WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

I have a couple of CD's that this person wants and he/she has offered me 1/3 of what I am asking.  I politely responded thanking them for the offers but I wasn't accepting offers at this time.  They emailed me again raising their offer by $5.  I am not interested in accepting them.  I answered their initial email, do I have to continue to respond?  WWYD?

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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

Community Member

No you do not,   If they keep being a pain, you may wish to add them to blocker bidders/buyers.  

Message 2 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

If you are willing to accept Best Offers go to -> Revise

Go to->Selling Details

Go to-> Best Offer

Go to->Automatically Decline Offers of Less Than...


You can also add -> Automatically Accept Offers of More Than,....


You will never see the Offers that are too low.

If you don't want to accept any offers, you can make the Accept a penny less than the Asking price.


And of course, Block the annoying member. He will not improve even with a decent offer, although depending on the value of the CDs a $5 rise may not be ridiculous.


Message 3 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

I don't have offers set up on my items. 

Message 4 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

You've already said that you are not accepting offers, there is need to respond again.

Message 5 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

That's fine.

But in this case what you are setting up is an automatic decline of every offer this guy makes, without you ever seeing the offers.

The point is to lessen the irritation.


Think Outsidethe Box.jpg


Message 6 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

The only time I respond to these offers through the messages system is if it has been a customer who has bought from me before.  The vast majority of  these offers through messaging are extremely low ball offers which I do not respond to as my listings are not set up for best offers therefore the answer should be implied.  That being said some customers might no make the connection and will continue to message.  There is also a subject heading in the message system that says "make an offer" which is a way of making an offer even though the actual listing does not have the best offer option.


Since you have already responded once and they continue to message then I would add them to your blocked buyer list.   At the end of the day this is probably not someone you want to deal with anyways.



Message 7 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

As others have said you've already told them you aren't accepting offers, you didn't give them a counter offer so that infers thats the end of the conversation. 


Just delete the rest of their messages, if they send too many block them, it likely means they'd also be a pain if they ever purchased at or near your price anyway. Sometimes folks good enough to let us know in advance they would be a problem!!!



Message 8 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

Block the member

Trash the messages, no point in reading them...


If you do not accept offers, then that is the end of the "story".


But, If you do decide to accept Best Offers you can set up your price to accept anything over an amount you are happy with, and set the amount at which you have no interest.


Any offers made below your set amount, you do not even see or get notified about...


...as for the "lowball" bidder, they get an automatically generated and politely worded "No Thanks" from eBay.



Message 9 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

Block and move on. 


If someone sends me that message, the FIRST time I usually reply with a stock message to the gist of "Thank you for your interest in my item. I only accept offers through the 'Best Offer' feature in the listing. If the 'Best Offer' feature is not enabled, then I am not currently accepting offers on the item at this time."


A sensible person will see that. They will either buy, or not buy. Or they might say no problem, can you let me know if you accept offers in the future. I have had cases where people who messaged me to see if I take an offer and were told no, end up buying the item, and everything goes fine and smoothly. They just wanted to see if I'd budge on the price. I've also had cases like yours where people keep messaging you after you reject their offer.


If they keep pestering you with offers after that, just block them and ignore the messages. 


It is also important to be as clear as possible that you only accept offers through the listing. I am not exactly sure how eBay's bots work, but the last thing you would want is eBay to wrongly think you are trying to make a deal for the item outside of eBay.

Message 10 of 11
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Re: WWYD, a person keeps emailing me offers?

I see you have already received tons of great advice here but I thought I'd share what I had to do with a crazy buyer several years ago. Many of my listings are auctions (I didn't  have Best Offer option) and I had a buyer who every time an auction would end they would message me with a ridiculously low offer to buy it (like those garage sale vultures who come at the end with their quarters). At first I would just politely say no that was too low. After several times of getting tired of her, even after trying to explain to her that shipping to Belgium for the item would be about $38 (and she was offering $6) I blocked her but she could still message me since we had a message thread going. She then kept asking (over and over) why she was blocked and I just kept ignoring her. Then she made a new user name and started doing it again. Once more I blocked the second user name, and by the time she set up the third user name I could no longer take all the eBay notifications ringing off and blocked the entire country of Belgium (where she resided). To this day Belgium is still blocked...I fear this crazy is waiting to attack again!

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