Monthly Q + A

Hello devon@ebay ,


Just checking. Do us folks north of the border no longer have access to a monthly Q + A? There was limited in the way of follow up for Oct/Nov and one not opened for Dec & Jan. It's appearing it is getting very difficult to have any of our (dot ca) issues fully addressed in a timely manner.





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Re: Monthly Q + A

.CA has become a backburner site and the non-existing support for any and all issues related to doing business here simply proves that the .CA site should be discontinued as a workable entity because in its current state,.CA is not workable/not viable and has become the most useless branch of this eBay company...makes one wonder why so many of us choose other selling venues to work with for our selling needs, and why so many Canadian sellers choose to list on.COM despite the currency woes associated with that...

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Monthly Q + A has been workable/viable for me for the more than 15 years since I moved my selling activities from .com to .ca. I have not had ANY interest in going back to .com


Maybe you have had some issues, I haven't and almost all the Canadian sellers I know personally are listing on .ca



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 3 of 7
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Re: Monthly Q + A

@recped wrote: has been workable/viable for me for the more than 15 years since I moved my selling activities from .com to .ca. I have not had ANY interest in going back to .com


Maybe you have had some issues, I haven't and almost all the Canadian sellers I know personally are listing on .ca



Unfortunately a variety of issues get reported on this board regularly. How they are or aren't addressed is a major frustration for any user having these problems. Like when back in December sellers were having problems with being paid less than the noted sale price. Because it was the holidays the issue got a "there may be delays in correcting/addressing". In reviewing that post (almost 1 month later) there seemed to be little to know explanation as to what caused the problem or how it would if it was being addressed or how sellers would be compensated. It was not like those sellers were doing something wrong. It was something on the eBay side.


One more the pile:


Back in December this annoucement was posted on dot com. 


Seller Protections for shipping delays due to winter storms and power outages


During the recent spate of winter cold weather here in a good portion of Canada there was nothing to be found similar on dot ca. In checking one of my most recent shipments  it had the following exception notice:







It doesn't seem eBay is giving the same attention to these types of exceptions on the Canadian side. Like when someone does open a case and eBay wants you to post a tracking number. The tracking number in majoriity of cases was already there.  You shouldn't even need to re-add it.


So for anyone these issues are not happening to there can be a larger number of sellers they are happening to. They come here "hoping" to find soluctions. Just deal with it or we'll get back to you doesn't seem like very good solutions...Especially when it costing sellers money to their bottom line due to an eBay "technical glitch". As for many of the sellers that do list on dot ca vs com they are just tired of the night and day longstanding differences/lack of proactiveness between the 2 sites. Like the tree in the forest anology, just because an issue is not affecting you doesn't mean it isn't a valid concern that needs to be corrected in a timely manner.



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Re: Monthly Q + A

i think both of you are correct -- the site seems to work seamlessly for some my self included but others  and i have a few friends that  are on this side included ,it always a problem here and problem there which makes selling so much more unpleasant   there by un profitable  .ca must be on the back burner to fix things even when they really need to be addressed and even when they should leave things alone and let them run smoothly  they change things making worse for everyone  

Message 5 of 7
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Re: Monthly Q + A

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

Hello devon@ebay ,


Just checking. Do us folks north of the border no longer have access to a monthly Q + A? There was limited in the way of follow up for Oct/Nov and one not opened for Dec & Jan. It's appearing it is getting very difficult to have any of our (dot ca) issues fully addressed in a timely manner.





Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies! I am working hard behind the scenes to find a better solution to have questions that come through the Monthly Chat answered for myself and sellers. I do plan on hosting a chat next week as there were some key people that have been out of office. I do thank you and others for your patience as I try to revamp a few things here on the Canadian boards. 

Message 6 of 7
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Re: Monthly Q + A

HI-Devon. I would really like some help or solutions or answers as to why my items are being sold by eBay for less than my selling price. I have no offers out, no evidence of sending any and yet my items are still sometimes being sold for less than my asking price with no explanation from eBay. 

If ebay is sending offers on my behalf I absolutley can not find any settings that will turn that off .


Please advise as to when the chat will start.

I have over ten orders (not items) now that I have not been correctly paid/reimbursed for by eBay. 

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