Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I've been an Ebay seller for 22 years and i've seen them go from bad to worse over the last 10 years especially but this new Managed Payments system is 100% garbage and just another money grab by ebay... 

I sold a couple small items 6 days ago and the money is still in Ebay's grubby little hands and has NOT been transfered to my bank account at all! I contacted them and they said my account is set up perfectly for managed payments... SO WHERE IS MY MONEY Ebay!?1? 

Paypal was soooooooooooo much better because we had control of the money we work hard to early and payments were INSTANT! Their fee's were excellent compared to the crazy high Ebay fee's for sellers as well. Another advantage with using Paypal is that we could use our funds from sales to make purchases directly but not with Ebay.

Now Ebay wants complete control over our money and they aren't being shy about it at all so i cancelled the last 96 items i had on Ebay and i'm done doing any buisness with them!

Ebay has lost thousands of sellers every year for the last few years and now they went too far! Many of us now sell on Facebook Marketplace and groups ect... with zero fee's.


Message 1 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE i cancelled the last 96 items i had on Ebay and i'm done doing any buisness with them!


You listed a couple of items 2 days ago so I'm assuming that you did receive your funds from the other sales?

Message 21 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Not necessarilly as ebay's auto-renewal thing for 30 day fixed price listings will sometimes re-list things you've ended yourself. If you don't go into your ended items and DELETE the listings you ended from that section, the possibility exists to still re-list them. I've had things sell based off listings I had ended on ebay canada for example, but relisted on (with entirely different wording in the description) and it was the earlier description/listing on that got sold. I then went and looked and saw I had concurrent listings for the same item on the two different sites.

Message 22 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

No i still have not recieved the payment for the items i sold on June 8th and today is the 19th of June... UNREAL! I did relist 2 items when it looked like my payment was FINALLY being transfered to my bank on June 16th but i give up! This managed payments system is garbage!! Think about it .... 11 days and still not paid!

Message 23 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Exactly! I used to buy ALOT on Ebay using my Paypal balance but now they discouraged me from buying anything because i can't use the profits from my sales like i would do before with Paypal. They are obviously clueless and did not research the negative effects of this... 

Message 24 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I would be frustrated as well.   There do seem to be some obvious problems with getting set up in the system though apparently, once everything is working, they system works well...just going by on what I've read.

Assuming that you have already doublechecked all of the bank info and checked that your name on the bank account and on ebay is identical, I'm not sure what to suggest other than to try contacting someone from Managed Payments again.  Is your bank account a $US bank account...I wonder if those are the ones causing more problems.


Try going to the Managed Payment help page, scroll to the bottom and click on Have us call you. I don't know if the MP team works on the weekends or not or if they will be the ones to call but it can't hurt to try.




Message 25 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Yes my account is properly set up and ready so that's not an issue and it is a Canadian Bank yet 11 days later still have not received my payment.. The fact remains that we no longer have any control over the money we work hard to earn and we cannot make Ebay purchases with that money either.  I used to buy ALOT of items to sell on ebay not to mention bubble wrap and other packing supplies.

I don't agree that the "system works well" at all and ive seen many many sellers who are not happy with this Managed Payments garbage. 

Message 26 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

@eagle_eyes00 wrote:

Boycott eBay Due To Managed Payments! - The eBay Community

Seeing as you like doing homework on this sort of thing, I'm assuming you've noticed that the seller who started that thread back in February is still selling on eBay and using Managed Payments for their sales.

Message 28 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

You can make purchases with that money.  The chequing account I signed off with comes with a Visa debit card that can be used online to make purchases.  So in theory I should be able to use that account in a similar way that I used PayPal with the major difference being that I can't hold 2 currencies in the same account.  I say 'in theory' because I just got the card and since there is no money in my chequing account yet, I haven't tried using it.





Message 29 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

You certainly are a real TROLL marnotom! Please get a life instead of trolling me on here! Are you that bored that you have nothing better to do....??? You obviously have more than one Ebay account so you need to hide your other account when you are stalking and harassing here on the discussion boards

Message 30 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

No not directly you can't make purchases with MP and even Ebay admits that... You are refering to using a Visa debit card which is not the same thing... I don't have a debit / credit card and even if i did i will not give any more personal info to ebay.

Message 31 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Hi everyone,


This thread is getting a bit heated. Please remember that, while it is fine to disagree with others, discussion should always remain courteous and respectful.


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Message 32 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

 I wasnt suggesting that it was the same thing, just that there are different ways to accomplish the same thing.  Anyway... good luck with whatever you decide to do. I'm out.

Message 33 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I've just gone thought this. 


My account avionsunantiques sells mostly in $US.


I just got put on managed payments.


So far it is way more expensive that the old way taking payments via Paypal.


The real slap in the face is that as you know, in some US states, ebay has to collect taxes.     Thats fine.   Money we never see.


BUT - now ebay is charging us their 12.3% on this tax money.     I just looked at one of my sales.     Ebay's total fee was about 14.5% because they are charging me 12.3% on some tax that is collected by Ebay, and paid to some US state.     Money that never comes anywhere near me.    


Ebay must be taking in billions this way.


That is a blatant scam.


Hopefully this will be grounds for a massivel class action suit down the road, and we will get this money back.


Message 34 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I just had my canadian account on that sells mostly in US$ sell three items via managed payments.    The fee was just over 17% (thats a lot).

Message 35 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Because PayPal charges fees on the entire transaction value, you were also paying PayPal fees on taxes that your US buyers were charged.  You were also paying international fees.  In fact, there's quite a lot you were paying in fees to PayPal under their system, but PayPal didn't account for them as throughly as eBay's Managed Payments system.


If you have the time and inclination, you might want to go back to a few of your sales made under PayPal and do some number-crunching.  I think many of us would be curious to see how your fees compare.

Message 36 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I too have MP but have not received any of my own money!! I have been back and forth with Simeon and Robert Bigler...I have been back and forth with my bank...NOTHING is resolved!!  I have NEVER RECEIVED ANY MICRODEPOSITS!! And I still have that Pink Banner and Verify My Account s**t!! I click on everything that needs to be clicked on...and I get to the fill in the microdeposits page...and then I cannot go any further because...I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN ANY!!! Funds have been sent out...TWICE or more...and keep getting I have $200+ of my own money floating around in ebay limbo!! Nowhere can I find WHEN the deposits were sent??...maybe they never were!!! I would really really like my money please...but for now I am letting my Listings run out...I'm not going to try and sell anything if i don't get paid for it!! I hope MP Managment is looking at all this...they have an awful LOT of mnoney that does not belong to them!! I am    nanna4850

Message 37 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Finally someone who is in a similar situation!!! I swear some of the people on here are actually Ebay employee's and obviously siding with Ebay. Ebay is a bunch of crooks period and i hope they get sued by someone who has the financial means to do so!!

Message 38 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Finally people are starting to see the truth about Ebay and how dishonest they are!

Message 39 of 77
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Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

You seem to nothing better to do than stalk people on here...

Message 40 of 77
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