we recommend that you update your HTTP content before October.

Updating listings with HTTP content
Please reference the HTTP page within Seller Center for detailed guidance on how to update your listings.

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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

Does this apply to the payment pages?

Or to all our listing pages?

Because I really doubt that customers browsing for stuff look for an HTTPS on those pages.

However , if pages that ask personal or financial information do not have the HTTPS, I for one would backbutton out.

Message 2 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

Anything in your listing, usually in the descriptions or images. Example, images from a 3rd party server that is not HTTPS or links in the descriptions that are not HTTPS compliant, etc.


I am running the i-ways tool now to see what it shows me to get a better idea what I am in for. It is about 1/2 done now.


Google wants everything on the web to be full HTTPS or stuff will get hidden.

Message 3 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

@femmefan1946 wrote:

Does this apply to the payment pages?

Or to all our listing pages?

Because I really doubt that customers browsing for stuff look for an HTTPS on those pages.

However , if pages that ask personal or financial information do not have the HTTPS, I for one would backbutton out.

If you click on the link at the bottom of my original post, it will take you to the Ebay information page with lots of information.


If you have your own website, it will have the same problems as Ebay is having unless fully HTTPS secured. I have an SSL on both my websites but haven't done full checks yet to see if all content is HTTPS compliant.

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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

I think this is going to be just as big a mess as the migration tool.


Generated a report and says over 1000 on .com are OK and 20 or so are not OK which does not add uop to my total listings at all or the number on .com. No mention of .ca.


There is a box to click on to download the report and guess what, You are not able to download the report and everything went away and back at step one.


Typical of Ebay to give us a tool to use and it is an absolute piece of garbage.


I guess I will have to see what happens and deal with 1 listing at a time or not at all.

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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool



What next?

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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

There is too much happening all at once..... One step at a time..... 


In the context of our listings.....  What is the meaning of security?




What are they trying to do to improve security.?...


All of eBay is affected to some degree....

Message 7 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

Look at the link at the bottom of my post for all the information.


This is a Google thing. They want everything on the web to have HTTPS security and anything that does not will have an added link to see the information and the search will show as insecure.


If your listings do not comply with the HTTPS requirement, it will be flagged as insecure which Ebay does not want.


I am by no means a tech person and only ran the app to see what it is all about.


Google wants things fixed by sometime in October.





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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

If EVERYTHING  is being flagged as insecure, then it becomes meaningless.



Message 9 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

Not everything is being flagged because there are a lot of sites and some ebay pages that are already compliant.

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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

I haven't got a clue how to correct.  I don't have any active content, what are they talking about?



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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

My bank is HTTPS secure... online   


Paypal is HTTPS secure.


Now many of my listings will be... might be.... labelled as insecure..


HTTPS is an added level of security on the internet.


It is acceptable to have the new level of security.... by labeling anyone that is not HTTPS ... as  ... not secure .... must be questioned...



Is someone out there preparing to destroy many of the sellers on eBay?



What we have to do is understanding what each of us has to do....


I did read something about a Bulk Edit... 200 listings at a time.... Then what does someone with 20,000 or 50,000 listings or more do?






Message 12 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

An i-ways scan was just completed.


The answer was that the Auctiva listings are not Browser secure.  About 20 % of my listings are not browser secure.


20 % is better than 100 %.....  but they are all my most recent listings,  prepared and not sold after August 2014.


So... Now it is Auctiva's business     


and.....  based on past experience... things should get adjusted,



It also could be the fact that it is Auctiva hosted photos that may be the problem...  if I read some of the information provided by eBay as correct...  It is the photos within the description in the listings that are the problem.....



Externally hosted photos appear to be a problem.... my thought in relation to the problem.....of browser security.


.It appears that eBay has been working with the domains... such as make the appropriate adjustment  to make all listings browser secure... whether already on eBay or listed on eBay in the future..



The next question   Will Auctiva make the adjustment? ... OR ... Is it me? 




Message 13 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

My guess is that the edit  in listings that are not browser secure should be.....





Just my guess... so far...


Time will give us an answer....

Message 14 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

Just checked Auctiva  and all of my images stored on Auctiva   contain https.


The photos in the description appear not to be the problem....




Time to sleep on it.....

Message 15 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

You can change http to https by using the bulk edit tool.  I tried it for a couple of my non compliant listings and it made them compliant.  


The instruction mention sellers hub but you can also go this through selling mamager. Under To Make Your Listings Compliant follow the directions in #3.  Other than Auctiva i don't use any other domain to store anything so I ignored the info about domains.

Message 16 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

You should be able to see which ones are not compliant when using the i ways tool. I didn't have any problems with it.


There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why some are not compliant because all of my listings were done on auctiva and are  similar but about half are compliant

Message 17 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

Copy the source (hit revise on your listings, then in the Item Description field click the html tab and copy the source to notepad/word processor/etc. Search for http:// as all instances of that they want to be https:// so that google shows the secure padlock in the browser address bar. If you are using a template provider see if they are going to have a bulk revise feature.

Message 18 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

The following was noted in the FAQ.....


It looks like my listing description is fully compliant but it's still showing that it's not. What e...


Make sure you also review the gallery images that you submit to eBay as those images must also be HTTPS compliant.



My gallery images  as well as the Auctiva description images ..... both have HTTPS based on what is seen in the Auctiva folder for photos.




The description  when reviewed when a listing is revised does not appear to have any HTTP.. or HTTPS  present




I did read somewhere that some listings may be characterized as non-compliant...but the primary factor on eBay is the HTTP content   that should become HTTPS.


The more I read  ... I get the understanding that the one thing that should be considered is ..... HTTP... which should be HTTPS


For me this is a learning  process.... The more I read, the more I understand


Lots more to learn.....  It is what I see and not the subtle aspects of the underlying computer program  that are important to me....






Message 19 of 103
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Google - HTTP and HTTPS in listings and i-ways tool

from eBay FAQ  section


Externally hosted content such as photos and cascading style sheets (CSS) are deemed "passive" content and are still allowed in listings. They will not trigger the Google "Not secure" message or hidden description as long as they are delivered using the secure HTTPS transfer protocol.


Could it be that this type of "passive" content will trigger the I-ways screening.... but will not trigger the Google ... not secure... response.. or hidden description


This will be a wait and see situation....


Auctiva did a good job in addressing eBay's  new links policy rule...This HTTP/HTTPS situation  is another job for Auctiva



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