Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

Just need to vent a bit, I know this will go nowhere...ebay just closed a case against me (after letting me know in an email no less that the case was closed FOR me previously).  Buyer clearly scammed me by claiming item not as described (classic scammer move).  Then refused to ship it back after I supplied all shipping documents.


Then he just stonewalled and waited it out, as he knew that ebay would find for him in the end as they always do for buyers.  So he gets a $1500 item on the house and I got shafted.  Thanks ebay, great job!


Ugh, I can see why sellers are leaving ebay in droves.  Thinking of folding up my tent, ebay is a joke for sellers.

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Accepted Solutions

Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

Community Member

I had one closed on me.  It was to the US so I offered funds up front to pay for the shipment, as per eBay recommendations.  Talked to eBay CS multiple times to ensure I was following steps correctly, and notes were on file.  The status was changed to waiting for shipment, but the buyer called in and it got changed to closed when my refund deadline passed.  


In that case I was not able to issue a label through eBay since it was the US, so went the offer funds up front for shipping route.  When I called in the CS reveresed it though the guy got to keep the item and eBay reimbursed me.


In this case, I am assuming "after I supplied all shipping documents" means a label was provided or funds offered to pay for shipping.  If it was just that the shipping information was provided, without a label or offer to pay for shipping up front that is in violation of INAD policy where the seller has to pay for the return.   If no arrangements were made to pay for the return then the case is lost. 

View solution in original post

Message 12 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

" I can see why sellers are leaving ebay in droves"...

That phrase has been used by many a-disgruntled seller over the past 12+ years...yet millions of sellers both longtime and newer are still here, still truckin' along

Message 2 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

Community Member

Suggest calling eBay to appeal it.  I had a case closed against me but I had the message information that I had done all the required steps for the item to be returned to me and eBay reversed the decision.   There are auto-bots at work.  


In my case it was taken care of in a couple of minutes.  Just be sure to have all your ducks lined up so you can cite communication and what was done to provide the seller with the ability to return the item at your expense.  If you provided valid means for the return and they just did not do it, you should be able to get this reversed. 

Message 3 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

Thanks, I sent an appeal via their system, but I guess that will come to naught as well.  

Message 4 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

Thanks, I guess.  Until it happens to you...

Message 5 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

I am and have been smart enough and wise enough over the past many years to NOT list ANYTHING on eBay that has a value over $100.CDN....IF I cannot afford to lose the $ it is not listed on eBay...there are other ways, other places that are much safer to sell high value items.

Message 6 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

If your appeal fails, contact eBay for Business on Facebook and get someone there. If you've completed all the steps correctly, supplied the label, and the buyer refused to ship the item back, it should be found in your favour. If not, make sure they give you an exact reason and explanation because it would seem to be directly against eBay's terms and your seller protections.


Also, contact the USPS or whatever handled the US portion of the trip. They take mail fraud seriously.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

If that goes nowhere, be sure to call to talk to someone or connect through their facebook page.   Folks here indicate that social media is better as they are eBay employees and not phone contractors.  


If you have met the requirements to provide for shipping and the person did not return the item, I would keep at it.  There are others that have had such closures reversed - this is a bot thing for the most part I think and you need to get a human to look at it if the automated appeals, etc. do not pan out. 

Message 8 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

Thanks yes I guess the battle is lost but not the war.  Man this has been a month of calls and emails, ebay CS is pretty useless IMHO.  I shipped it to the deadbeat buyer with Canada Post, arrived flawlessly, that's not the issue.  As much as want to rag on Canada Post they have alwasy been rock solid for me.  USPS as well as they handle the US leg of course once it leaves Canada into US.

Message 9 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

@taaiernaaier wrote:

Just need to vent a bit, I know this will go nowhere...ebay just closed a case against me (after letting me know in an email no less that the case was closed FOR me previously).  Buyer clearly scammed me by claiming item not as described (classic scammer move).  Then refused to ship it back after I supplied all shipping documents.


Then he just stonewalled and waited it out, as he knew that ebay would find for him in the end as they always do for buyers.  So he gets a $1500 item on the house and I got shafted.  Thanks ebay, great job!


Ugh, I can see why sellers are leaving ebay in droves.  Thinking of folding up my tent, ebay is a joke for sellers.

How could you lose the case if "Then refused to ship it back after I supplied all shipping documents".


Normally when a buyer files a NAD claim the seller provides a return label and until the item is returned the buyer gets nothing.


There must be some missing details?



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 10 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

If you accepted the return and provided a return shipping label in the case (what you need to do for INAD), the case turns to 'awaiting shipment' status on the buyer's side. If he don't ship before deadline, it's closed automatically in seller's favor. Something is missing in your story. 

Message 11 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

Community Member

I had one closed on me.  It was to the US so I offered funds up front to pay for the shipment, as per eBay recommendations.  Talked to eBay CS multiple times to ensure I was following steps correctly, and notes were on file.  The status was changed to waiting for shipment, but the buyer called in and it got changed to closed when my refund deadline passed.  


In that case I was not able to issue a label through eBay since it was the US, so went the offer funds up front for shipping route.  When I called in the CS reveresed it though the guy got to keep the item and eBay reimbursed me.


In this case, I am assuming "after I supplied all shipping documents" means a label was provided or funds offered to pay for shipping.  If it was just that the shipping information was provided, without a label or offer to pay for shipping up front that is in violation of INAD policy where the seller has to pay for the return.   If no arrangements were made to pay for the return then the case is lost. 

Message 12 of 13
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Re: Just got defrauded on a $1500 USD transaction.

A healthy portion of the millions of sellers you refer to exceed the $100 limit that you consider smart and wise and obviously make money by doing so. An occasional glitch is hardly a reason to be timid.

Message 13 of 13
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