07-11-2022 09:21 AM - edited 07-11-2022 09:22 AM
when i fill in the Customs form on CP's site and click submit it just takes me back to the blank form. No matter what trick i try the same thing happens, always back to a blank form. One time i got a 'Zero time blah blah blah' error message.
Anyone else having this problem?
07-11-2022 09:40 AM - edited 07-11-2022 09:49 AM
07-11-2022 10:05 AM
Yes, it has been down since last night. Also cannot get a shipping rate quote. I was at the post office this morning and while their systems are up, it was a bit twitchy and not all rates were showing for them. They did get the regular post lower cost rates.
07-11-2022 10:16 AM
07-11-2022 10:22 AM
Around 9 to 10 or so last night it came and went and I got a couple of rate quotes in but then it seized right up. Looks like it did a bit of that this morning to.
The Rogers outage way overshadowed the messy CP system update last week but it looks like things are still being affected.
07-11-2022 10:23 AM
yeah i had it working this morning too.. Unfortunatlely the CP data base was wrong, so i tried to enter the correct address before generating an actual QR code. That's when i just got the blank form over and over problem.
CP's tech dept. is not good.
07-11-2022 10:43 AM
i just got it to work perfectly, but when i tried to do another one the problem returned. So it's intermitent it seems. If you have the patience keep trying. Wait severlal ninutes between each try or clear cookies before each try.
07-11-2022 10:59 AM
Please be aware that CANADAPOST is experiencing issues at the moment. We apologise for any inconvenience and if affected, ask that you try again later. Veuillez prendre note que CANADAPOST rencontre actuellement des problèmes avec ses systèmes. Nous vous prions de nous excuser de ce désagrément et nous vous invitions à réessayer plus tard.