Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

I just received an e-mail about eBay managing my payments, and I figured it was required so I went through the whole thing, added my bank account, etc.  Now, all of my payments will be handled directly from eBay to my bank account.


The problem is, I am going to be going from getting my money INSTANTLY (through Paypal's direct-to-bank transfer) to waiting potentially a week or longer to receive my money after being paid?!  This is honestly outrageous.  I value being able to receive my money instantly as I have for years.  I simply cannot believe that eBay considers this an improvement.  It's an improvement for their bottom line I am sure, but definitely not for the seller.  This is extremely disappointing.


If there is a way for me to revert back to using PayPal for receiving funds, PLEASE let me know.

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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

@jt-libra wrote:

@rosscd57 wrote:

I think there is a way even if you have agreed to Managed Payments - just don't give them the information they need to get you on it. For instance I don't know if this is still true, but it used to be illegal to ask for SIN #s unless you are the Feds.

I haven't signed up so I wasn't aware that they were asking for your SIN#.  So does that mean that every Canadian who signed up did provide their SIN, or did they simply leave that question blank? I find it hard to believe that thousands of Canadians would give up their SIN for this purpose.

Most people leave it blank as it is OPTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There is nothing illegal about ASKING for your SIN.



If I had to guess, the SIN is there because the form is a copy of the US version that asks (and REQUIRES) a SSN. Rather than remove that field entirely they left it in and made it a non-required field.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 101 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

Thank you.  I realize now that there have been lengthy discussions about the fact that the S.I.N. is optional so I should not have raised this question.  I have recently become a caregiver and have little time to read the Boards.  I now see all the comments about SIN.  

Message 102 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

Actually yes, I have found that Paypal is allowing you to ship through them without a Paypal transaction via their system netParcel, using your Paypal credentials to log into and pay from your Paypal account, print labels, etc.
That said, I won't sign up for MP, not after all the things I've read. I've been given a deadline so in a couple weeks it will be bye-bye ebay permanently. There are options out there that offer just Paypal and ones that offer and MP system and Paypal both. Ebay is no longer the be all and end all of selling online. So, sell what I can now and then I'm off. I will refuse to buy here as well, as a matter of principal... actually it's been awhile since I bought here anyway so no great loss I'm sure! Thank you for the headsup!
Message 103 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

They have a system now.. netParcel, available through Paypal, and you login using Paypal credentials. Lets you print labels and pay for shipping through Paypal, without a transaction. It came up when I was getting a label for my last shipment, I could choose Paypal or netParcel (via Paypal). Didn't have the time to go through the details on it, was in a hurry so just went with Paypal because I know it but it had a lot of options.
Message 104 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

The only difference with Etsy is that you have to offer Etsy Payments but you can also keep your Paypal payments separate... meaning, customers that pay you via Paypal you can choose to have those payments go directly to your Paypal account and not to your bank account even though Etsy Payments collects the funds. Which is nice.
Message 105 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

I've been given a deadline so in a couple weeks it will be bye-bye ebay permanently.


How much time was allowed from the time you got your notification and the deadline date?

Message 106 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

@clemowbooks wrote:

It covers everything because anything could be 'nefarious'.


You can transfer money, you just can't transfer it in US dollars. It has to be changed to the currency of the receiving country.


Of the three bank branches I use, none has more than two machines, and none has US dollars. To get any other currency than loonies or USD you have to phone ahead and make arrangements. USD is available in limited amounts from the tellers.

You are simply WRONG!  That law only applies to money obtained through illegal means.  It is designed to stop money laundering. It does not apply to transactions that are legal. Billions of $USD are transferred every day into Canada without being converted.  Our economy couldn't function if there were forced conversions.


Here's one I just did. A buyer from the US saw my ad on a message board (not ebay) and wanted to buy my item. He's old and does not have a paypal acct, so he mailed me a personal check. I deposited it into my $USD account. It did NOT get converted into $CAD at any stage of the transaction. So far the police have not busted down my door to try to arrest me.


Just because the dinky bank you deal with doesn't have the ability to dispense USD from their machines, doesn't mean other banks can't do it.  Go into a CIBC and see for yourself. 

Message 107 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

yes, that worked for those sellers who were willing and/or  accepted  the fact that a bank account was required to continue selling on Etsy...same as is required for eBay's MP was the requirement for a bank account that I will not go along with...I was no longer getting enough sales on Etsy, just as I no longer get enough sales on eBay to warrant setting up a bank account just for that purpose. Hence, my move to another selling venue 3  years ago....but I will continue to sell on eBay until that very last opportunity, then I shall quietly make my exit...I don't "need" eBay...I don't "need" any selling venue for that matter...selling is a hobby now and there are so many other avenues to take for selling, whether that be local or afar; none of which require a bank account for the transactions.

Message 108 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

...but I will continue to sell on eBay until that very last opportunity, then I shall quietly make my exit...I don't "need" eBay..


My thoughts exactly. I've since setup shop on Shopify.

Message 109 of 110
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Is there any way to go back to using PayPal to manage payments?

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