Forum Posts

Resolved! When did insertion fees go up?

Hi everyone: I'm not getting invited to any promos these days, so I thought I'd break down and pay the .05 listing fee for fixed price. It's been awhile since I paid insertion fees, but if I go back to March of this year they were still .05 It's very...

Advice on Return

A buyer purchased 2 e-readers without chargers. I combined shipping and sent them out. She then contacts me stating she has found a compatible charger, but cannot get either to turn on or charge. I tell her to ship them back for a full refund and sen...

What's Wrong With the Photos on Ebay?

They don't appear on watch lists...and I've tried 3 different computers and 2 different browser. It's even worse with Active Listings....the photos do not enlarge and and the zoom tool has disappeared. What's going on?

August 2016 eBay.CA invite only promos

I got this one this morning: $50 / 50% off promo offerAugust 17 to August 28 (must be activated)Up to 10 sold items that are listed during the Promotion Period and that sell for more than $50 will get a 50% discount on the Final Value Fee (FVF),http:...


First thanks ebay for free insertion fee promotions, they are helping me build a business and I am getting closer to wanting to upgrade to a store. BUT YOU CAN DO MUCH BETTER. When I call you and ask you about the promotions you tell me they are rand...

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Fed Ex Delivery out of Detroit Radio was reporting the packages were soaked, as it has been pouring for 2 days...

follow up to the late shipping defect..

does anyone know if the same measures are being used for sellers.. and is there anywhere on .ca to see actual shipping times, other than by changeing shipping services on an auction and seeing the dates change.. i have a feeling it wouldn't ...

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Resolved! Expedited parcel USA weight

I haven't printed any expedited parcel labels since last year... so, I just printed one this morning for a big order. I can't remember exactly what dimensions I entered... it should be something like 35 x 25 x 5cm, with a weight of 0.749kg. The shipp...

50000 GTC listing promos

I don't know if anyone post this before, I don't think I see a thread for it and my apologies if this is a double post. This morning (18+ hours ago) before I headed out for work I noticed this popped up under My eBay... I swear this was not there las...


Does anybody know if the PSYCHIC READINGS category has been reinstated? If you do a North America All Category search there are loads of entries. Some are books with that subject or title but lots are the "Give me $20 and I'll tell you what you want ...

Appealing a Late Shipment Defect Successfully

Many of you who know me here understand how twitchy I am about Defects and Feedback. Allow me to preface this all by admitting that. I recently received a Late Shipment Defect (my first) for an item mailed by Canada Post domestic lettermail to a repe...

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migration tool.---again.

So when you select a number of active items to move from in USD to and hit the button to proceed you get a message saying you have selected 0 items--after having checked the "select all" box which involves 39 items. Did it several ti...

Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

Hello all - I think those of us who have been following the boards all know about the discussions and complaints concerning what I call the "cart disconnect" between and other eBay sites. I've had some very illuminating responses from Raphael...

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For parts or not working..

I recently sold a PS3 console "for parts or not working". In the description, I stated that the system did power on, but would not read any discs or play anything. Stated again AS IS, and no returns accepted for this particular item. Now the buyer co...

New Fixed Promo Aug 9-15 up to 500 Free Listings

New Promo starts today here are the details By invitation only, offer is not transferable. *Final value and optional advanced listing upgrade and supplemental service fees apply. No guarantee is made that any item will sell at a particular price, or ...

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