Shipping with new Seller Update

Good Day,


Does anyone know when the new shipping label platform will be available for use? I have tried a few times to use it and I either get an error or I get redirected to Shippo.


Thanks for any help you are able to provide.

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Re: Shipping with new Seller Update

tyler@ebay   has a group discussion on current problems coming up tomorrow.

You can post today, which I guess gives him some time to research answers.



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Re: Shipping with new Seller Update

Hi @flyhooks4less - I don't have a specific date to share other than what the Update provides ("Spring"). I'm eager to see it roll out because I think it will be really beneficial to a bunch of folks!

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Re: Shipping with new Seller Update

tyler@ebay   I’m curious how it will benefit us.  I’ve haven’t compared the rates but based on what you e said, they seem similar to the discount for level 1 CP small business customers.  Or am I wrong and it will be a better discount?  Are the small business tiers taken into account at all?  

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Re: Shipping with new Seller Update

Hi @pjcdn2005 - I don't have a lot of extra info, but I think it will be at or about the same level as tier 1 rates. Not sure if there are plans to expand that in the future though! 

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