Seller Central
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Here's my July invoice: I list ~5000 very diverse items each month all fixed auction. Would you swtich to an anchor subscription?
I'm Appalled. This is what eBay sent me for $66.00 (100 count) eBay Branded Polyjacket Envelopes 12" x 15") I expected Padded Envelopes. There are plastic bags valued at $66. I have no use for these. The PO used to give these away for free. I wish I ...
From Raphael 10:00 AM Monday 8th. As of 10:00 Tuesday--migration tool remains unchanged--broken. Yet they proceed with their plan to delist what you cant migrate. Will keep you posted.
when i request a user contact details it is not for funI need the telephone number for the customs documents.If you want us to ship out fast make the important thing work all the time.ORhave the phone number included with either the order detailsor a...
Triple check if you have successfully bought additional insurance before proceeding to print shipping label because there might be some glitches. my story: Printed my shipping label through ebay this morning as I usually did. Chose Canada Post expedi...
I sell CD's and I have thousands. I have been selling for a few years now and have decided to switch to .com as the Canadian $ doesn't work for me. I can't rely on free listings all the time especially with so much inventory. It was great when I was ...
On I just sold a coin to a buyer in San Diego, California. This listing (152176295871) states: Delivery:"Canada Post Light Packet USAEstimated Delivery within 8-13 business days"Seller ships within 3 days after receiving cleared payment" Toda...
Ive sold on Ebay from the 1990s, I have seen a lot of adjustments to cater ebay winning every dispute outcome and manipulating the odds with rules and regulations.Today Ebay reminds me of a crooked casino with the seedy dealers behind desks and monit...
How well do old hockey cards sell? Thinking of getting into selling those.
Does anyone know how I can continue to sell in US dollars? Under the "New Canadian Seller Guidance", the FAQ states the following: "I prefer to be paid in USD. Do these recommendations apply to me?""Since items purchased on eBay are paid for in the c...
Hi there its been couple of days that we start to having problems with our listing.Items which is listed international shipping and some quantity was already sold ,sowed up with no international shipping .Another issue we have a lot of item that we a...
Receiving "Review alerts" blank error message when trying to edit multiple items, can`t edit more than one listing at a time. Anyone else encountering the same problem. Hard to accomplish a task and get ahead when nothing works, but what's new.
is ebay finished in canada
On the 4th of June, a guy purchased a computer fan from me. The next day, on the 5th, i sent it to him via Canada Post (my local courier). I only charged $12CAD for shipping so it was sent by Small Packet Ground (which i imagine is by boat), which ta...
Since Canada Post strike issue i had noticed that my shipping time went down .Should i call eBay.I never had a issue like this and is damage my seller dash board.And there is another issue that i have .Since June i must have Silver seller level .3 we...
I now can only show my selling price in cdn$ and most buyers will see that higher amount over the usd and be turned off. To make it worse I am paid in cdn$ then have to pay a fee to convert back to usd. The genius that thought this one up must be aff...
Are we alright to switch the listings to CAD according to's guidline?Since change USD to CAD, the sales start to DIVE.attached ebay invoice FYI.Canada seller-Ebay Canada=lose-loseNo-win situation, both are sinking.
I sell most Automotive parts and have tried listing on However, I cannot complete the listing because won't accept my input for shipping. I have been selecting flat rate shipping from outside the US, but it gets stuck there. No mat...
Buyer purchases a decent sized item (box of stamps), received it, had a complaint about a portion of it. From my perspective, the complaint was frustrating and unfair. The issue was something one would normally expect to find or be possible in a mixe...
Just sold a fairly expensive and rare item and this is the first time the address is to a mail center not a home should I be concerned?
I discovered today that I'm not getting my rebates for promoted (advertising) listings. With the anchor store I'm supposed to be getting up to $25 in rebates. Remember I'm selling on .COM and my store is on .COM so I'm one of their problem children. ...
I have been using Canada Posts solutions for small businesses and have reached the second level of savings,anyone else using this card,if so how have you passed this savings onto buyers,I'm using ebay shipping calculator for larger items is there som...
It is August 3, 2016 No GTC listings in US dollars can be listed on eBay Canada......starting today If there is a GTC listing in US dollars on eBay Canada, as of today.... It will be ended when its 30 day listing period ends... Good-bye US dollars on...
I do not see any way to change my last few US$ listings to C$ on .ca. Glitch, or do I have to totally redo the whole listing from scratch?
It's been a while since I've participated in the weekly session, but shouldn't it have already started? Unless it was cancelled?
I'm trying to list a motor feedback cable, and get a message that says "It looks like you used the word "feedback" in your listing title. The only time you can use the word "feedback" in a title is if it describes the item you're selling. For example...
I plan to open a Basic Store for my media account in the next couple of days for $24.95 a month. Once I get finished listing all the items I have on hand, I'll have a minimum of 300 items for sale (the last few months, I've had 200). I want to list a...
I have had 3 notifications of Paypal payments today, only 2 have EOA notices, including one from 5 hours ago. Anyone else having problems?
What a morning! Found an item that any collector would kill for and paypal wouldn't let me process it.The buyer had immediate payment set up but I managed to get her to change it.......... so whoopee : I's mine but I still can't pay. I guess no one e...