The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

First Ebay tells me sign up for managed payments by April 30... OR ELSE. I don't sign up.
Next Ebay tells me sign up for managed payments by May 31...OR ELSE. I don't sign up.
Today Ebay sent first a message to sign up for managed payments by June 15...OR ELSE.. I'm still not going to sign up. An hour later I get sent this message...

Since you missed your deadline to update your account details, your ability to create, relist, and revise listings have been disabled. In addition, if you do not register by June 15th, all your live listings on eBay will be removed as well. Update your account details today, including adding your bank account information, so you can list again.
To re-enable your listing capabilities and preserve all your live listings, update your account details ."

 I think the problem they ran into is that they have a lot of sellers with tens of thousands of dollars in listings, who refusedto sign up by the first deadline, and they were trying to get as much in fees (store subscriptions, final value fees, items past free listing limits, etc) as they could from those sellers before they quit using ebay altogether. They've clearly already seen many premium store accounts pull down all their listings and cancel their subscriptions and they were scrambling to delay the losses. 

I'm just going to quit selling on ebay. I don't trust them with my bank account info. I don't trust they won't lose the information in a data breach or won't just share it with other government agencies who have no business having it. Plastic toy figures / gaming miniatures I've only ever listed here, and at times its been good sales and other times years would pass between sales (because of course how badly they've messed with algorithms over the past decade to make sure fewer sellers qualified for top seller discounts and best listing visibility). But bicycle parts...that's my main selling category... and I've got lots of alternative ways to sell that which don't cost me any ebay fees at all.  80% of the time, an item I've listed on other bicycle specific web sites and facebook classifieds groups at the same time I've listed them on ebay.... will sell thru those other sites and I simply click "End Listing" here. 
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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

Oh and another thing... after I got that "disabled" email... I was still able to relist items on both (in USD) and (in CAD).

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

Yes, I too have received several messages from eBay with deadlines...which I will continue to ignore BUT I am no longer listing anything on eBay.

Although you may still be able to list, if any items sell, will you indeed still have those funds sent to PayPal OR will those funds be held in limbo, until you actually provide a bank account for eBay to submit those said funds?

I wasn't willing to take the chance that any funds from sales would be held in limbo until I provided a bank account for eBay to send those funds to, so I never listed anything after my intital end of April deadline.

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

If the funds were in "limbo" I simply wouldn't ship the product. Since I'll be quitting selling **bleep** do I care about defects for cancelled sales.

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

I didn't give a **bleep** about any defects for cancelled sales either, but why put buyers into that situation?   Accepting or declining MP, is the seller's choice > buyers should not be faced with the process of a cancelled sale because the seller hasn't provided the necessities to complete the transaction.

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

Ebay ultimately doesn't care at all about sellers beyond their being a source of fees. If it did care about sellers... they wouldn't have removed our ability to leave negative feedback for bad buyers.  They wouldn't have reduced/eliminated the top seller discount for fees. They wouldn't be forcing sellers to switch payment systems they're using to collect their funds.

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

Consider opening another separate bank account. Problem with privacy concern solved. The other issues with MP remain and are valid.

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages


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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

I'm with you. I'm still ignoring the threat and after 19 years of contending with Ebay's constant need to change things to micro manage their profits at the expense of sellers, I'm considering quitting. Switching to MP will create a complete need to relearn everything as PayPal shipping will be gone as the connection will be terminated for sales. I hate to say it, but I think I'm done rolling over for them.
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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

Well good luck to all of you finding an alternate venue. If you have one, please chip in. Others would appreciate surely if you share ideas.

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

I have also been receiving these messages and it seems to me that any request for a social insurance number should be immediately considered a red flag.


I am mostly a buyer on e-Bay, and I will take my chances by not signing up.


Let's call the bluff!


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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

We have been specifically told that the demand for our SIN is an error in the form, that it is, in accordance with Canadian law, only a request.  (@tyler@ebay)

Just leave it blank.



"Do you know what your sin is...?"

Message 12 of 18
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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

On the form I filled out, I had the option of checking a box saying I did not want to provide it.

Message 13 of 18
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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

Ebay asking for SIN number every way they can. Today I called ebay support desk from an unindentified number (Google Home number, which is label "unknown") and Ebay automated phone attendand calling tree didn't want to let me through unless I provide a SIN number. The request for SIN number is very real and Ebay really wants to have it.


There was time when firewall was unnecessary because the connection was a dialup modem. Today it's unthinkable. Since we are giving up a great deal of personal information, it may be worth to consider a reputable identity insurance to deal with the potential fall out from identity theft and breaches.  It's not a question of if but when. In the case of serious breach, a good insurance may at least provide coverage from some of the legal expenses.


Canadian government needs to do more effort with regard to privacy and adopt at least similar regulationsd as they have now GDPR in the EU. Should be same here.


The trouble is of course if you are Canadian resident registered on Ebay.COM. Do Canadian rules apply or the US rules toward the Aliens?


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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

@itolduandso wrote:

Ebay asking for SIN number every way they can. Today I called ebay support desk from an unindentified number (Google Home number, which is label "unknown") and Ebay automated phone attendand calling tree didn't want to let me through unless I provide a SIN number. The request for SIN number is very real and Ebay really wants to have it.

Are you sure you weren't asked for a US Social Security Number?  


I'm wondering what you mean by "support desk".  eBay Canada hasn't had its own customer service centre since it was shut down in 2009, so I'm thinking you were funneled to something operated out of the United States, where a Social Security Number is a requirement for selling on eBay.  If you're registered on .com rather than on .ca, that could have triggered something, too.

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

I got all the same messages as you but since I wasn't planning on revising any of my listings or relisting any new items either, I didn't even try to revise anything. Out of curiosty, today I did try to revise one listing and change the shipping cost but wasn't able to. So it appears it is happening now which is fine by me. I have other plans for the next 6 months anyway. Since I was planning on retiring from selling on eBay by the end of this year it is not a huge loss for me. In fact I think it is a blessing in disguise for me. I having been toying with the idea of leaving eBay for the past few years due to all the reasons that many sellers have for not liking it here anymore.  Just couldn't bite the bullet and do it myself most likely because I keep thinking about how much I used to enjoy selling here.  From the sound of these boards a lot of sellers think the same way. Now eBay is making the decision for me/us.  After all the stress of the pandemic this is last thing we need right now.  It will be pure bliss to have the summer off.  So thank you eBay for kicking me off selling on your site when I wasn't gutsy enough to do it myself!

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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

I know for a fact I am done rolling over for them. Have already done it way too many times in the past!

Message 17 of 18
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The "Update your seller account details for Managed Payments OR ELSE" messages

I lost the ability to list new / revise existing listings sometime on the weekend (I noticed it the 13th) but amusingly my existing listings are continuiing to auto-renew themselves. For ones where the quantity is correct I'll let that happen but for ones where I've sold on other sites already, its end listing myself as I cannot update the quantity remaining without the ability to revise anymore.  I've been enjoying better sales on other venues for bicycle parts lately anyway, and no 9% FVF going to ebay.

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