I searched under your ID and saw two listings for a pair of shoes and for vitamins.
So there are some listings.
The algorithms do give a tiny boost to new sellers and to new listings but you also have a LOT of competition and recent sales are one criterion, which as a newbie, you don't have.
Have you signed up for a Solutions for Small Business number? Do that now!
And have you seen the cost of shipping in Canada?
Anything that has to go by parcel rate is going to be expensive. Starting at $10 locally and soaring after that.
I'm not saying that Free Shipping is bad, I use it myself including for US sales, but I also am able to use LetterMail (and have an endless supply of discount postage for reasons).
But it can eat into your profits.
Remember that Free Shipping means that the cost of shipping is included in the asking price.
Which is cheaper? A $40 pair of shoes with $20 shipping ? A $60 pair with Free Shipping?
And there is no correct answer.