How long does a defect on my account affect my account? for case closed without sellors resolution.

at the beginning of the year a buyer of one of my items opened a case against me. because he didn't receive the item that I sent him. at the time I was unaware that this had happened until ebay sent me a notice that he had opened a case against me and they had made a final decision in his favor.

 I appealed at the time and lost the appeal

The 30 day  period for the appeal process has expired now

But the buyer of my item emailed me and said that he has now received the item that I sent him and has paid me for the item.

Is it too late to get the defect off my account does the defect still count against me. I got the defect on my account in January 2017.

It was late getting to him because of the mail.

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Re: How long does a defect on my account affect my account? for case closed without sellors resoluti

If you have less than 400 transactions every 3 months the defect will be on your account for a year.  you should be fine as long as as you don't get any more.


You can try, but it's unlikely that they will remove it.  The defect is not because the item wasn't received or that it was late, it is for not settling the claim before eBay was asked to step in.


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