Intermittent slowwwwwww PAYPAL email notifications again today.

Slow PAYPAL notifications are intermittent for me today. 


They have been sporadically bad the last few days, today more than usual are still MIA (more than 12 hours late).


It is definitely a PAYPAL problem, it is happening across sites, emails from eBay sales are actually better than is the case for the same from other sites.



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Intermittent slowwwwwww PAYPAL email notifications again today.

Until recently my account never seemed to be plagued with this issue but lately some have been extremely tardy. Currently have one from February 3rd that has not arrived. The other week I had one arrive 3 or 4 days after the payment was made. These ars not being filtered into the spam folder either.


It seems almost ludricous to say that I now find myself relying on Seller Hub for sale notifications. Wish I knew the reason for the sudden unreliability of PayPal notification emails.

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Intermittent slowwwwwww PAYPAL email notifications again today.

Actually the ones from ebay are much more reliably arriving than from other sites.

Have two from yesterday from another online site still MIA.

A fellow this morning paid a "request money" I sent that one took a few hours to arrive....

Just another "sigh"able thing.....
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Intermittent slowwwwwww PAYPAL email notifications again today.

Just got an MIA ebay payment notification today 2 days later, for an item already mailed.

Getting these way late payment notifications confounds my shipping reconcilliation process....I hope PAYPAL soon gets them back to normal speed again!!!
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Intermittent slowwwwwww PAYPAL email notifications again today.

have never had an issue with PayPal notifications ...until this past week, particularly the past few days. Received a notification email this morning, a shipping label notification(I ship via PayPal) that is 2 days after the fact....2 days after label was purchased, printed and parcel shipped....

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Intermittent slowwwwwww PAYPAL email notifications again today.

This would be frustrating. I’m spared it due not having sold anything for a week. Sigh.
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Intermittent slowwwwwww PAYPAL email notifications again today.

Since I always check the PayPal account summary for transactions, shipping label purchases, account balance after each shipping label is purchased and printed, I already knew things were good to go. For me it's just a matter of being used to receiving those email notifications right away, and then suddenly they aren't there. Never considered it a concern, but more so just odd and out of the norm.

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