05-05-2020 12:14 PM
Could anyone clarify if Canadian sellers can still list on ebay.com in USD after we switch to MP?
Can we receive payout in USD either to US bank or Canadian bank with USD account?
Can we even list on ebay.com with MP or are we going to be limited to ebay.ca with listing in CAD?
What should sellers do who have a bunch of listings on ebay.com listed in USD?
I did call ebay support seeking answers to these questions and reply I received was rather vague, but overall it seems like we may be limited to selling on ebay.ca in CAD only after the switch is made to managed payments.
Maybe Tyler@ebay could provide more information on this topic.
06-28-2021 08:08 PM
what other platforms are there? i am so **bleep** off with Ebay @#$^@#ing me. This MP is a piece of **bleep**. It has robbed me of my prefered currency and they take 3% not to mention charge more in final value fees than what it was before.
06-28-2021 08:12 PM
I have spent this whole month waisted repeatedly giving them my US account info from RBC and it keeps getting rejected. Every Rep i spoke with tells me a different story and gives me different avenues to set things up a different way but the result it the same. I had to place my account on Vacation mode as to not get caught with a huge growing sales account that ebay would be amounting to. Not to mention the creditors i would owe if i can't be garranteed the fund in the currency i want in order to pay them.
06-28-2021 08:22 PM
I am having the same problem. **bleep**ing ebay keeps taking my RBC US checking bank account down. Says i keep giving them the wrong information. I am at my wits end. i want my money. I have been shut down for about a month trying to deal with this bull**bleep**.
06-28-2021 09:03 PM
@parts-commerce, is this bank account with RBC Royal Bank, based out of Canada, or RBC Bank, which is based out of Georgia, USA? Canadian sellers enrolled in Managed Payments can only have their payments directed to a bank on Canadian soil, so if you've got an RBC Bank checking account, it's not gonna work with Managed Payments.
06-28-2021 10:44 PM - edited 06-28-2021 10:45 PM
@parts-commerce wrote:I have spent this whole month waisted repeatedly giving them my US account info from RBC and it keeps getting rejected. Every Rep i spoke with tells me a different story and gives me different avenues to set things up a different way but the result it the same.
First bypass the managed payment team members. In my experience trying to get signed up it has been clear they are poorly trained and much information is not being relayed internally. Call in and ask for a team leader. They'll try to fob you off and tell you they'll get someone to call you back or email, but insist on waiting on the line. The team leaders are generally quite well trained and aware of most issues and can get the ball rolling internally.
My own experience has been one of utter frustration as the managed payments workflow is not setup to handle any businesses structured as general partnerships and you get shoved into managed payments activation regardless if your bank verification and other compliance checks have gone through. This is a known issue internally yet none of the regular reps know about it. The amount of wrong information I have been given is surprising and I'm really disappointed with the lack of training of reps as well as the difficult of getting answers. Shouldn't take weeks, period.
Unfortunately it is a case of pushing through on the phones till you get the right person. Hope you get sorted. As the other poster mentioned, make sure your USD account is at a branch physically in Canada and make sure the bank account name matches what managed payments has in the system. I would not suggest trying to reverify your bank account multiple times or force the microdeposit check to fail as this will trigger an internal compliance flagging of your account that causes more harm than good. Get ahold of a team leader and offer to provide documentation from your bank. You'll require a statement or something on letterhead with the name and address of the acocount owner, bank name and logo, banks address, and account number (last 4 digits). Compliance checks can be pushed through manually internally but you'll need a team leader to get that done. Regular reps are unfortunately not helpful and regularly are giving terrible advice that will just get you flagged by compliance.
06-28-2021 11:15 PM
@sylviebee wrote:Does anyone know off hand how much less expensvie it is to have a store on .ca vs. .com ?
July 2021 comparison (exchange rates make a big cost difference)
in Canadian $
in US $
06-29-2021 01:14 PM
Thank you,
I have like called 2 or 3 times each passing week where my banking information gets removed because the money they owe me is bouncing back. Everytime i call, they tell me to re-enter my banking details. I do have a RBC Georgia account but that wont work through MP because it has a routing account number and since im a canadian on canadian soil they wont let up upload a US account with a routing number. I have a US check account on the Canadian RBC side but that isnt accepting my funds. What is also pissing me off is the fact Ebay is converting my US sales to Canadian then announces the Canadian funds are being sent to my account. I keep telling them i get the feeling they are trying to send Canadian funds to a US checking account which is why i think is not working. They keep telling me no it will send as US currency. This has been a huge hardship for me having to shut my store down. I can't pay my creditors cause my money is held up with them. Why can't i have Paypal as my service depositor. It is perfectly set up to accept US and Canadian currency where i can then transfer it to the RBC Georgia account, then to my RBC Canadian US checking account.
I'm on the thoughts to put a law suit on Ebay.
1) They don't have the right to decide/force convert our business sales form of currency just becasue i dont like in the land where the currency is from,
2) charge tax on state taxes as this constitutes as double dipping,
3) a poor execution of business direction resulting in online business clients now loosing standard or expected profits from a previously functioning business model that worked,
And I could list off a few more...
I have always listed my store items on the Ebay.com platform. One lady said the reason why i am not getting my funds in US is that i am registered on the .CA and that they can transfer me to a .COM. when i attempted that it said i need to be a registered business, provide a SSIN and a ITIN (can't remember the proper abreviation) and a business number. I was like hold on this wont work... I did ask for someone in retention but when i got transfered they disconnected me 2 minutes into the conversation and they never called back. @#$%.
Is there any other online selling platforms out there that is better than ebay and that the charge fees are lower? Amazon is useless for vendors in collectables and resale items.
06-29-2021 02:29 PM
I have both. The information i am providing them is the RBC Royal Bank (based in canada). The account now has two (2) US checking accounts. At some point i was assuming it was cause the first one was linked to the RBC Bank and it was causing a conflict. I ruled that out when i saw it still not being deposited in the second account.
06-29-2021 03:16 PM
Have you triple-checked to ensure that the way your name is entered into the Managed Payments system exactly matches how your bank has it on file?
(Apologies if this question is annoying and has been dealt with already, but I'm getting the impression that a small, simple little glitch is causing this house of cards to come tumbling down.)
06-29-2021 03:37 PM
Another seller who can't get deposits to their RBC Royal Bank USD chequing (checking?) account has started their own thread:
06-29-2021 03:48 PM
Other than my store name being different, my ebay account information is the same name and address as the individuals name and information of the bank account.
06-29-2021 06:21 PM
Just a suggestion on someone who posted had an issue getting their payments to their bank. Registration issue. When they entered their birthdate they entered in the wrong order. USA date format is month day year but Canada is day month year. So anyone having issues please check your birthdate is in the correct order for the site you registered on.
06-29-2021 10:03 PM
I am in a similair situation as a Canadian sellers selling on .com and .ca. I need to enroll in MP very soon. When registering for MP its asking my for a EIN (Employer Identification Number). Can anyone advise how to do this?
06-29-2021 10:10 PM
06-30-2021 12:23 PM
Wow, I am in the exact same situation! Canadian RBC account that accepts USD (which we always had no issue having transfers from Paypal will not be accepted. We are stuck waiting for micro-deposits for almost 2 weeks now without any new options to fix it.
We have contacted eBay over 10 times through the phone, online help, messages etc. and it's the same revolving door of answers that get us nowhere.
eBay has lost many customers due to this, not just us sellers, but we have had to cancel transactions from our customers as well since we can't get paid! EMBARASSING!
The amount of time spent on this I could have created new listings for all my items somewhere else, and will definitely be persuing this ASAP.
06-30-2021 01:21 PM
@bigscoredepot wrote:I am in a similair situation as a Canadian sellers selling on .com and .ca. I need to enroll in MP very soon. When registering for MP its asking my for a EIN (Employer Identification Number). Can anyone advise how to do this?
Are you seeing this through .com sign up or .ca? If you are part of the test group that is getting routed through .com for signup and you originally signed up on .com on years ago I would request your country of registration to be changed to Canada. Do not enter any incorrect information or zero things out despite what any rep tells you. That will only get you flagged by the compliance department.
06-30-2021 01:25 PM
@dunphycollectables wrote:Wow, I am in the exact same situation! Canadian RBC account that accepts USD (which we always had no issue having transfers from Paypal will not be accepted. We are stuck waiting for micro-deposits for almost 2 weeks now without any new options to fix it.
I assume your branch location for that account is located in Canada like the other poster? Also is your account a business or personal account? If a business account the bank account must be in the legal business name on file with CRA for your busines snumber or the deposits will fail as managed payments forces the account owner name to match the legal business name. If personal sellling account ensure your name and bank account owner names match exactly.
LIke I suggested to the other poster, request a call from managed payments by going to seller help and selecting a managed payments related topic. When they call tell them you would like to be transferred to a team leader and tell them you will wait till one is available. Too many of the regular reps are giving out poor advice and seem poorly trained. Very few of them seem aware of Canadian specific issues.
07-08-2021 03:07 PM
I am having the same problem with RBC US$ checking account being rejected. Were you ever able to resolve the problem?
08-10-2021 10:36 AM
Canadian that sell on ebay.com in usd funds if you are not a registered corperation just open a cross border bank account for USD funds and you can used this account for Ebay.com. It that simple just contact your Canadian bank that has the cross border account available.
08-10-2021 10:05 PM
@preownedbarcode wrote:Canadian that sell on ebay.com in usd funds if you are not a registered corperation just open a cross border bank account for USD funds and you can used this account for Ebay.com. It that simple just contact your Canadian bank that has the cross border account available.
My understanding is that "cross border accounts" are based in the United States and will not work under the new Managed Payments system for Canadian sellers wanting US dollar deposits. Canadians need a US dollar account with a financial institution on Canadian soil for that.