10-04-2020 01:25 PM
Observation 1:
In the past when a customer wanted to cancel a transaction, I believe a reason was displayed. This seems to be no longer the case. Personally, this information should be relevant for a seller to choose if they wish to accept or not.(Maybe the seller made an inadvertent error in the listing). According to the choices given to a seller by eBay you have Accept or Don't Accept. I would guess in cases when the postage has already been created and the item dropped off(This is not necessarily a given.) Technically a seller could cancel when they received and the seller still would be, to coin a phrase, without paddle. In other situations the sale may have issues that could be resolved before payment.
Observation 2:
Tax(s) is/are no longer being applied to eBay Shipping Supply coupon purchases. It was charged on orders in April and July. Not to October so one to the good for Canadian eBay Sellers. In regards to variety they are back to their old levels. I guess all good things cannot last forever.
10-04-2020 01:58 PM - edited 10-04-2020 01:59 PM
I also noticed no reason for the latest cancellation. I think generally the responses were made up anyway, I got too many "I didn't buy this item", "somehow my phone purchased the item" etc.... so saying nothing doesn't change my likelihood of declining (I've never declined one anyway).
Re the taxes, for those of us who collect them, it was no problem because we "get it back", if they've built them into the price, then we lose out because we can't get them back anymore. Perhaps someone somewhere identified that if they're "free" they don't have to charge taxes, a rare positive discovery if so!
10-04-2020 02:13 PM
Had 2 requests within 24 hours. First one supposed reason was they paid by credit card by accident 5 minutes after they made the purchase. Said they would re-order and pay with another method. So far crickets. 2nd situation item was not set up for International purchase. Because of delay in receiving the eBay messages I did not have time to send a revised invoice before they sent a cancel request. At times the concept of not processing orders immediately can have its benefits especially since already created postage is a credit and not a refund.(Shippo). As to reasons being "made up" I think in many cases the buyer just chooses the selection that is close enough because the true reason just isn't offered.
Regarding the taxes on shipping supplies, the prices match what I paid previous so do not appear to be built in.